CNN: "Neil Young uses politics to confirm marriage to Daryl Hannah"

CNN: "Neil Young uses politics to confirm marriage to Daryl Hannah"
(Or, "How CNN Uses Neil Young and Daryl Hannah's Marriage As A Political Tool To Bury The REAL Message")
The sound you hear in the distance is the sound of Neil and Daryl's heads exploding over the CNN headline above: "Neil Young uses politics to confirm marriage to Daryl Hannah".
While we can't say for absolute certainty, we do think that Neil Young and Daryl Hannah would take issue with the headline. The wedding "news" actually happened several months ago in August. Hello?!
The real story is the new Official Live Concert Video of Neil Young's "Ohio" which was released earlier this week.
And some mainstream publications can't quite get right basic facts. Neil Diamond?! Hello?!
And it wasn't just CNN running "old" news of Neil Young and Daryl Hannah's marriage above the new concert video and it's messaging around gun control and voting.
Here's NBC claiming Neil Young's marriage confirmation is a "push to get Americans to vote".
And many other Mainstream Media publications are emphasizing the "old wedding news" over the actual current news on Neil Young's Archives (NYA) website Times-Contrarian , supporting “common sense gun control laws.”
Talk about "burying the lede".

"Tin Soldiers" & "Nixon is coming"
The song 'Ohio' -- a response to the Kent State University tragedy -- is "the most evocative pop-culture response to a defining moment in American history".

Students and National Guard Clash at Kent State, Ohio - May 4, 1970

The Four Dead in Ohio
Allison Krause - Age: 19, 110 YardsWilliam Schroeder - Age: 19, 130 Yards
Jeffrey Miller - Age: 20, 90 Yards
Sandra Scheuer - Age: 20, 130 Yards
Kent State, Ohio 47 Years Later: The Tin Soldiers March On & On...

