Bad News Has Come To Town: Mon$anto is literally being burned to the ground
The news for the Mon$anto Corporation continues to go from bad to worse and worse.
Looks like in France, Mon$anto is literally being burned to the ground.
From Arson Suspected In Massive Fire At Monsanto Research Facility | Natural Blaze by John Vibes:
More bad news for Monsanto.Earlier this week, a Monsanto research facility in France was burned to the ground. Monsanto and investigators suspect an arsonist was responsible for the blaze.
Monsanto representative Jakob Witten told Reuters that investigators “strongly suspect it was a crime as no electrical or other sources were found.” He added that “No Monsanto sites in Europe have so far been the victim of fires of criminal origin, this is unprecedented violence.”
The fire had multiple points of origin, meaning it is unlikely the fire was caused by an electrical malfunction or other natural causes. Investigators also noticed a strong smell of gasoline in different areas of the site.
France announced in June that it was banning sales of Roundup, Monsanto’s flagship herbicide, amid public pressure and the World Health Organization’s announcement that the product is probably carcinogenic. Further, last month the country announced it was strengthening its ban on genetically modified crops. Monsanto is one of the most hated corporations on the planet and faces particularly strong resistance in France. If the fire is confirmed to have been arson, it is possible this vociferous opposition might have been a motivating factor.
Nevertheless, the recent fire is merely the tip of the iceberg with regard to Monsanto’s recent problems.
The company recently moved to close three different research facilities to save money in the face of declining profits. As Reuters reported last week, Monsanto research centers in Middleton, Wisconsin, Mystic, Connecticut, and Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, will soon be closed to cut costs.
The darling of "Science Fundamentalism" Neil Degrasse Tyson has been exposed as a mere Monsanto shill and hack.
In the video above, Neil Degrasse Tyson is exposed propagating false GMO myths.
From Agenda 2030: Bankrupting the Third World, One Country at a Time | Stateless Homesteading:
The destiny of Africa has, for centuries, been usurped by conquerors; whether it be the East India Company’s mercantile slave trade, the imperialistic campaigns of Cecil John Rhodes, or the IMF’s economic hitmen of today, the eugenic aims of the Anglo-American Establishment towards the people of Africa (and the vast natural resources they sit upon) has continued unabated for hundreds of years.From Lane County, Oregon Tries to Kick Out Monsanto with GM Ban | NaturalSociety by Christina Sarich:
Agenda 2030 is set to take the subjugation of Africa to previously unimagined heights, with the rest of the Third World to follow shortly thereafter.
Earlier this year, Ghana was the target of a new set of draconian G7 regulations set to outlaw seed sharing. Known colloquially as the “Monsanto Law,” the bill is endemic of Agenda 21’s planned control of land use and agriculture.
In addition to GMOs, the Anglo-American Establishment has foist upon Ghana another lab-created eugenic tool: Vaccines “coded for race.” This issue, recently brought to the House floor by Rep. Bill Posey of Florida, was once was constrained to the realm of science fiction; this is no longer the case, as the use of vaccines as race-specific bioweapons has now been enumerated upon by Congressmen and CDC whistleblowers alike.
From Monsanto’s secret studies reveal glyphosate link to cancer | GM Watch:Jackson County, Oregon was already successful in banning genetically modified foods (known as GMOs) even though Big Ag tried to fight the democratic vote. Now another Oregon County is following suit.
Residents of Lane County have begun work collecting signatures to get a GMO crop cultivation ban onto the May 2016 ballot. They need 14,500 signatures by December 31st in order for it to come up for a vote among Lane citizens. Like all grassroots movements, they need help.
Recently, in Jackson County, A federal judge rejected a claim by farmers that the ordinance violated their “right to farm” under state law. Their claim that they should get $4.2 million in compensation from the county is still pending, however, and county officials agreed not to enforce the GMO ban until it’s resolved.
You can bet that Monsanto’s lawyers have already sniffed out this appeal, and will do anything to stop it. After all, one county has already been successful giving them the boot, and biotech can’t allow a precedent to be built upon. If that were to happen, the whole state, and then the entire nation, would soon be GM-free county-by-county if need be.
Big Ag and Biotech have already tried to supersede state’s rights to label or ban GMOs. You can be certain that if that law passes with the DARK act, then counties will be stripped of that right as well – even though it is entirely unconstitutional.
You can help Lane County, Oregon, to ban GMO crop cultivation and protect the local non-GMO and organic food system, here: https://localfoodrights.
