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Thursday, October 10, 2024

"Analog Originals": Neil Young Official Release Series - Box #6

Analog Originals
Neil Young Official Release Series
(Click photo to enlarge)


Neil Young has announced Box #6 in the "Official Release Series" (ORS) with Discs #26, 27, 28 & 29.
Recording engineer John Hanlon has published an article on NYA  on a new concept called "Analog Originals" for re-releasing albums. The re-releases will be reproduced from analog master tapes, even if the original album was produced digitally. 
With the new "Analog Originals" approach, all albums going forward that were recorded analog before digital processing are to be re-released completely in analog format, i.e., from the analog recording to the analog mix to the analog vinyl master. Essentially, to preserve the original analog sound quality. 
The "Official Release Series (ORS) Boxset #6", due to be released in 2025, will be labeled "Remastered from Analog Originals". The set contains the newly released albums #26-27: "Harvest Moon" (1992), "Unplugged" (1993), "Sleeps With Angles" (1994) and "Mirrorball" (1995). All four albums were produced digitally at the time.

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At 10/10/2024 12:18:00 PM, Blogger Ren said...

Enlarging the image reveals that only Mirror Ball is undergoing this process. I expect the other three were recorded digitally. It would be shocking in particular if Unplugged was recorded in analogue.

At 10/10/2024 08:10:00 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

Unplugged reiisued on vinyl!!!!!!

At 10/10/2024 08:17:00 PM, Blogger Thomas said...

I’ve been waiting for you for such a long time now
Such a long time now

At 10/10/2024 08:48:00 PM, Blogger Darren Hall said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

At 10/10/2024 09:25:00 PM, Blogger Dan Swan said...

This set is essential for both Unplugged, and Mirror Ball. Unplugged has never seen a vinyl release that I’m aware of, and Mirror Ball has been out of print on vinyl for years now. Being a NY completest, I will be purchasing this, both on vinyl and CD. The only disc included here that I don’t already own on vinyl is Unplugged, but again; I’m a completest.

Neil Young has cost me a ton of money, but the joy I feel when playing his music has been a huge blessing in my life. Ever since Buffalo Springfield released their first album. I don’t drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, or take drugs of any kind. I don’t eat out at restaurants, or travel, so music is where any disposable income goes. Music is my drug of choice, and it doesn’t have any negative physical side effects. But the spiritual and emotional benefits of infinite.

Peace to all 🙏

At 10/12/2024 12:32:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I hope they offer the Unplugged vinyl on it's own.

At 10/12/2024 04:25:00 AM, Blogger Eddy said...

Unplugged excists on vinyl, printed in Germany 1993. I have a copy and I saw that one copy is for sale on eBay. Very expensive though.


At 10/12/2024 06:27:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

Eddy was faster. Infact I own one of these Vinyl "Unplugged" discs. And I saw them being offered now, mainly by UK traders on Ebay, at the ridiculous price of up to 500 €. As I said before I am prepared to build monuments, towers and pyramids marking my obsession, but my folly has a limit. "Mirrorball" pretty much marks the start of my "digital gap", which ended with "Alchemy". I did not buy "Mirrorball" in the first place because these records in Germany initially were sold without the sticker, just the plain cover with no name on it. Also the record stores sometimes stored them in the PJ compartment. By the time I learnt about it, the vinyl was gone and went straight to prices beyond my tolerance. But of course I am occasionally checking various sources to narrow the gap...

At 10/13/2024 01:30:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

Is the building of monuments to your obsession (Dionys) a folly? I have been thinking about this for a few weeks. For the last ten years I have been saving as much money as possible. I am fortunate to be able to do this. In order to do this, I have pulled the plug on various activities and purchases. I find myself relying on YouTube, etc.., in order to listen to music. I get that this is a serious problem for those of you who savor the music. I love what Dan said about the spiritual and emotional benefits of music. What I am saying is not in any way an attempt to argue an opposing point of view. Plato says, in more than one place, that "money is useful" and should never be wasted (whatever that means precisely). I am thinking about what I can finally leave our children and money is what I have chosen (besides whatever else I can give of myself). They will get some Neil books, some great articles I have saved, and some crappy old CD's.

At 10/13/2024 01:32:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

I recently had a discussion with a guy who spends all his "disposable" income on golf. This guy has a lot of income!

At 10/13/2024 01:41:00 PM, Blogger herbsworld said...

Ugh. I dunno? Already own 2 vinyls of Harvest Moon (RSD & Clear), All on cd, as well as digital. Unplugged VHS made a nice analog / digital homegrown transfer. Innarested in Mirror Ball & Sleeps w/Angels, if standalone releases s/b avail able AND source is, in fact, ANALOGUE. Not a completist. Especially when feeling completely ripped off, as of late.

