Find the Cost of Freedom: Leia's Daddy

Leia's Daddy
Photo by Barry Gutierrez
In honor of Memorial Day, we're re-running this post. When we came across this photo and story, we were really heart struck by this image's poignancy and thought this might be a good reminder of the cost of freedom.
All Sgt. Ryan John Baum wanted to do was come home and put his daughter, Leia, on his chest. Born 11 days after his death in Iraq on May 18, 2007, the placement of the baby photo during visitation addresses that wish.
Those faces we saw in the "Find the Cost of Freedom" sequence during 2006's Living With War/Freedom of Speech tour are -- of course -- more than just statistics. They represent real families and their pain and suffering.
And not just Leia's daddy. Or Bo's daddy. Or the Gold Star Mothers.
CSNY/Deja Vu made us think. Talk. Inspire us to hope that we can make a difference.
find the cost of freedom
buried in the ground
mother earth will swallow you
lay your body down
More on the finding the cost of freedom.
"this is wooden music....So ya gotta be cool"
You know, strangely, I've never listened at all to Living with War...but I already know the pointlessness of war and the impact it has on all loved ones. As a Dr, I see suffering everyday in my work and it breaks my heart to see loved ones suffer.
On Friday last, my Dad passed away at age 92, he a had a good innings and I'll miss him dearly.
Death at any age always has an impact on some loved one's it a son, daughter, wife or husband Father or mother.
For little Leia ,to lose her Dad at such an early age..(Christ she never even got to meet him), is tragic.
Like most of us, we've had the chance to grow and love with our parents,share the highs and lows in life, its challenges and disappointments.
Neil writes in song, of all these emotions and experiences in life's journey, and we can all relate to this in having a favourite, that hits a nerve, an emotion or an experience.
Everyday, I say to myself how fortunate I am to live where we live.
Like all you guys out there in the free world, I to enjoy the simple pleasures that it brings.
Never,never,take your life for granted and enjoy its simple pleasures, be them ever so small.
Just remember, life is not a dress rehearsal it IS the main event,
so live it to its fullest, respect and treasure your friends, and love your family and the pleasures they bring.
The songs from Neil and CSN(Y) from the late sixties and early seventies have never been as poignant as they are today....Helplessly hoping, Find the Cost of freedom, Wooden Ships, For what its worth, Carry on, Chicago..Do I need to go on?
Keep on rockin in the free world....while it lasts!
Reflective Dip. Goodnight
Leia's Daddy is a hero. People are the same, children included. Sometimes the bully on the playground needs his nose punched and bloodied when he won't listen and keeps up his bullying behavior. Leia's Daddy and countless others put thier life on the line and often sacrifice it, so we don't have to give our lunch money to the bully. If you think a bully will listen to the UN, witness North Korea's nuclear launch. Thank you Leia's Daddy and all of our veterans. We must now protect ourselves from ourselves.
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