


Neil Young's new release ""World Record" w/ Crazy Horse is now available for pre-order. Order here
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Saturday, September 13, 2014

TODAY: Farm Aid 2014: Raleigh, North Carolina - September 13

"Rockin' In The Free World"
Lukas Nelson, Neil Young & Micah Nelson

Photo by TW
(Click photo to enlarge)

Neil Young Setlist

1. Heart Of Gold
2. Comes A Time
3. Pocahontas
4. Standing In The Light Of Love
5. Mother Earth
6. Who's Gonna Stand Up And Save The Earth?
7. Rockin' In The Free World

Farm Aid will have its annual concert at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh, North Carolina, today, Saturday, September 13.

Farm Aid 2014 will feature live performances by Farm Aid President and Founder Willie Nelson and board members John Mellencamp, Neil Young and Dave Matthews with Tim Reynolds, as well as performances recorded earlier in the day from additional Farm Aid artists including Jack White, Gary Clark Jr., Jamey Johnson, Preservation Hall Jazz Band, Delta Rae and more.

Farm Aid announced that AXS TV will be the exclusive television broadcaster of Farm Aid 2014, to be presented live in high definition (HD) on Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. EDT/4 p.m. PDT. This partnership brings the concert experience to fans who are unable to attend the sold-out family farm festival at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh, N.C.

In addition, the webcast, "Farm Aid 2014 Presented by Amy's Kitchen," will stream at

Furthermore, Willie Nelson's SiriusXM channel (56), Willie's Roadhouse, will air live from Farm Aid 2014, beginning at 12 p.m. EDT. SiriusXM's
Dallas Wayne will host backstage interviews and behind-the-scenes coverage of the event.

Festival fans can put the entire Farm Aid experience in the palm of their hands with the official Farm Aid 2014 mobile app, which is now available for iPhone and Android devices. Fans can view the entire Farm Aid 2014 schedule and add artists, workshops and artist briefings to make their own personalized schedule for the day. To download the app, visit 

For more information about joining the #Road2FarmAid, visit

For concert updates and other Farm Aid 2014 announcements, follow Farm Aid on Twitter (@FarmAid) and on Facebook (, and visit

About Farm Aid: Farm Aid's mission is to build a vibrant, family farm-centered system of agriculture in America.

Farm Aid artists and board members Willie Nelson, Neil Young, John Mellencamp and Dave Matthews host an annual concert to raise funds to support Farm Aid's work with family farmers and to inspire people to choose family farm food. Since 1985, Farm Aid, with the support of the artists who contribute their performances each year, has raised more than $45 million to support programs that help farmers thrive, expand the reach of the Good Food Movement, take action to change the dominant system of industrial agriculture and promote food from family farms.

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Friday, September 12, 2014

Lineup Announcement: 2014 28th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert

2014 28th Annual Bridge School Benefit Concert Lineup Announcement.

October 25-26, 2014
Shoreline Ampitheatre
Mountain View, CA

Neil Young
Pearl Jam
Florence and the Machine
Tom Jones
Norah Jones and Puss 'n Boots
Band of Horses
Pegi Young and the Survivors

Tickets will go on sale Friday, September 19, 2014 at 10:00 AM PDT at Live Nation.

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Farm Aid This Weekend! Highlights from Farm Aid 2013

Pete Seeger's Last Ride
"This Land Is Your Land"
John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson, Pete Seeger, Dave Matthews, Neil Young

Farm Aid 2013 - Saratoga Springs, New York
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Photo by Paul Natkin/Photo Reserve, Inc. via
(Click photo to enlarge)

Farm Aid will have its annual concert at Walnut Creek Amphitheatre in Raleigh, North Carolina, on Saturday, September 13.

Without a doubt, the highlight of Farm Aid 2013 in Saratoga Springs, New York was Pete Seeger singing "This Land Is Your Land" with John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson, Dave Matthews, and Neil Young.

Sadly, this was Pete Seeger's last public performance and he would pass away several months later.

A truly priceless moment if there ever was one.

More on Highlights of Farm Aid 2013.


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Wednesday, September 10, 2014

STREAMING: "Who's Gonna Stand Up" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Neil Young
2014-07-12, Hyde Park, London, England
Photo Paolo Brillo |Facebook
(Click photo to enlarge)

Now streaming on Neil Young's official website is his new song "Who's Gonna Stand Up".

