We got to have a clean win
To regain confidence
"Lookin' For A Leader" lyrics
(Thanks Horsesmouth!)
Breaking News and Opinion on The Huffington Post
Neil Young - "Sea Change" from Way Out West Festival, Göteborg, Sweden, 6/9/08
It is definitely a "Sea Change" (lyrics)
Yes we can!
When Bobby Kennedy was agonizing over whether or not to run in 1968, he told one of his advisors: "People are selfish. But they can also be compassionate and generous, and they care about the country. But not when they feel threatened. That's why this is such a crucial time. We can go in either direction. But if we don't make a choice soon, it will be too late to turn things around. I think people are willing to make the right choice. But they need leadership. They're hungry for leadership."
Forty years later, we are starving for it. Real leadership. Leadership geared to transforming the country.
Go Obama!
HELL YEAH PEOPLE!!!! WE DID IT! Finally, the old, GREEDY, SELFISH, DUMB Guard is going out! TAKE NOTE PEOPLE THIS TRULY IS HISTORY! A big example of the real change we need in this country is a watchful eye on the greedy hand! People say 'YEAH BUT WE"RE CAPITALISTS!" Well maybe but all this greed on the part of BIG BUSINESS, BANKS, WALL STREET AND GOVENMENT IS KILLING OUR COUNTRY!!!!! and turning even the most laid-back hippies into cynical, angry, hateful people! We can be true capitalists without KILLING THE MIDDLE CLASS! WORKERS NEED TO BE ABLE TO SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES!
I love Obama, the best man truly did win and I'm glad I voted for him...lets just all pray that true change is really going to come! I have a feeling it just may. It will be interesting to watch this man.... I like the fact he’s talked to the angry radicals! Some one in government should have a long time ago! He's just radical enough for me to like him. THE WORLD WAS WATCHING AND FOR ONCE THE REAL AMERICA HAS SPOKEN! THIS IS A GREAT DAY to be AMERICAN!
Any statement from Neil on the election?
Laid-back hippie is an oxymoron...everyone should be able to support their families but its unreasonable to have a "union worker class" that gets paid top dollar, is lazy, gets loads of vacations, and lifetime benefits ... thats why GM and Chrysler are on the verge ... The ols boss has been fired, the American people have spoken ... hopefully the Democratics will use their power for the people and not abuse it as is so often the case in Washington ... how many times have we heard the promise of change? I'm hopeful but cautious. In terms of interacting with radicals, like the homegrown folks at the Weather Underground who wreaked terror, death and destruction in our own US of A .... well, proves that Mr. SHXT HORSE aint not "laid-back" hippy ... if Obama has palled around with them then shame on him .. those monsters ought to be locked up in Guantanemo if not for a legal technicality ... there's not much difference between them and our new terrorist enemies. Congrats America! Hopefully things will turn around. If not, I'm voting for Neil in '12.
I have not heard a comment from Neil on the election, no problem from this corner regarding the Obama Kool-Aid. Drink it Up. I call this election a Hippie Nightmare. As always, life goes on. Please pray that the millions of campaign dollars that went to the Obama Camp did not come from terrorist's; rather that they only came from moderate Islamist's. Oh well-time will tell. Keep On Rockin' in What used to be the Free World!!!
sometimes it's the so-called radicals that care the most about their country...our founding fathers were considered radicals....lets not forget
You haven't heard Neil comment yet?
Neil's been commenting about this election ever since he started with LWW.
What more is there to say? Bring on the archives...
This note's for you: Anon/Mr. Keep On Rockin' in What used to be the Free World:
Rather the Obama kool-aid than a vice president that doesn't Africa is a continent!
and http://tinyurl.com/6kma8y
i hope for the best but i also cant ignore the reality of this choice.unemployment will surge as employers wont have the money to keep as many people on,there are well over 4 million companies that make 250,000 or more,and are by far employ the majority of the work force.you think out-sourcing of jobs is a problem now?..just wait.we need to create more wealth and jobs not punish people because they decide to work harder then others.where is the incentive for people to better their situation when they just get money from the government from people who work hard to support their families and hire people? the middle class will get a tax hike when he lets the bush tax cuts expire in a year and a half or so.i love it that a black man has made it to the office but i just wish it was Colin Powell.
Jindal 2012
I voted for Obama and was thrilled to see the outcome. But somehow mixing that feeling with Neil--a big Reagan supporter, which made me sick--makes me sick.
Neil's intellect is best left in the rock and acoustic worlds.
This website shouldn't be political. Anyway, everybody knows this is nowhere.
I really wish there was a better site to find Neil Young news than this uber-political one. I really don't care about your political views- why not put them on a separate link or something and keep the Neil Young news front and center?
People are going to be disappointed in their "chosen one" when he can't fix the economy right away
As an ardent Neil Young fan (and supporter of Obama), I enjoy visiting this website to see concert reviews, to get the update on what Neil is doing, and to continually sign the "Time Fades Away" petition. The political stuff is a turn-off, Thrasher, it has no place here.
I want to know more about Sugar Mountain live. Where's the trailer?
it is too bad its political but look at the content.i love this site and neil but when you put up election content and obamas pictue at the top this is what will happen.in a year or two we will hear nada..if he still has the funds to keep thrashers on line..
Here's a novel idea. If you don't like the politic aspects of this site, just skip the threads that are clearly political. Then it won't upset you so much. It's easy, read the headline of a post, and if it's not a topic you're interested in, just scroll down.
But while we're on the topic, this is clearly a great thing for America. Of course he's not going to fix everything in a short amount of time, maybe not even in 4 years, but it's going to be a change in direction we so sorely need. The improvement of our image throughout the world due to a single event should not be undervalued, and was sorely needed.
Don't worry, rich people will still be rich, and I don't think anyone's interested in giving your hard earned money to those that refuse to do anything (although it seems to be acceptable to give billions of taxpayers money to greedy corporations that messed up). And this idea that if you just work hard enough you can be rich is complete b.s. Not everyone is given the same opportunities in life to succeed and surely not everyone has the mental capabilities to become successful, so why should they be left without basic needs (ie healthcare) in the most advanced society in the world? They shouldn't.
That being said, I just hope he's able to accomplish at least half of the things he's promised and doesn't let our congress act like a bunch of elementary school children and screw everything up And I'm talking about republicans and democrats, both parties are to blame for all of these problems we're facing right now.
AMEN! ^ What he said!
JFK said:
"Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans - born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage - and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this Nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. "
Our long national nightmare is ending. America will not soon again start a war based on lies and propaganda. We will not torture. We will restore the rights of freedom of speech, freedom of privacy, and habeas corpus. We will enter at last in the struggle against environmental disaster. Our ideas will once again be more powerful than our weapons. During the last eight years, the beacon on the hill flickered out.
Now the torch will shine again.
Those unhappy about the political discussion on this site should remember that it was Neil who wrote LWW and Neil who was early to reference Obama in one of his songs ... so in my humbe opinion, in times like these its fully appropriate to have some political subject matter on this site, not to mention that this is Thrasher's blog - an excellent one at that - and he can do what ever he wants with it ... like Neil said about that the '07 theatre tour - "its not mandatory" ... I was not in favor of Obama but have now put my concerns to the side and will give him my support so we can improve the country... as all this excitement dies down I'm sure we'll be back to discussing all things Neil
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