Broken Arrow Magazine: March 2013 - Win a Free Copy

Neil Young & Crazy Horse, Chicago - 2012
Photo by Francesco Lucarelli
The latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine, published by the Neil Young Appreciation Society recently hit the streets and we're now finishing up reading the issue. As always a nice read -- especially as we look back while looking ahead.
And -- thanks to the generous support of NYAS and editor Scott Sandie -- we're pleased to be able to offer a free copy of the latest issue of Broken Arrow Magazine to a Thrasher's Wheat reader. Details follow below.
The new issue of Broken Arrow – number 129 – is now out. The 80 pages feature a major 21-page essay on Greendale by Ethan de Seife, a perspective from six days on the road with Crazy Horse in the USA (which amongst other asides includes a fond look back at The Spectrum and a Thrasher led attempt to re-create the cover of Time Fades Away), a report on a legendary concert on Neil’s 1971 solo tour full – ‘Neil Young & The Gate Crashers’ and author Dave Zimmer’s article on his ‘Year of Neil’. The cover is Francesco Lucarelli's glorious shot of Crazy Horse taking a bow onstage in Chicago in 2012. There’s also a full colour centrefold and the usual mixture of fans’ points of views, reports, ramblings and several pages of letter to the editor.
And without tipping our hat too much, there's a special announcement regarding Thrasher's Wheat Radio which we'll have more on very soon. So don’t miss it!
For more information and subscription information visit the Neil Young Appreciation Society or directly contact NYAS editor Scott Sandie at
Don't be denied!
Thanks Scott and everyone who is supporting the NYAS & BA!
Thrasher - NYAS#2476

More on back issues of Broken Arrow magazine.
One lucky Thrasher's Wheat supporter will win a free copy of the latest Broken Arrow Magazine. We truly appreciate being able to what we do here at TW, and we love being able to give something back in return.
To enter the contest, follow these steps:
#1) Subscribe (or be already subscribed) to one of our blogfeed channels either via Facebook (LIKE us), Twitter (FOLLOW us) and/or subscribe to our email list.
2) Then just email us ( with your name, postal mailing address, and which blogfeed channel you signed up for (Facebook, Twitter, email list options noted above in Step #1). *Be sure to identify your complete Facebook ID, Twitter handle, or email address.*
Entries must be emailed with SUBJECT line: Contest - Broken Arrow Magazine: March 2013
Include name, postal mailing address with *country*.
Deadline: April 30, 2013
We'll then randomly select Thrasher's Wheat readers as winners.
Don't Be Denied!
Labels: broken arrow, neil young
Another Great Issue,Started Reading It last night.Plan On Reading Some More ToNight.Scott & So Many Others ContInuE To Do An Outstanding Job,My Hats Off To Them.Been A Subscriber Since The Early Ninties. Listening To Thrashers Wheat Radio Today At Work, Dont Get Any Better Than That.Long May You Run!
Agreed fantastic read BUT thought the Greendale section went on for too long a bit like the record over analysed me thinks.
After putting it down for months I finally finished the last few pages of WHP. I am utterly baffled someone as smart as Ol Neil would use poison oak branches for a marshmallow roast! Lets remember, ON was not new to the CA Coastal Mts or the BA Ranch. This is already the Pegi era. Personally I am very familiar with this obsequious scourge of the Santa Cruz Mt Range. For those out east it is near identical to your poison ivy. Something like 25% of people claim to not suffer the ill effects ( and oh so proud they are to declare to you! ). From Montara in the north (you may have heard we have a new tunnel just opened, 470,000,000 worth and 2 yrs over due, really a quite amazing ride ) to Monterey in the south every open space and park land is covered in this shit. Its a really nasty, intensely itchy rash that oozes yellow pus, just gross. Most of you probably know this. Even though I am amazed at his naivete, half way through the story I began to predict where it was going. When he says its the most embarrassing thing hes ever done I believe him. On a near daily basis I hike within inches of it but always give it the respect it demands. Its only prudent.
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