While the details are labeled as "January 21, 2014 - New York City", this is incorrect and intrepid Rusties have identified the track as sourced from Liverpool, 13 July 2014.



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Photo of the Moment: Neil Young & Crazy Horse - Barolo, Italy - July 21, 2014

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Collisioni Festival, Barolo, Italy - July 21, 2014
w/ Rick Rosas, Dorene Carter, and YaDonna West
Photo by Francesco Lucarelli
(Click photo to enlarge)

The Photo of the Moment is Neil Young & Crazy Horse at Collisioni Festival, Barolo, Italy - July 21, 2014 by Francesco Lucarelli.

Grazi Francesco!

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The Road RasCals Bridge Ride Update

The Road RasCals have hit the road and made it across "The Continental Divide".

Earlier this year, we learned of a delightful planned adventure of some Bridge supporters this Fall. (see The Road RasCals To Ride Across The West for The Bridge Kids).

Kloe and Lilly are biking from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA this Fall in order to raise money for The Bridge School.

Here's an update:
Greetings from Ridgway (Colorado)! After the first five days or so, we are safe and doing well. The trip has had a lot of unexpected turns and change-of-plans, but it's going well. We have met a lot of new people, some of which know about The Bridge School and some who we get to tell about it. I was wearing a Lincvolt tee shirt in a store and someone recognized that for Neil Young, which started a great conversation about the school.
Just wanted to give you an update. Finding a computer has proven to be really difficult so it's hard to update the blog but I'm hoping to find someway to do it soon.

Will send another update in a week or so,

Best of luck Kloe and Lilly! Keep on pedaling in the free world!

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Tuesday, September 09, 2014

EXCLUSIVE: Q&A on Human Highway Director's Cut

Human Highway poster image

This week, the World Premiere of Human Highway (Director's Cut) will be held at the Toronto International Film Festival.

Thrasher's Wheat is pleased to bring our readers an exclusive Q&A session with a member of Neil Young's Shakey Pictures crew who worked on the research, editing and meticulous restoration under the supervision of Director Bernard Shakey.

Neil Young's 1982 post-apocalyptic musical comedy, has long been out of circulation and is regarded as a cult classic with its mythical history of production mayhem, post-production chaos and forgotten legacy.

Now, 32 years after Human Highways' first screening, Bernard Shakey's crew is ready to answer a few questions.

Image from Human Highway

Thrasher's Wheat - The film Human Highway is considered to be a cult classic somewhat similar to the legendary Journey Through the Past and has been described as "if David Lynch directed "The Wizard of Oz on acid." What surprised you going back to the footage shot back in late 70's?

Shakey Pictures - Maybe not so much surprising, but very noticeable was how well shot the film was under the direction of David Myers.

[ed - David Myers (1914–2004) was the cinematographer for the film Woodstock and Martin Scorsese's The Last Waltz among many other concert documentaries.]

TW - So what prompted the desire to produce a director's cut version of Human Highway?

SP - The version that was first screened at the Mill Valley Film Festival in 1982 really could be considered the Director’s Cut. Time went on and various edits of the film had their moment in the sun, but Mr Shakey still held onto his original vision. Along with Producer L.A Johnson, he dispatched the Shakey Pictures crew to locate, catalog and collect for assembly all the original footage that had been cut out of Human Highway post- Mill Valley. It was a lengthy undertaking.

Image from Human Highway

TW - The original release of Human Highway was 88 minutes. The director's cut version is 80 minutes. Usually these director's cut versions go to longer side not shorter. Is this tweaking/ shortening up longer scenes or scenes removed?

SP - That is correct. Once the 1982 Director’s Cut was reassembled, Bernard oversaw further refinements to the story. An astute viewer will note that while the running time of the movie is shorter than that on VHS, there are actually some new elements in the final presentation that will be screened at TIFF.

TW - Was this filmed in 35mm?

SP - Human Highway was shot in both 35mm and in 16mm film.

TW - What are we looking at now? Film edited on high resolution digital video?

SP - The Shakey Pictures team found and transferred the original negatives of the film footage, which then underwent extensive restoration and cleaning, frame by frame. Editing was in high resolution digital.

