Guestbook for Thrasher's Wheat
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An unofficial news blog for Neil Young fans from Thrasher's Wheat with concert and album updates, reviews, analysis, and other Rock & Roll ramblings. Separating the wheat from the chaff since 1996.
Please drop us a line in the Guestbook for Thrasher's Wheat! We love comments and suggestions.
by thrasher@PermaLink: 7/01/2006 02:49:00 PM
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Clippings on A Rock n Roll Cowboy
(Rust in Peace)
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Only Love Can Break Your Heart
Sign the Release "Time Fades Away" Petition
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Neil Young Appreciation Society
Bands Covering Neil Young songs
So Who Really Was "The Godfather of Grunge"?
Speak not because it is safe, but because it is right.
— Edward Snowden (@Snowden) February 11, 2017
Great page! Neil Young definitely is a musical genius and deserves all the respect he gets and more.
Brian Kornichuk
I am 45 years old and Neil has always been an inspiration to me in that he refuses to be pigeon-holed into a certain category, he refuses to turn into a nostalgia act and continues to keep on rockin'. He is one of the last great rock n rollers of a generation, yet he continues to lead and inspire a new generation of fans. He is the definition of cool, class and "fuck you" rock and roll!
David Macera
Its not until recently i have relized just how great Neil Young really is. I only just turned 18 so dont give me too much greif... A few years ago i really started getting into older music, i think it started when i was driving around with my dad and he had it playing in the car, older music just had more appeal to me. I new I liked Young's songs but not for the best reason until lately. I always liked the great rythyms and easy going beats, but now im really starting to research the meaning of some of his songs. I never took them to be that deep until i read the lyrics. I enjoy his music 10X more now. I only hope he plays in southern ontario sometime before he stops touring so I can have the chance to hear him live. Keep on rockin neil!
Jason Allen
Just wanted to say that I love the site. Great work...Bravo.
Keep on rockin',
I was sitting around a bon-fire in the snow with a bunch of hippy friends singing "The needle and the damage done". I was 13. I'm 46 now and I have never swayed from Neil's music. I grew up,literally, to him. Got me through some rough moments.
I remember that I didn't go anywhere withoug Neil's ablum tucked under my arm. I was nicknamed "Neil" to my friends. It/he has marked who I am,trust me, that has been a good thing.
Still rockin with you...
My friends used to go out driving on Friday and Saturday nights with a good friend in high school. Of course we drank beer and all the other stuff kids were suppose to do in the early 70's. This friend who drove us fell off a car at school and hit his head, he died a few days after that. He used to sing Neil's songs and play his guitar as we listened to them on the tape player. 7 or 8 years ago I saw Neil live for the first time. I think it was the biggest thrill of my life. I'm severly disabled, I have epilepsy, had experimental brain surgery 18 months ago, diabetes for 37 years and lost my right leg. I lost my wife to a friend I took to see Neil but I think he did me a favor. The only thing he could return to me is my Neil Young library. I'm sitting here listening to some of the CDs my daughter recorded on his computer.Neil Young must have the experience of half the world to write the music he does. He's the only man I can relate to. Thanks for listening to this.
I am just signing this because I have always loved Neil Young's music. He is the greatest - his singing and his playing as well. It's rock & roll at its finest. I have every cassette of his and have now started collecting CD's. And I, like Neil Young, have been around a long time. I've seen and heard lots of great musicians and he is still the best. Keep on rockin' in the free world, Neil.
Lisa Miller
Neil Young has been such an influence in the relationship between myself and my husband of 33 yrs. The day I asked my husband out he was listening to after the gold rush, that became our song and whenever there were troubles in our lives it was to Neil's music for comfort and affirmation of that perfect time when youfirst me the person you know to be the only important person in the world for you.So I thank you Neil for giving us that and thank you for Prairie Wind, it makes me cry, but I love it.
Thanks, Linda.
Great site! I love the way you've set it up, organized. I will have to make some time to read it. Keep up the good work.
well...i'm 16 and I've been a fan for like a year and a i'm still just exploring this brand new artist...yet i've been able to get my hands on 16 of his albums,read Shakey,bought a few dvd's,learned teh harmonica and some of his songs...there's just so much to learn from this man
and this site is amazing..i loooove it..i check ATLEAST twice a day for updates and stuff...and most times,there are that's real awsome that it gets updated frequently..some fan sites haven't been updated since 2003,you know?so this site is like a breath of fresh air
this site rocks..i love it..and the Time Fades Away petition is a great idea
so keep up the great work
I can't beleive i just now found this site, i love it. I've been A big Neil Young fan for over 20 years now, sometimes I'll go months listening to just Neil tunes. I can't begin to say how much Neils music has meant to me. I can't think of another artist who demands the respect and admeration that Neil Young does. Thanks Neil I love ya
P.S. Please come to Boston for the springtime.
