The Road RasCals Bridge Ride Update
The Road RasCals have hit the road and made it across "The Continental Divide".
Earlier this year, we learned of a delightful planned adventure of some Bridge supporters this Fall. (see The Road RasCals To Ride Across The West for The Bridge Kids).
Kloe and Lilly are biking from Denver, CO to Los Angeles, CA this Fall in order to raise money for The Bridge School.
Here's an update:
Greetings from Ridgway (Colorado)! After the first five days or so, we are safe and doing well. The trip has had a lot of unexpected turns and change-of-plans, but it's going well. We have met a lot of new people, some of which know about The Bridge School and some who we get to tell about it. I was wearing a Lincvolt tee shirt in a store and someone recognized that for Neil Young, which started a great conversation about the school.Best of luck Kloe and Lilly! Keep on pedaling in the free world!
Just wanted to give you an update. Finding a computer has proven to be really difficult so it's hard to update the blog but I'm hoping to find someway to do it soon.
Will send another update in a week or so,

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