There's A Bailout Comin' and It's For You! Maybe? Or Cough Up the Buck$, Yet Again

Way back in 2009, we ranted along with Neil Young about "There's A Bailout Comin' and It's Not For You.
Here's how we characterized the situation back in 2009:
Rip in the Matrix: The Global Ponzi Scheme Known as Monopolistic Corporate Welfare Trickle Up Capitalism is Finally ExposedSo here we are in the deja vu loop again with history repeating over and over in rhymes.
"Cough Up The Buck$" was the Song of the Day last February 2019 on Neil Young Archives.
From the 2009 "Fork In The Road" album, the song excoriates the Wall St. bailout by taxpayers. The fourth hand-made video for the album, Neil had been quietly making these videos completely on his own, with nothing more than a simple camera and an idea. Filmed in Wichita, Kansas, Neil was also hard at work on the The LincVolt Project.
In his comment on the Song of the Day, Neil Young writes of the financial meltdown and bailout: "There is a piece of history if I ever saw one."
In the "Cough Up the Buck$" official music video, Neil Young performs as a Wall Street executive in the back of a limousine, wheeling and dealing while talking on a cell phone.
"Where did all the money go ?
Where did all the cash flow ?
Where did all the money go?"

Cough Up The Buck$ Crew
HarryO, Volume Drinkers: Brand New Guy, Paul D.
Madison Square Garden, NYC, NY - 12/15/2008
Hearing Neil debut a song like "Cough Up The Buck$" about corporate welfare and reckless greed at Madison Square Garden in New York City -- blocks from Wall St. -- was like going into the lion's den with red meat. Another priceless memory. Particularly, attending with the "Cough Up The Buck$ Crew"! (see photo above)

Protesters on Wall St. September 2008
For the Turnstiles
Hear the sirens on the shore,
Singin' songs for pimps with tailors
Who charge ten dollars at the door."
Will 2020 be different from 2009? We firmly believe this time we might get it right. Not so much us getting a bailout, but the fat cats not getting a bailout. And here's a truth nugget for those with with eyes to see and ears to hear who disCERN. The CV-19 pandemic is not entirely about germ warfare. It's about bankruptcy and the coming financial reset/re-boot. So make sure you backup.
Will there be a jubilee? Don't ask us. We're just a music blogger.
More on The Secret is Now Out: We've Got A Job To Do. And here's what Neil Young fans thought of the 2008/9 bankster bailout.

Neil Young @ 2008 Berlin Film Festival
And -- if you dare -- more on The Greendale Prophecies.

Shut it Down
Climate Rally - 2019
(See NOW PLAYING: "Shut it Down" Video by Neil Young & Crazy Horse | NYA)
So if you're separating the Wheat from the Chaff (REAL from the Fake), then just Keep Calm, No Fear, Shut It Down, and Keep on Rockin'! seriously
Labels: #WT1sWBWF, neil young, song
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