At 10/13/2024 01:55:00 PM, Blogger herbsworld said...

A lyric and a song title come to mind: “I won’t retire, but I might re-tread” , “Over & Over”…

At 10/14/2024 01:21:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

From my grandfathers (born 1899 and 1900) there are a few photos and documents that we inherited, and an old defunct alarm clock. That's it. From my parents (both still alive at 86 resp. 82) I will inherit a whole universe of books, antique shards, minerals. and some art, also the family photo chronicle. The records that my father bought in the 50's when serving as a German Navy soldier in the US I already have. My dad is trying hard to diminish the load, reducing it to a minimum so that my brothers and I will not have to deal with all the other stuff. Without his library (anthropology, philosophy and his generation's literature) my own bookshelves already house maybe 5000 volumes, maybe more. With my reading speed I expect to add another 1000 books during my lifetime at least. Add to this a Neil Young collection of about a 1000 positions. Numbers add up to nothing.
So where will all this go? My son knows about all this and is prepared to shoulder some of the burden because we share some interests (him having seen Neil Young and a lot of others of his generation in concert he knows about the scarcity of some of these items, also their present market value). But I will have to make specific recommendations where to make a pitch for a lot of these things if he ever wants to get rid of them. Our chances to determine what the real family jewels will be one day are pretty limited, I guess. That's the overall folly behind my monumental thoughts.
To deed money as a means for your offspring to to live up to their dreams and aspirations probably is not the worst choice. But being caught in dynastical thinking I think that money alone makes it a tad too easy for them. I want my son and maybe grandchildren to work for their life, not just to wait till everything falls to their hands thanks to the (hard working) generations before them. Wealth and possession are nice but they have some obligations coming with them, that's what I want them to understand. A guy that is using up his disposable income on golf is pain in the rear end, reck- and mindless.

At 10/14/2024 01:24:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

My son visited Louise's Birchbark Bookstore in Minneapolis with me. Will he really keep all the first editions signed by her, also her latest novel which arrived in the mail today?

At 10/14/2024 08:48:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

"Money alone makes it a tad too easy for them"? Seriously? Our sons are grown men with careers in social service and they know the obligations they have to others. I will do all I can to make everything else "easy for them" in a corrupt society.

At 10/15/2024 02:37:00 AM, Blogger Dionys said...

It's a matter of historical and geographical perspective: The experience in 1945 "to have lost everything (or maybe as in my case to never have had anything)" in Germany is just two generations away and still very present in the collective mind. Since then the Germans established a reliable welfare state (mandatory health insurance, social support beyond the bare minimum, free university education etc.) which ensures an economic perspective which is pretty safe for those who can make the system work for them. Both historical experience and the welfare society are very different fromn the American way of life. Sometimes I am just stunned at how easily my son spends substantial amounts of his self-earned money on certain things or projects. Something what would have taken me months of deliberation to dare or not to dare is done with a blink of the eye.
Being the parents of a single kid my wife and I are careful not to heap the riches (as we see them) all at once and unconditionally onto our son.

At 10/15/2024 11:54:00 AM, Blogger The Metamorphic Rocker said...

I inherited many books from my father (mainly literature, poetry, philosophy), most of which I doubt would be particularly valuable on the open market. I’m not speaking of first editions or especially obscure titles. In the end, the most important “things” he imparted were an ethos, values, emotional connection: mind and spirit.

It sounds idealistic, but I think these are the essential legacies passed on to children—directly and indirectly. And those seeds are usually planted very early.

At 10/15/2024 12:37:00 PM, Blogger Abner Snopes said...

Dionys, you already know this but in the states there is no reliable welfare state! Hence my defensive response to your comments. I have always feared poverty. Your son was in Louise Erdrich's bookstore! I missed this. We are a short distance from Minneapolis (by midwest standards).

At 10/15/2024 01:45:00 PM, Blogger Dionys said...

#Abner: First visit the bookstore and then read "The Sentence". With regards to the welfare state issue: Of course I knew that. #Metarocker. I agree with your position. But I believe that reading books, listening to music, looking at art which transmit ethos, values, and emotional connection, mind and spirit are the essential legacies passed on indirectly. Me being a teacher at various levels and stages of high school and college education for me makes it almost a conditio sine qua non to believe and hope that young people somehow can accept these seeds. With my son it's a little different, he has been exposed to so many of these seeds by his parents and also grandparents that it will take him a lifetime to sort this all out. But then: Isn't that something we all do?


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