Image from Human Highway

TW - What is the sound format resolution compared to original?

SP - The sound quality is much improved over the original. The same attention to detail that was given to picture was also given to audio on this project.

The film’s original master 16 track analog tapes were transferred at 24 bit/ 192kHz, as well as the original dialog and music reels.

The new mix of Human Highway is now presented in 5.1 surround as well as in stereo.

TW - What are the release format plans? Blu-ray?

SP - After Human Highway’s theatrical run, it would be fair to say that you can expect to to see Blu-ray and DVD releases.

Image from Human Highway

TW - We know folks would love to hear the story of Woody, the wooden Indian and his mates. Were they really burned in the desert? Is Woody, the wooden Indian, we've seen recently onstage with Neil the same? A survivor?

SP - Yes, that is indeed Woody in the film. He has some scenes in the garage at Otto’s Corner. I don’t know his back story or what stock he came from, but do know that Woody embodies the strong silent type. That is well depicted in Human Highway.

Image from Human Highway

TW - Will there be a director's cut video release with "special features"? Like a vinyl album soundtrack, a booklet, deleted scenes, 'making of' documentaries, etc?

SP - It’s a bit too early to reveal what comes next out of the Shakey Pictures archives in relation to Human Highway, but there is definitely some stuff in the vaults.

Archives Montage image

Thanks Shakey Pictures!

Human Highway (Director's Cut) Trailer from Shakey Pictures on Vimeo.

Human Highway (Director's Cut) Clip 1 from Shakey Pictures on Vimeo.

Human Highway (Director's Cut) Clip 2 from Shakey Pictures on Vimeo.

More at Shakey Pictures - Human Highway.

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Sunday, September 07, 2014

"Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years" by Sharry Wilson

(Click photo to enlarge)

Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
Review by Broken Arrow Editor Scott Sandie

I was delighted to receive an Advance Readers Copy of Sharry’s book from the publishers. I read it through quickly the first time, then went back and read most of it again. I knew a lot of this material already of course, both from the 80 pages of ‘A Shakey Education’ that I edited in 2010 for the magazine, and also the other Neil books already in existence. But there’s a large amount of detail in here and a big chunk of it is from new research. At 450+ pages, 600+ footnotes, and over 130 photos, it's a very impressive achievement; an exhaustive look at Neil’s school years, tied in neatly to his musical development. It’s described on the jacket as a ‘detailed chronological narrative of Neil Young’s early life’, and that’s exactly what it is. It leaves almost no stone unturned and is surely the definitive study of Neil Young’s early life. In some cases I have to say the detail is mind-boggling. It’s also comprehensively and vividly illustrated, with many never-before-seen photos.

Backstage at the Flamingo Club in Fort William, April 1965.
From left: Neil, Bob Clark, Ken Koblun.
Courtesy of Ken Koblun. Copyright Don Baxter.

The book is organised into three logical parts; Part One: Born In Ontario, Part Two: Winnipeg…Field Of Opportunity, Part Three: Leaving Sugar Mountain.

The opening part covers the years 1945 to 1960, and takes us in four chapters from Neil’s birth in Ontario, through Omemee to Pickering, and back to Toronto, before the move out to Winnipeg in 1960. Part Two is set wholly in Winnipeg, covering Neil’s time at Earl Grey Junior High and Kelvin High School up until he quit high school age 18 in 1964. Part Three sees Neil setting out for a life on the road as a full-time musician.

Sharry’s research consisted of two major strands; interviewing many of the people who were there at the time and were willing to go on the record about it, and exhaustive research of the Scott Young Fonds, which are held at Trent University.

In a long list of people interviewed by Sharry were many of Neil’s old classmates, friends, and of course former band members. Sharry was dogged in tracking them down and many had interesting anecdotes to tell from these early years with Neil. One or two went beyond the call of duty in offering assistance, with Ken Koblun at the top of the list.

Trent University Archives, where the Scott Young Fonds are held.

What’s a ‘fonds’? It means ‘an aggregation of documents that originate from the same source’. A fonds is different to a collection because of its organic nature. It’s a series of archival documents that have been naturally accumulated by an individual, often through day-to-day activities. The Scott Young Fonds is a very substantial collection of material (documents, paperwork, correspondence, photographs, books, memorabilia etc) gathered from his long life and were a rich source of research material. Sharry and I were fortunate to first visit the Archives at Trent University for two days back in 2009 – there will be more on this in an article in a future issue – and we were both staggered by the quantity of boxes and the quality of what they held. Scott Young was an organised and methodical man with his paperwork; he had a good filing system and to his eternal credit he seemed to have kept almost everything. You name it, it’s here and it’s availability seems like a miracle...

