Neil Young at Global Forum on Sustainability, Brazil
Neil Young will be part of a panel discussion on sustainability at Fórum Global de Sustentabilidade in Brazil in November.
Here's Neil talking about the panel and why he's involved. Also, where this all starts.
In other news from Greendale....

July was so hot “that just by plotting the location of each daily heat record that was broken, a nearly complete image of the contiguous United States is visible,” reports NOAA.
“Almost 9,000 daily records were broken or tied last month, including 2,755 highest maximum temperatures and 6,171 highest minimum temperatures (i.e., nighttime records).” “Some cities reached daily high temperatures 19 out of the 31 days in the month.” The data is incomplete, as they include “only include weather stations with real-time electronic reporting, which accounts for about two-thirds of the locations.”
More on why Sun Green was right and the inconvenient truth of Neil Young's Greendale.
in Texas..August is supposed to be even hotter than July!!!!!!
Hey Neil, we beg you please, come to Brazil to play as well.
Hot in the summer imagine that. Go look up the scandal at East Anglia University in England concerning the hoax that is global warming. For crying out loud human beings have been on this planet for a period of time that is a millisecond compared to the overall geologic time that Earth has existed. Yet somehow all of those billions of years and the Sun itself get ignored by the media because the facts don't fit the agenda of environmental whackos. I'm not saying Neil is a whacko - just that he's fallen for the Al Gore hoax of man made global warming.
I thought Obama was going to lower sea levels - that's what he said in his Emmaculation speech.
Instead he's happily presiding over the decline of a great country.
Anon @8/08/2011 03:43:00 PM: A hoax?! How so?
Are you suggesting that 6,171 data points all got together in July and said "let's submit false temperature readings"?
You're in denial. You don't know but you are.
@Thrasher - once again go look up East Anglia University in England and the scandal that erupted three years ago or so concerning the suppression of the genuine climate data because it conflicted with the liberal mantra of global warming. The hockey stick graph, Al Gore's silly movie - all 100% proveable to be false. Also once again summertime is hot - duh. I'm not saying the readings you posted were incorrect. I'm saying that the Earth has been around for billions of years before humans arrived. The climate is always changing. To somehow think that human beings can actually change the weather is arrogant and beyond ridiculous.
Ever think about the big ball of fire in the sky? Perhaps that has a little something to do with how hot it gets.
Anon - The East Anglia University email hack has been grossly misrepresented and you are now guilty of pushing your own hoax.
As explained, climate change skeptics misrepresented the email in question:
Claims that the e-mails are evidence of fraud or deceit, however, misrepresent what they actually say.
A prime example is a 1999 e-mail from Jones, who wrote: “I’ve just completed Mike’s Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (i.e., from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith’s to hide the decline.” Skeptics claim the words “trick” and “decline” show Jones is using sneaky manipulations to mask a decline in global temperatures. But that’s not the case. Actual temperatures, as measured by scientific instruments such as thermometers, were rising at the time of the writing of this decade-old e-mail, and (as we’ve noted) have continued to rise since then. Jones was referring to the decline in temperatures implied by measurements of the width and density of tree rings. In recent decades, these measures indicate a dip, while more accurate instrument-measured temperatures continue to rise.
Scientists at CRU use tree-ring data and other “proxy” measurements to estimate temperatures from times before instrumental temperature data began to be collected. However, since about 1960, tree-ring data have diverged from actual measured temperatures. Far from covering it up, CRU scientists and others have published reports of this divergence many times. The “trick” that Jones was writing about in his 1999 e-mail was simply adding the actual, measured instrumental data into a graph of historic temperatures. Jones says it’s a “trick” in the colloquial sense of an adroit feat — “a clever thing to do,” as he put it — not a deception. What’s hidden is the fact that tree-ring data in recent decades doesn’t track with thermometer measurements.
Indeed, investigations into the leaked emails exonerated Mann and Jones, finding no evidence that they or others had falsified data:
An independent panel led by Lord Oxburgh found “no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit and had it been there we believe that it is likely that we would have detected it. Rather we found a small group of dedicated if slightly disorganised researchers who were ill-prepared for being the focus of public attention.” [CBS News, 4/14/10]
CNN reported that a seven-month review conducted by Muir Russell “found no evidence to question the ‘rigor and honesty’ of scientists involved” and concluded that “scientists at the University of East Anglia’s Climatic Research Unit (CRU) did not unduly influence reports detailing the scale of the threat of global warming produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).” [, 7/7/10]
Penn State, which also assembled a committee of scientists and department heads to investigate whether Mann had engaged in “research misconduct,” concluded that “there is no substance to the allegation against” Mann. The report stated: “More specifically, the Investigatory Committee determined that Dr. Michael E. Mann did not engage in, nor did he participate in, directly or indirectly, any actions that seriously deviated from accepted practices within the academic community for proposing, conducting, or reporting research, or other scolarly activities. The decision of the Investigatory Committee was unanimous.”
