2008 Year in Review: Year of the Blu-Ray & LincVolt

Photo by Crris b
Neil & Ol' Black in London, 3/14/08: The Story Behind The Picture

Premiere of 'CSNY Deja Vu' at 2008 Sundance Film Festival

"CSNY: Deja Vu" documentary film of the 2006 Freedom of Speech tour

Lookin' for a Leader: A Woman or A Black Man"

London, England - 3/5/08
Photo by Tom Hambleton on Sugar Mountain
Europe 2008 Winter Tour Highlights

Amsterdam, Netherlands - 2/17, 18 & 20/08: Concert Reports
Photo by Roel van Dijk
Photos of Chrome Dreams II Tour Highlights

"Music Can't Change World" Says Neil: World Reaction

It has been three years now since the release "Time Fades Away" petition began with 100,000 visitors to the petition so far.

World Premiere of Greendale stageplay

No Hidden Path, London - 3/9/08 - Photo by Dan on Flickr
No Hidden Path: Atomic Sunrise or a Nuclear Sunset?

"Every step of the way, we have not been alone. Things fall into place like there was a plan. We have now come to see innovation we had never anticipated in all of our dreams, and we are still moving forward." - Neil Young
LINC VOLT and The Archives: What Matters?

Neil Young's The Archives Release News and Reaction: Into the Blu and Out of the Black

Neil Young 2008 Summer Tour Kicks Off in Florence, Italy

Photo by Simone Joyner
Hop Farm Country Park, Paddock Wood, Tonbridge, Kent, England Concert Reports: 7/6/08

Lisbon, Portugal, 7/12/08 - Photos by HarryO
Adventures in Europe 2008: A Travelogue

"The ears are the windows to the soul": Neil Young at Brainstorm

Bospop Weert, 7/11/08 - Photos by Luc

Charlie Rose Interview of Neil Young

Neil Young outside Ed Sullivan Theatre for the 'Late Show With David Letterman' New York City, USA - 16.07.08
"Time Fades Away" at Konig Pilsner Arena, Oberhausen, Germany on 7/9/08. This is the first performance in 35 years!

Neil Young at Rock In Rio Madrid, Spain Concert Reviews: 6/27/08.

Coburg, Germany, 08/23/08 - Photo by Henning Rosenbusch
Europe Summer Tour Wrap Up

The excruciatingly delayed "Archives" project is scheduled for released on November 3, 2008. Not. Ooops.

"Winterland Stories" author and Rustie Chris Horn was recently interviewed by the local San Francisco TV station KGO-TV CH7/ABC on the 30th Anniversary of the "Closing of Winterland" 12/31/78

"Sugar Mountain Live" Reviews

Editorial by Neil Young: How To Save A Major Automobile Company
Music video of the drive to Shoreline for the Bridge concert.
Ultra rare "Mustang" from Squires era used as a soundtrack of Neil driving LincVolt in convertible top down mode on a beautiful Northern California day. Consider this an Archives preview.

Neil Young showcased Linc-Volt at the Dreamforce Conference in San Francisco, CA

Bob Dylan Visits Neil Young's Winnipeg Home
Neil Young - "Sea Change" from Way Out West Festival, Göteborg, Sweden, 6/9/08
In 2008, we begin to see a "Sea Change" (lyrics) and WE ROCKED THE VOTE!!!!!!!!!
The Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 Trailer by Neil Young
The Archives Guy does Archives Q&A Session.

Neil Young Archives Cover Art
Zoom & Pan Art

Toronto - 12/4/08 - Photo by Frank Yang .: chromewaves v7.5
Neil Young cover The Beatles "A Day in the Life" at Farm Aid 2008.

Cat Power and Neil Young on "Fortunate Son" at 2008 Bridge School Concert Highlights

Calgary, Canada Concert Reviews - Photo by Joshua Sawka, Regina Leader-Post

Photos by Winnipeg Free Press
Winnipeg, Canada Concert Reviews - 10/16/08
Neil Young reveals that the fashion world never really understood him.
"Don't Be Denied" Preview Clips

Cough Up The Buck$ Crew
HarryO, Volume Drinkers: Brand New Guy, Paul D.
Madison Square Garden, NYC, NY - 12/15/2008