In the years after 2009 Sharry was granted full access to all the archival material, returned many times, and has made very good use of her findings. A surprising amount of it pertains to Neil, especially from his earliest days. The private correspondence (much of it between Scott and Rassy Young, Neil’s schools etc) is very detailed and a lot mentions or relates to Neil’s music. The photos are wide ranging, often typical family ‘snaps’ that take on new importance with the Neil Young connection. The memorabilia was a real surprise, totally unexpected. Some of it was handmade by Neil and is priceless, in all ways. In order not to spoil the book I don’t want to give too much away, you’ll enjoy discovering it yourselves. But here’s one example. Some of you might recall the famous old story of Neil and his chickens, which is told here in expanded detail. Part of the tale is that on one occasion a fox got in and killed Neil’s chickens, so to remind him to close things up each night his dad made a sign saying, ‘LOCK UP CHICKENS’. With Neil’s famous sense of humour, at some point he wrote under it, “Neil is a good boy”, presumably one night when he remembered to lock them up! And there, in box 26 of the Scott Young Fonds (amongst a whole raft of stunning material), carefully kept by Neil’s dad since 1957, is this sign, yellow with age but perfectly legible. There were moments during our first visit to Trent when words weren’t necessary, we simply looked at each other with stunned expressions as the depth and richness of the boxes’ content became clear; this was one such moment.

Taken behind the 4-D in Fort William, June 1965.
Clockwise from left: Terry Erickson, Bob Clark, Ken Koblun, Neil.

Courtesy of Ken Koblun. Copyright Don Baxter.

The narrative tells the story of Neil’s upbringing and schooling in tandem with his musical development. Central to part one is the gradual breakdown of his parent’s marriage, which led directly to his move to Winnipeg with his mother. The itinerant nature of Neil’s early years is clear, with the family making several moves before he was 12, some caused by Scott Young’s work, some by problems in the Young’s marriage, and a couple of winter stays in Florida to help with Neil’s recovery from polio. We learn of Neil’s growing interest in music – especially the fledgling sound of rock’n’roll – buying 45s, listening to his transistor radio, and trying to play his Arthur Godfrey plastic ukulele, which had been a gift from his parents. At one of several schools Neil attended he met Comrie Smith, forming his first strong musical friendship, and the pair dreamt of starting a band. Sharry takes us through all these occurrences in colourful detail, with many quotes from the principals. Stories and ‘facts’ that have been wrong for years are corrected, and a torrent of new facts emerge. As an example Sharry has confirmed (with Neil’s ‘camp’) that it’s Comrie Smith who’s playing guitar and sitting on those steps with Neil in “Don’t Be Denied”. Further, it’s at Lawrence Park Collegiate in Toronto – not the oft-quoted Earl Grey Junior High in Winnipeg. What we get throughout the book is many new stories, and a lot more flesh on the bones of older stories. Neil’s relationship with Comrie Smith is a good example of this. We learn a huge amount more about their musical relationship and how the two grew together, Comrie emerging as an important cog in Neil’s early musical development. Much of this information comes from notes that Comrie made back in 1970 (‘Notes on Neil Young’) that had been kept by his sister and that Sharry tracked down.

Lawrence Park Collegiate, Toronto

As Part One draws to a close the Young’s marriage is over, Scott has moved out and Rassy and Neil are ready to move to Winnipeg.

