UPDATE - ROUND #2: Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirts + ATTENTION: Richie Walker

Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary: 1996 - 2016
Design by Silver Moon Art & Design
(Click photo to enlarge)
Thanks again to all who have supported the Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirts campaigns.
For those placing orders in Round #2, we have been hoping to complete shipments in the month of August, however it does not look like that will happen, unfortunately.
At this point, we are still awaiting the arrival of the 2nd batch of shirts here at TW International Headquarters. But rest assured, once they arrive we will begin the shipping process in earnest.
In our last correspondence with the Maui Tie Dye Team, we learned that the production pace has been a little slow this time around. Maybe shirt burnout?! Even designer Geoff has been involved in the production process getting his hands stained, as well. We understand that the shirts will be shipped no later than early September. So hopefully, everyone will have by end of September.
We hope for sooner order completion because we know folks would like to have for Farm Aid, Telluride concerts, Desert Jam and Bridge.
So fear not. Your Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary T-Shirts will definitely arrive before Neil Young's Archives #2. :)
And thanks again to all who wore the shirts on the Europe 2016 Tour Concert of Neil Young & Promise Of The Real this summer! We love to see folks letting their freak flags fly. Also, we would like to do a photo gallery of all the photos sent. Maybe someday in our spare time we can make that happen.
ps - Richie Walker - please check your email and/or SPAM folder for latest correspondence. If you don't see it, drop a comment below and we'll respond.
Nate & Karen & Geoff Flying Thrasher's Wheat 20th Anniversary Shirts
Maui, Hawaii
(Click photo to enlarge)
Labels: shirt
Hi Trasher, My own headline! Yes I received your email, no probs from me, 'Time is a jet plane that moves too fasr', Peace 'n' Love, Richie.
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