"The Songs of Neil Young" by Kyle Swartzwelder

The Songs of Neil Young by Kyle Swartzwelder is a 4 song EP that is being released today, January 25, 2011.
The EP, which will be available exclusively on KyleSwartzwelder.com, contains four of Kyle's favorite Neil Young tunes from the late 1960's and early 1970's. Backed by a full band featuring Will Donahue (drummer of Vilebred), Ryan Snyder (bassist of Magnifus), and Nate Gonzalez (multi-instrumentalist for David Janes, Papertrees, etc) on three of the four tracks, Kyle pays tribute to one of his all-time favorite artists. The EP's opening track is an acoustic take on Everybody Knows This is Nowhere featuring Brad Hinton (Wissahickon Chicken Shack, Hezekiah Jones, etc) on dobro and backing vocals.
Check it out! Thanks Kyle! btw, like that cover. ;)
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