And it’s in Winnipeg, during his years at Earl Grey Junior High School and Kelvin High School, that the music really took off and the writing concentrates on that. Sharry has dug deep to find out a lot more about Neil’s musical development here, and we are taken on a trip of discovery as Neil’s dream gradually takes shape through his various bands. The Jades; one half-hour gig at a Friday night school canteen dance, Sharry has details of their set-list. The Esquires; Neil’s first serious band, he had answered an ad for a guitar player in the Winnipeg Free Post. In three or four months he played several gigs with them before too many late nights forced Rassy to tell him to quit. And it’s here that we see another stunning example of Sharry’s research. It’s a fantastic, previously unseen, earliest ever photograph of Neil onstage with The Esquires. It was taken at Patterson’s Ranch House in February 1961 and shows the five band members neatly dressed in matching dark trousers, white shirts and dark ties. Neil is in the rear beside his amp, back mostly turned to the audience, staring intently at the neck of his guitar as he plays. It deservedly gets a full page in the book. We also learn the tantalising information that The Esquires were captured on 8mm silent film at a dance before a full house of 300 at the same venue, but that the film has been lost down the years. The Classics; only five shows, but by now Neil had teamed up with bass player Ken Koblun, who of course was to become a central figure in Neil’s early career. They soon changed their name to the Squires, performed in excess of 200 gigs. Neil soon quit school, heading out to find fortune and fame, and the rest is history.

As well as the musical sections, Sharry skilfully weaves in what was going on with Neil’s schooling, his home life with Rassy, and his somewhat strained relationship with his father. The level of detail continues throughout and it makes for a great read.

I should make special mention of the photographs. There are over 130 spread throughout the book and appear every few pages. They start when Neil was a naked toddler in 1946 and go through to him playing solo acoustic (thankfully now fully clothed) onstage at The Riverboat in late 1965. There are many that you will not have seen before and I found almost all completely fascinating. Some I would not have believed existed...but they do. For example, we get to see a Classic’s playlist from 1962. Sharry has persistently tracked them all down and they’re here.

Neil Young, May 1955
Mayfair - Rosedale Park, Toronto, Canada
Photo by Mary Ellen Blanch

Special mention too for Ken Koblun, who graciously answered endless queries from the author and then kindly put at Sharry’s disposal his famous ‘List Of Shows’. Neil calls this ‘The Gospel According To Ken’, and it covers all the shows that Ken performed with The Classics, The Squires, The Springfield and Three’s-A-Crowd from November 1962 up to December 1967. Accompanying this list in the appendices are five Squires songlists from 1963 and 1964 – these look very interesting and need some analysis. The appendices are followed by comprehensive foot notes (more than 600) and a detailed bibliography.

In terms of criticism, there are some places where I might question if the detail, fascinating ‘though it is, is just a bit too much and perhaps doesn’t particularly add to the story, especially for the casual fan. But those occasional side trips are part of the author’s makeup. Sharry wants to give us ALL the details and her writing reflects that. Some readers might say, 'Did I need to know that?' And as with any biographical work of great detail there will be some who absorb every word, and some who might skip over parts. But warts and all, it’s here! I hope you enjoy the read.

Thanks to Sharry for supplying some of her unused photos for this review.

Author Sharry Wilson in a Town in North Ontario

Also, see Author Sharry Wilson's site: Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years.

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Willie for a Nobel!

Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize
for Farm Aid and his work on
alternative fuels, and world peace initiatives.

Farm Aid

Go Farmers Markets!

"In the >field< of opportunity
It's plowin' time again."

Silverline Communications

(Home of the FarmAidians)
Tecumseh, Ontario, Canada
(519) 737-7979

This blog supports free speech!

Demand justice for Aaron:
Support "Aaron's Law" and inquiry into his prosecution

(... he didn't kill himself either...) #AaronDidntKillHimself

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Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

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The Hypocrisy of the Mainstream Media

It's Been Called The
"Missing Link" in the Ditch Trilogy


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Neil Young Songbook Project

In the fields of wheat

"Children of Destiny" will NOT be harvested
However, the chaff will be burned by unquenchable fire

Neil Young + Promise of the Real

Europe 2016 Tour Dates

2015 Rebel Content Tour

Neil Young & Crazy Horse
Alchemy Concert Tour Reviews

Fall 2012 N. America Tour
Spring 2013 Australia/New Zealand Tour
Summer 2013 Europe Tour

Europe Summer 2014 Concert Tour
Neil Young & Crazy Horse

Thrasher's Wheat Radio Supporters Go To Europe

Neil Young Films

2010 MusiCares Honors Neil Young

Features Elvis Costello, Crosby Stills & Nash, Sheryl Crow, Josh Groban, Ben Harper, Elton John, Norah Jones, Lady Antebellum, Dave Matthews, James Taylor, Keith Urban, and others.
Proceeds from sales go to MusiCares,
which helps musicians in need of
financial and medical assistance.