Monsanto has known for almost four decades that glyphosate causes cancer, according to a new paper by researchers Anthony Samsel and Stephanie Seneff.From RT: $10mn dare: MIT grad challenges Monsanto over ‘nonexistent GMO safety standards’:
Samsel is the first independent researcher to examine Monsanto’s secret toxicology studies on glyphosate. He obtained the studies, which have been denied to other inquirers, via a request to his senator. With his co-researcher Dr Stephanie Seneff of MIT, he reviewed Monsanto’s data.
Samsel and Seneff concluded that “significant evidence of tumours was found during these investigations”.
However, they add, “to create doubt and obscure the statistical significance of inconvenient findings, which may have prevented product registration”, Monsanto introduced irrelevant historical control data from other experiments. This is data from the control animals in other unrelated experiments, which may have been carried out under widely differing conditions.
This practice had the effect of creating experimental noise which cancelled out the statistically significant findings of increased tumours in any one experiment.
In various cancer experiments, Samsel and Seneff found, Monsanto introduced spurious data from 3, 5, 7 and even 11 unrelated study controls to effectively eliminate results, as needed.
ow does glyphosate induce cancer?
Samsel and Seneff conclude their new paper by explaining biological mechanisms through which glyphosate could induce cancer. These include glyphosate’s ability to bind (chelate) manganese, reducing its bioavailability, which could contribute to oxidative damage to cells. This in turn could lead to cancer.
One of the world’s largest GMO producers has been challenged by an MIT graduate who claims there are absolutely no GMO safety assessment standards. He earlier alleged that GMO-engineered plants accumulate high levels of formaldehyde.Don't believe it? Well the brain dead corporate media and their clueless journalist hacks will not be printing the truth, we can guarantee you that.
Livingston (New Jersey) High School Hall of Fame member, Dr. V A Shiva Ayyadurai threw down the gauntlet to the Monsanto Company, claiming it would be next to impossible for the agro-giant to disprove his claim that safety assessment standards for genetically-modified organisms (GMO) are nonexistent.
“If Monsanto can disprove the fact that there are no safety assessment standards for GMOs, the conclusion of our fourth paper, then I will give them my $10 million building,” Ayyadurai, also a Massachusetts Institute of Technology graduate, told Patch.
Ayyadurai’s argument is based on his alleged discovery that GMO plants accumulate high levels of formaldehyde, a finding Ayyadurai asserted in an article published back in July in an expert opinion for the Agricultural Sciences trade journal.
“This is not a pro- or anti-GMO question,” Ayyadurai wrote in his abstract. “But [rather], are we following the scientific method to ensure the safety of our food supply? Right now, the answer is no. But we need to, and we can if we engage in open, transparent and collaborative scientific discourse, based on a systems approach.”
Formaldehyde is a known class-one carcinogen,” Dr. Ray Seidler, a former EPA senior scientist, said in a statement on Ayyadurai’s study. “Its elevated presence in soybeans caused by a common genetic engineering event is alarming and deserves immediate attention and action from the FDA and the Obama administration.”
An estimated 94 percent of US-grown soybeans are genetically engineered.
From Washington Post columnist admits to spreading GMO propaganda while collecting 'plenty' of money from biotech front groups:
Another week brings another scandal involving Monsanto paying off “journalists” who work in the mainstream media.So who's gonna stand up?
This time, it’s a Washington Post journalist named Tamar Haspel who admits to accepting “plenty” of money from biotech companies while spewing pro-Monsanto propaganda in WashPost articles.
Then again, we already knew WashPost was a Monsanto propaganda rag. Its articles often appear to have been ghost written by Monsanto, then slapped into publication with a WashPost editor’s name on top.
What do we want?
Seed Justice!
When do we want it?
We know who's gonna stand up!
And, Mon$anto -- in case you were wondering -- no, we're not quite ready to make nice just yet. (And, please, is that the best you guys can do?)

The Monsanto Years - Neil Young + Promise Of The Real
(Click here to enlarge/zoom)
Also, see Corporate Food, Will It Make You Fat and Sick?
Labels: monsanto
I've been working on an experimental/post rock sort of album, and for one track, wanted to create a drone using an FM radio. At one point, I was using a particularly powerful station on my computer that is based in the Netherlands, and it can pick up stations all across Europe. I randomly moved through channels of static, foreign politics, and the occasional numbers stations, and upon reaching a French station, was greeted with "People Want To Hear About Love". Funny how the world works like that.
Thanks Alex.
Yes, it is kinda funny in a weird sort of way.
Monsanto burned to the ground in Paris... When are Americans going to put all their 300 million guns to use... And destroy Monsanto for good!!!
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