Neil Young and Daryl Hannah Attend Monsanto Roundup Trial
Yesterday, on August 3, Neil Young and Daryl Hannah attended the Monsanto Roundup Trial San Francisco.
Dewayne Johnson v. Monsanto Company is the first Roundup cancer lawsuit to proceed to trial. Plaintiff Dewayne “Lee” Johnson, a 46-year-old former school groundskeeper, alleges exposure to Monsanto’s Roundup weed killer and its active ingredient, glyphosate, caused him to develop non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).
Johnson is one of thousands of plaintiffs to file suit against Monsanto in state court over the alleged link between Roundup and NHL. More than 450 other lawsuits filed in federal court are currently pending in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California. Since the start of the Johnson trial, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., co-counsel to Baum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman, has provided running commentary of the events in court each day.
From Neil Young and Daryl Hannah at Monsanto Roundup Trial by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.:
Full trial coverage at Neil Young and Daryl Hannah at Monsanto Roundup Trial by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.Fifty years ago, in their popular hit “Chicago,” Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young asked Americans to take notice of a federal courtroom in the Windy City, where a black political activist sat bound, gagged and shackled to a chair in a legal drama where America’s justice system, values and character seemed to all be on trial.
Today, the most outspoken member of that band, Neil Young, visited another American courtroom. This one in San Francisco, where the essential values and future of our country once again are on trial. Young and his fellow activist Daryl Hannah attended the trial of Dewayne Lee Johnson, a young black man who is dying of a debilitating and agonizing form of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma that he says he contracted from contact with the ubiquitous weed killer Roundup.
Johnson’s case is the speartip of a new American rebellion. It marks the first jury trial of similar legal claims already filed by more than 5,000 Americans against Roundup’s manufacturer Monsanto (now owned by the German chemical giant Bayer)!
“At Bayer’s Monsanto, financial interests are placed over the health of fellow human beings and vital life support systems,” Young and Hannah told me. “We are here for justice, in support of Dewayne Johnson and the many children who played on those same school grounds where he worked.”
Also, see more on Neil Young's "The Monsanto Years": Going Where No Musician Has Gone Before.

The Monsanto Years - Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
(Click here to enlarge/zoom)
Labels: daryl hannah, monsanto years, neil young
omg -- want to support the plaintiff, of course, but cringing at the odious fact that he's represented by The Anti-vaccine Crusader. How many children, and families, will have their futures irreparably harmed by RFKJ?
Fuck Monsanto/Bayer
Good to see Neil walking the talk. We need everyone to organize and get their butts down to the polling stations in November. I’m sure that Neil and Hannah will somehow be deeply involved with this. I’m not going to speak to the seriousness of the situation we’re in with our current government. I will, however say “Rock The Vote”!!!! What happened with the Crazy Horse tour?
Monsanto are killers.... wake up America.... easy to say but hard for you clowns to do for some reason. When you look at Monsanto's history and Court battles it's a joke.... how could anybody back Monsanto...?
But then again look at who you elected for your president. America, the world is laughing at you not with you
I have come up with a new saying. If it involves Americans and it involves money.... I can guarantee you it's going to be a shitshow. You invaded Iraq for oil and money. You're fighting over Syria once again for oil money and banking interest. How stupid can the American public be to let there be politicians and companies in power ruin the lives of millions of people for profit. The absolute most disgusting part of what America does outside of their borders is that the American people are so blatantly blind to the corruption and evils of American foreign policy.
Drivel......? That's a high IQ response. At least you spelled it correctly. And where did you study world history my friend....
Here's another great contradiction of the US. First you have the DEA busting people for Pot. And your Corrections institutions are not about corrections at all but about making money incarcerating people. And then you have the CIA one of the largest drug dealers in the world. They've made so much money from drugs they had to open up their own banks in Europe to laundry the money. That's what makes America so great making money. And that's what the Vietnam War was all about making money off armaments, heroin and all in the name of freedom and democracy
And by the way the vaccines are just another way for the pharmaceutical companies to load up their pockets. The vaccines are doing more harm than good nowadays
Then you have the Iraqi War which made millions of dollars for big corporations like Halliburton. Then the American Military was helping move opium flipped over into heroin right in Afghanistan and flooding Russia with cheap heroin that how you guys fight communism nowadays. If you look at where the permanent military bases are placed by the US they dot either side of the pipeline running from the Caspian Sea oil fields. You can call b******* but what would I know I've only worked in the oil industry for 40 years I wouldn't have a clue really would I
RFKJ = complete nutjob
Americans are ruled by Oligarchy. We are raised as flag wavers. Americans are sheep who believe anything the News says. The Blue Angels and NFL displays exist to get young men to donate their lives for the cause, to further our hostile foreign policy. The 2 party system is a joke, with Corporations on welfare, not paying any taxes, leaving the burden for the disappearing middles class. Earth is doomed to suffer under Global Warming. This is why nobody should sit back and laugh. We are all dependent on Earth. Pollution and bad ideas are abundant. Inaction is the way. And protest is being outlawed in many parts of the country even as the police are given military vehicles and armaments to battle against the people. America, the young Bully with no regard for the homeless population, which is now growing at a very rapid pace. The US has become a third world country, in many places. We are the only western nation without universal health care. Not something to be proud of. We have no compassion in our public policy. It is illegal to feed the homeless in some places (Florida). Where has our soul gone? I remember growing up I thought I lived in a Democracy. Citizens United put that to bed. The Politicians serve the banks, big pharma, and the Military Industrial Complex.