"There's more to the picture
Than meets the eye"



Neil Young FAQ:
Everything Left to Know About the Iconic and Mercurial Rocker
"an indispensable reference"

Paul McCartney and Neil Young


"You can make a difference
If you really a try"

John Lennon and Neil Young

"hailed by fans as a wonderful read"

Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young:
The Supergroup of the 20th Century

Director Jonathan Demme's Exquisite film "Heart of Gold"

eddie & neil
Eddie Vedder and Neil Young

Revisiting The Significance of
The Buffalo Springfield

"The revolution will not be televised"
... it will be blogged, streamed,
tweeted, shared and liked
The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media

Turn Off Your TV & Have A Life

"Everything Is Bullshit" +
"Turn Off The News"
Turn Off the News (Build a Garden)

Neil Young 2016 Year in Review:
The Year of The Wheat

Kurt Cobain
Kurt Cobain and Neil Young

Neil Young's Feedback:
An Acquired Taste?

Young Neil: The Sugar Mountain Years
by Rustie Sharry "Keepin' Jive Alive in T.O." Wilson

"the definitive source of Neil Young's formative childhood years in Canada"

neil & joni
Joni Mitchell & Neil Young

europe 1987.jpg

Bob and Neil

So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?

Four Dead in Ohio
kent state
So What Really Happened at Kent State?

The Four Dead in Ohio

May The FOUR Be With You #MayThe4thBeWithYou


dissent is not treason
Dissent is the highest form of patriotism

Rockin' In The Free World

Sing Truth to Power!
When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power,
The World Listens

Emmylou Harris and Neil Young

Wilco and Neil Young


Bruce Springsteen and Neil Young


Elton John and Neil Young

Lynyrd Skynyrd and Neil Young


The Meaning of "Sweet Home Alabama" Lyrics

Neil Young Nation -
"The definitive Neil Young fan book"

What does the song mean?

Random Neil Young Link of the Moment

Bonnie Raitt and Neil Young

I'm Proud to Be A Union Man


When Neil Young is Playing,
You Shut the Fuck Up

Class War:
They Started It and We'll Finish It...

A battle raged on the open page...
No Fear, No Surrender. Courage

"What if Al Qaeda blew up the levees?"
Full Disclousre Now

"I've Got The Revolution Blues"

Willie Nelson & Neil Young
Willie Nelson for Nobel Peace Prize

John Mellencamp:
Why Willie Deserves a Nobel



Love and Only Love

"Thinking about what a friend had said,
I was hoping it was a lie"

We're All On
A Journey Through the Past

Neil Young's Moon Songs
Tell Us The F'n TRUTH
(we can handle it... try us)

Does Anything Else Really Matter?

"Nobody's free until everybody's free."
~~ Fannie Lou Hamer

Here Comes "The Big Shift"

Maybe everything you think you know is wrong? NOTHING IS AS IT SEEMS
"It's all illusion anyway."

Propaganda = Mind Control
Guess what?
"Symbols Rule the World, not Words or Laws."
... and symbolism will be their downfall...

Brighter Planet's 350 Challenge
Be The Rain, Be The Change

the truth will set you free
This Machine Kills Fascists

"Children of Destiny" - THE Part of THE Solution

(Frame from Official Music Video)

war is not the answer
yet we are
Still Living With War

"greed is NOT good"
Hey Big Brother!
Stop Spying On Us!
Civic Duty Is Not Terrorism

The Achilles Heel
Orwell (and Grandpa) Was Right
“Emancipate yourself from mental slavery.”
~~ Bob Marley

The Essence of "The Doubters"

Yes, There's Definitely A Hole in The Sky

Even Though The Music Died 50+ Years Ago
Open Up the "Tired Eyes" & Wake up!
"consciousness is near"
What's So Funny About
Peace, Love, & Understanding & Music?


Show Me A Sign

"Who is John Galt?"
To ask the question is to know the answer

"Whosoever shall give up his liberty for a temporary security
deserves neither liberty nor safety."

~~ Benjamin Franklin


(Between the lines of age)

And in the end, the love you take
Is equal to the love you make

~~ John & Paul

the zen of neil
the power of rust
the karma of the wheat