Historical Marker for
Kent State, Ohio Massacre - May 4, 1970
More on the The Lameness of the Mainstream Media.
Labels: daryl hannah, neil young, ohio, video
Not FNN doing fake news on Neil. Gosh Almighty. What has 🇺🇸 come to. I wonder why the press is at a 17% approval rating.
Does the Democrat Party run the media, or does the media run the Democrat Party? Either way, they're both a complete mess. By all means, though, keep voting for the status quo. Maybe someday, they'll even mention the right famous Neil, who knows?
Still long for the days of Pegi and Neil doing the Bridge School Benefit, making really good music.
Neil in a soap opera? Opera Star - who would've thought.
Advocating for gun control is great. No idea though what Ohio has to do with the current obscenities in our current government. Something to-the-actual-point would be very welcome.
It's Funny/Sad to me how far CNN has fallen.....
Almost a complete 360 with Fox News.
TMZ is MORE credible than CNN!
Darth Vader would be proud. Not so sure 'bout James Earl Jones?
@ 16HeartofGold - right, and still dropping, it appears. Independent media... now more than ever.
@ Richard - well, vote, yes, of course. But definitely not for the status quo. There's always write in if you don't like the choices. Some argue that's throwing away your vote. Recall, the lesser of 2 evils is still evil.
@ Andy - we're just certain you would've thought.
@ Art - fair point. we can understand the disconnect.
How about this for a thought experiment? Just suppose that what happened @ Kent State, Ohio on May 4, 1970 wasn't really dis-similar than what happened say in Las Vegas at the Route 91 Harvest Festival in 2017?
Maybe instead of The President ordering The Governor to order The National Guard to make some examples of those pesky protesting students, things are a bit more subtle these days?
more to the pictureS than meets the eyeS...
@ ForeverYounger - so let us ask you... where do you gather your info? besides TW? ;) Is there a name you trust?
Off topic: Neil as an Hell's Angel in the old Movie '68'
CNN has not fallen and is a credible news outlet. Trump has just stuffed with your minds. Can't believe Trumpism has infiltrated TW. Cool video but would rather see newer material introduced to NYA. Looking forward to Songs For judy. The Oceanside Countryside article is interesting....
Fox news had an almost identical headline. It's called "clickbait." Happens in all media all the time. Neil is aware of this, which is likely why he dropped in the acknowledgment of DH. Otherwise news outlets aren't covering his message AT ALL.
Please don't fall into the trap the orange doofus has laid.
How anyone can place any faith in any mainstream news outlet, is beyond me. If you see it on TV, regardless of the presence of some semblance of truth or fact, it is designed to keep you in the dark. The role of media is disinformation, in order to condition people to believe certain things in a certain way. My Dad used to say, believe only half of what you see, and nothing of what you read or hear in the "news." He knew first hand how outrageously reckless the media is.
The media is a part of the problem. Being a part of the solution means turning it off when it comes on. It’s a spectacle created to keep your attention away from what's really happening. What's really happening? I guess I should not have brought it up, I don't have the energy or time to get into it, other than to say that if you value your sanity, if your priority is to grow your consciousness, then you will never turn the channel to "news" again, or read it in any mainstream newspaper, or corporate radio, including Public Radio. Mainstream media is dying. Good riddance, and let the devil take the hindmost.
Dissent and alternative views are thwarted through the threat of ad dollars and the ousting of anyone attempting to tell the truth. As an example, just think about it. Not one mainstream media outlet has ever, ever, cast even a shred of doubt on the 911 lie. A building falls in a controlled demolition, never having been hit by a plane, and there is complete, deafening silence by the talking heads. Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of the facts can only shake their head in disbelief and disgust.
There are bits and pieces of truth to be found everywhere, but for the most part you have to do the hard work of piecing it together yourself. Study, read, watch videos on YouTube, talk with your friends, but for God's sake, don't be "fooled again” by a corporate media owned and controlled by a handful of power brokers. Will you be led down more than a few primrose paths and rabbit holes, and find yourself forced to admit you were wrong about a lot of things? Yes, but that’s the risk you take, the price that has to be paid when you finally realize that you really are “on your own.” A dolorous path, to be sure, but one that will pay multiple dividends along the way.
(See next post)
My solution? Spirituality. We are spiritual beings, created in the image and likeness of God- however you define It. God is not a being, God is Being. The answer is to Be, and this Beingness is found inside of you. In the east, even enemies greet each other with the term “Namaste”, or “Namascar.” It means, “I bow to the Divine in you”, but is often understood as “The Christ in me, acknowledges and honors the Christ in you.”
For all my non-Christian friends, what I say below is being said, and has been said in various ways and forms, many of which precede Judeo/Christianity by thousands of years. It’s called “Death and Resurrection”, the dying to your lower self, in order to rise to you higher self. I wrote to a friend yesterday, in defense of a ballot proposal to make marijuana legal. I was defending the concepts of freedom and liberty, notwithstanding many real negative societal ramifications of legalization, notions that most people think come by government decree, but which are really by-products of God’s Natural Law. We are free by our very nature, and this is the last thing the powers-that-shouldn’t-be want you to know, and why they seek so hard to keep you so close to the tree of politics, such that you cannot see the forest of your freedom. The upshot, is that free people think freely, and are a threat to those who want to stay in power, by whatever outrages they can muster up. Anyhow, it may be a little sideways, but not really…
“At its root, people must look within to their Divine nature, and not to outside sources, be it ego or man made institutions. Notwithstanding issues surrounding Salvation, this is what Jesus came to teach Humanity. He taught a two step process: 1) Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and 2) the Kingdom of God dwells within. Apart from window dressing, this is not what mainstream Christianity teaches.
I think if Jesus were to come back in physical form, He would have nothing more basic than this to add, except to say it’s up to you, I’m not going to do it for you. Mind you, the world has been overcome, and sin conquered, and yes, I know all the theology that will be trotted out to say Jesus is going to do it for us, but it’s an ongoing thing, and we are designed to participate in it- another thing mainstream Christianity does not emphasize. “No longer I, but Christ lives in me.” This is the next step the whole world needs to take, not only those who call themselves Christians. This is the way out, not Nannie government, albeit in the meantime we do need to take steps through government- I’m just saying not as many steps as so many people, even those who fancy themselves “conservative”, seem to want to take. I think for the meantime we should all learn to be Jeffersonian Liberals, until such time as Divine Grace returns us to a full sense of who and what we really are.
Many will say that humanity is not meant for this, and yet this was the natural state of “Adam and Eve”, and both the Old and New Testaments make it very plain that mankind is destined to be greater than the angels, and exercise complete dominion. All the villagers out there need to lay down their torches and pitchforks, and pick up a good dictionary and learn terms like “Divinization”, “Theosis”, “Kenosis”, and various other related terms and principles. This is Man’s destiny, and all this political talk just shouting.”
A Friend Of Yours
@ A Friend Of Yours - really do appreciate your sharing this. It's been awhile and good to see you drop by again with your comment.
Your comments have always meant a lot to us and wee know you put a lot of thought and care into what you write from the heart.
Again, many thanks and drop back around these parts again sometime soon, hopefully.
peace & love
ps - absolutely, let the devil take the hindmost.
Thanks, Thrash. I actually tried to delete the second part of my post, it probably is a little too sideways for a forum like this, and the subject at hand. But in my heart, it isn't. I really do believe that humanity must and will someday take the next step, and that ultimately that step will lead to more real change than our political system could ever hope to effect, or, if it survives, would only be the result of the real change taking place.
Thanks for your kind words. I still check Thrashers Wheat out every day, just haven't had a lot to add, and trying to stay away from snakiness in all forms- especially my own. God Bless
Thanks again AFOY.
Glad you kept the words. They mean something to you & me.
Come back around again sometime. Sure would like to hear what you have to say on this subject...
In particular, we're curious as to why no one has mentioned anything about the video "Northern Man" in the posting. We really thought that would have provoked a few thoughts.
ahhh, the world on string, doesn't mean a thing,
It's only real in the way that I feel from day to day.
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