– Solange Uwimana, in a Mediamatters for America repost.
Thrasher thanks for responding.
John Podesta and his Think Progress organization are to be immediately dismissed. The same applies for Media Matters, Slate, Daily Kooks and on and on.
If you want to continue to line the pockets of Al Gore as he flies all over the world in a private jet (aren't those bad? Obama said so so I guess they are.) , and lives in a mansion that uses more electricity in a month than I use in a year then go ahead. If it weren't for double standards liberals wouldn't have any at all.
Please address my assertion that the Earth has been around for billions of years. The climate has always and will continue to change. Texas used to be in what is Antartica today. Human beings did not arrive on the planet until very recently when talking geologic time spans. To somehow think that we can affect the weather, sea levels, etc. is arrogant and ridiculous.
Use your brain to think independently instead of continuing to be brainwashed by the likes of Al Gore and the other left wing propaganda websites. You have bought into the entire false narrative hook, line, and sinker. Shame.
The big ball of fire in the sky affects the climate more than any other factor here on Earth.
Anon - we suppose we could volley this back & forth forever.
You suggest that we ignore the source of the hoax debunking. is a legitimate reference source who's integrity is sound. So why don't you respond to these counter arguments?
Also, let's go back to the original post regarding July temperatures? Don't you think saying "it's hot in the summer" is totally simplistic, dismissive and avoiding the core point of the post?
Here's what's arrogant. Your using discredited info to undermine an accepted theory.
As a denialist, you have zero data to support you. As a believer, we have mountains of data on our side.
As for Al Gore, his Oscar winning film was fact checked and found to contain zero errors.
Lastly, as for the arrogance to think man can alter the climate. Why would you doubt that?
Mankind has dammed the mightest rivers on the plant. Man has destroyed entire mountain ranges. Man has eradicated 1,000's of species. Destroyed ecosystems, forests and wetlands.
So why is it inconceivable that man can alter the climate by burning billions of tons of carbon based products which billow into the air?
We can disagree on the cause and effect. But you are not entitled to your own set of false facts to argue with.
You seem to be using standard Big Energy talking points. yawn. Are you a Big Energy paid troll?
Anon - we suppose we could volley this back & forth forever.
You suggest that we ignore the source of the hoax debunking. is a legitimate reference source who's integrity is sound. So why don't you respond to these counter arguments?
Also, let's go back to the original post regarding July temperatures? Don't you think saying "it's hot in the summer" is totally simplistic, dismissive and avoiding the core point of the post?
Here's what's arrogant. Your using discredited info to undermine an accepted theory.
As a denialist, you have zero data to support you. As a believer, we have mountains of data on our side.
As for Al Gore, his Oscar winning film was fact checked and found to contain zero errors.
Lastly, as for the arrogance to think man can alter the climate. Why would you doubt that?
Mankind has dammed the mightest rivers on the plant. Man has destroyed entire mountain ranges. Man has eradicated 1,000's of species. Destroyed ecosystems, forests and wetlands.
So why is it inconceivable that man can alter the climate by burning billions of tons of carbon based products which billow into the air?
We can disagree on the cause and effect. But you are not entitled to your own set of false facts to argue with.
You seem to be using standard Big Energy talking points. yawn. Are you a Big Energy paid troll?
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The theory is only accepted by those on the extreme left who want to use the hoax of global warming (that's what it used to be called but then they had to change it to climate change after focus groups showed that went over much better) to shape leftist policy goals.
As a believer you have mountains of data that are limited in the context of how long the Earth has been in existence. You won't address my repeated reminders of the fact that this planet has been around for billions of years before humans arrived/evolved. The available climate data is limited because no one was for here for 99.8% of the time Earth has existed.
And you won't address the issue of Al Gore being a hypocrite making millions of dollars off of this "cause" while at the same time flying in jets and consuming gobs of electricity in his Tennessee mansion. Come on man - you obviously don't see an empty suit since you support Obama.
I do agree with you that man is indeed able to alter landscapes, water supplies, etc. That is true. But we are small specs on this planet. The sun drives everything.
Neil Young is a legend and the best songwriter to ever walk the Earth - in my opinion.
Human beings altering the climate is ridiculous and Al Gore is a huckster - in my opinion.
Your website is cool. Thanks for the debate.
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