Neil & Band with Wilco & Everest
New York City - Dec. 16, 2008
Photo by Lauri Stolworthy - Gallery hosted by Joyce - LAOL
Just another amazing year for Neil fans. Funny, but that's what we said last year about 2007 in review.
Was it the year of the Blu-Volt or Linc-Ray?
And another wonderful year for us here at Thrasher's Wheat where we're celebrating our 12th year on the web and 15 years as a Rustie! Thanks everyone for supporting Thrasher's Wheat!
See you in 2009!
Happy New Year!
A very good year for Neil indeed.
Thrasher, Thanks for running an awesome site! Its been a great year on on this site. Many thanks for all that you do to make this site humm.
Remember when some People came on here saying how Neil was "Done", "Washed Up".
That never goes away does it...even when he proves them wrong, over and over again...you know the rest.
Go Neil! Thanks for the Sound Track to mine, so many Lives.
And thanks Thrasher.
a word of advise Thrasher, stick to Neil stories and forget politics. Almost lost me!!!!!
Yeah great year for Neil
To 12/30/2008 06:01:00 AM
Thanks for the advice.
So, here's the deal. We'll stick to Neil only stories when Neil no longer does political songs, OK?
Ok Thrasher fair statement it's your site and you set the rules.
If I don't like the rules I guess I'll have to leave.
All the best in the new year Thrasher
Hope to see Neil in London @ the Glastonbury festival!!!!
Great site Thrasher, and a great year for Neil!
I STILL can't believe I got to see him twice this year! I'm still recovering, the man is a force of nature.
My hope for 2009 is that, if he is actually doing Glastonbury, then as well as Glastonbury he does a few other UK shows. Scotland would LOVE to see him again, I only hope he's got a Scottish date lined up, I'll be there, front row! :-)
After the reaction he got in Edinburgh this March, I see no reason why he shouldn't come back!
Anyway, enough of me. I love your site Thrasher, I visit at least a few times a day to see whats happening. Thanks for all you do!
Davie from Scotland
So what the heck are Blu-Volt and Linc-Ray?
Thrasher, that's a great 2008 summary you put together. It really highlights how many things Neil accomplished in one year. Truly amazing that at 63 he's not only at the very top of his game musically but he's breaking new ground technologically with the Archives, put out a documentary, trying to crack our oil addiction, Bridge School interviews, touring around the world, breaking out classic songs like TFA after 30 years, writing new songs ... you go through Thrasher's photo montage of Neil in '08 and its hard to imagine how one person could do all that in one year. Its hard to deny that '08 was a great year to be a Neil fan ... all the complaints aside, hard for anyone to deny that Neil is a pretty incredible individual who gives his fans more than they bargain for.
TW = The Archives! ;)
thanks for the great site, thrasher. you can be assured that i check this site on a daily basis which is more than can be said about neil's own site!
i saw neil at the hop farm (kent, england) this summer and it was the best concert i have ever attended. keep on rockin', neil; you're the greatest musician around.
now... i'd just love to see neil do GLASTONBURY 09 and a ton of other uk dates. it would be probably destroy my balance, but i'd try getting tickets for each concert!
I didn't know you were coming to NYC; wish I could have met you.
This truly was a wonderful year for us; I'm still glowing from two (2) nights at MSG!!!!
May you and your family have the greatest New Year!
Marian M.
Thrasher - A big THANK YOU for all your efforts with the site, and by all means, keep the politics! You're right on, man.
Happy New Year to all.
What I'd like to know is who's playing the scorching trumpet on the exceptionally reverent (that girl's heart is in the right place, but that's not surprising since Neil would have written Ah Mary if he thought of it first) cover of Cortez?
I have a Buffalo Springfield bias, but I'll be damned if Steve and Neil don't bring out the best in each other.
I hope I didn't offend anybody by bringing up Steve (well, acually, you know you're a Phillistine that just doesn't get it if you were offended).
Here's a treat:
And another:
Now, I'd say that's Stills channeling his buddy.
This is a fine version of what I think is the best song Neil wrote:
And Chan Marshall wants to be Maria McKee when she grows up:
And I always thought Neil Young sounded a lot like a fellow Canadian (or North American, I guess):
Where's the updated Archives website? I thought is was supposed to be up by now :(
Thanks Thrasher! Your site is like a life-line, especially for those of us in the sticks. After all, I live in the desert, I'm a horsewifnoname, eh?
Happy New Year and Keep on Rockin' to all!
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