What will it take to stir the masses into action, to recreate this failing Empire? Boots on the streets! It's time to rise up, off the couch, and demand responsibility from our Government! Environmentalism cannot be snuffed out, even on a dying planet. Cudos to Neil Young and Darryl Hannah for having hearts and caring about the health disaster in progress thanks to Monsanto. Americans: prove you are better than our allies and former allies around the world are seeing! We must fight racism and injustice from within! We deserve all the ridicule we are getting! I myself woke up when the DNC rigged it's own Primary against a very popular Bernie Sanders to put forth a candidate so unpopular she even lost to Trump. How pathetic. Alan in Seattle
@Alan - even though you & I likely disagree on most issues politically, you are indeed 100% correct that the DNC rigged their primary system to tip the scales to HC. And now we see that there will never be any investigation into how that happened. Instead we get an endless parade of BS about Trump & the Russians, etc. As usual, the left accuses their opponents of engaging in the very behavior that they themselves are guilty of. Thank God for President Trump; he has turned the economy around. And no I'm not a Republican - they're a joke just like the Democrats.
ok rant over....
Trump has achieved the economic miracle(!) by cutting taxes, but wait a few months and see the whole economy implode because tax cuts have to come from somewhere.
In any event if he is impeached as seems increasingly likely the whole world will sleep more easily.
And what does NY think:The best thing that’s going to happen from Trump is the dismantling of Trump’s mess, which will result in a new rebuild of America that pays attention to today’s world,” he said. (Huff Post)
You’re all just pissin in the wind...
you don’t know it but you you are...
And there ain’t nuthin like a friend,
who can tell you you’re just pissin in the wind...
Neil Young is a musical genius but sadly he is a political moron.
Stupidity is ubiquitous ! How can it be , when it can not be ,that Glyphosate is the
killer of NHL patients , when it has been proven many times that Polyethoxylated
Tallow Amine is an average 16000 more times toxic than Glyphosate , alone . And , in
addition , you tell me why Monsanto removed Polyethoxylated Tallow Amine from
Roundup , a concealed date before July 26, 2018 ? Do not tell me , I already know,
Monsanto removed it because Monsanto knew that it was Polyethoxylated Tallow Amine
which was that chemical killer in Roundup which kills every year at least 6000 NHL
patients . But , my cause and effect proof is a much better way to prove that
Roundup is a killer because a 7 day consecutive exposure of mine to Roundup has
proven an astronomical effect of increasing my diagnostic IgM of 8980 mg./dL , from
normal of 37 to 289 mg./dL. Is this too difficult for you to understand ? As of
now it has been too difficult for Judge Vince Chhabria, but , he can still learn !
astronomical effect of an increase in my diagnostic IgM of 8980 mg./dL.
Answer to and .
Why no answers ,even from devil's advocates , to my truth ? I meant 1600not 16000 times glyphosate . I did agree with Monsanto that glyphosate is not a killer , but , I do not agree that they are not guilty ! Could those 57 law firms have falsely used Glyphosate as a claim because they altogether are already in a deal with Joe Hollingsworth so that Monsanto will only have to pay those 57 law firms . Ask Alan on these comments what he says about this American conspiracy . Only way Monsanto can win with my proof is if Judge Chhabria is n on this conspiracy . I have patched in Steve King of Iowa of House Judiciary Subcommittee on Constitutional and Civil Justice , and will patch King in again tomorrow , but , will King be also involved in a conspiracy ? Alan , I wish he would comment on this ? He said a lot of very true stuff ! Answer to . She is nearly aware as Alan .
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