Paulie Q from Boston MA
Paul Crescitelli
I'm a 16 year old city kid... wouldn't imagine me listening to Neil Young now would ya? All in all I believe he is a remarkable artist with inspirational song that help young artists such as myself find something with great meaning. Don't get me wrong i still have an unconditional love for grunge and punk, but songs such as those by Young make me determined to pursue music. Although my word may not mean much, i would like to say that the powderfinger lyric analysis was exremely well done.
I am looking for a guitar strap like Neil's, black with peace signs and doves. Can anyone help me find one? Please reply.
Probably old news but we watched the Jim Jarmusch movie "Broken Flowers" last night and caught a reference to Neil with a character at a flower shop who introduces herself as "Sun, Sun Green" in reply to Bill Murray's question asking her what her name is. Kinda cool subtle rememberance to his friend.
Due to all this talk about archives it reminded me of a question I had. I recently recieved a copy of NY & Crazy Horse - Don't Cry No Tears(Live at Chicago '76) and on this CD is the song Country Home. Was the album Ragged Glory the first true release of this song or was it on an earlier album? It sort of blew me away that Neil would wait so long to finally record the song.
Scott B.
Can anyone help me? I am a film student here in San Diego, doing a piece on John Lennon, focusing on his social activism. He was the voice of my generation (I'm in my 50's). and Neil has become that new person for me. My film has several interviews from current musicians (local), but I would love to just have Neil saying his thoughts on Lennon, the peace movement of then and now. Johns message is still here, what does Neil think? Any way of contacting Neil re this?
thanks & peace & light
Carla Sweet
I have been searching, unsuccessfully, for a copy of Young's Heart of Gold Nashville concert on CD. the DVD notes that it is on the Reprise Records label, but I can't find any info about it there, either. Anyone know anything about it?
forgot to leave my email address
Great site with lots of good info, so happy to find it, never have missed a Neil or C.S.N.Y. Cleveland ohio show yet and spent about fifty percent of my 30 year music carrer as a Neil cover artist,
again wonderful site
Thomas G Sayers
anyone know of a recording of Neil doing "This Old House" from Farm Aid 1985? Or any recording of that entire program?
Anybody have a good quality copy of Neil doing the song L.A.? Before recording the rock version on Time Fades Away - he performed it acoustic solo in the early 70's.
My friends used to go out driving on Friday and Saturday nights with a good friend in high school. Of course we drank beer and all the other stuff kids were suppose to do in the early 70's. This friend who drove us fell off a car at school and hit his head, he died a few days after that. He used to sing Neil's songs and play his guitar as we listened to them on the tape player. 7 or 8 years ago I saw Neil live for the first time. I think it was the biggest thrill of my life. I'm severly disabled, I have epilepsy, had experimental brain surgery 18 months ago, diabetes for 37 years and lost my right leg. I lost my wife to a friend I took to see Neil but I think he did me a favor. The only thing he could return to me is my Neil Young library. I'm sitting here listening to some of the CDs my daughter recorded on his computer.Neil Young must have the experience of half the world to write the music he does. He's the only man I can relate to. Thanks for listening to this.
This site is a great way to keep up with Neil news.
I have been a Neil Young fan since I went to see him at an ice rink in North Wales in about 1982.I had not heard much of his music before I went but was so blown away by him and his music.
I have followed his career ever since and he never ceases to amaze with his versatility.
The man is simply a genius and long may he run!
Graham Price,Wales,UK
I've been sittin' on these photos of Neil for over 30 years. Just recently found them and started scanning. I have a few more to add, but basically done:
Hope everyone enjoys them as much as I did shooting them.
Mark Estabrook
He Everyone
I am trying to find times fade away and journey thru the past to complete my collection of neils cds can any one help me.
This Man is a GOD
if you can help then conatct me on
guys been droppin us postcards from the future for 40 years listen to on the beach if ya dont believe me! rockin is just another example of prescience on neils part. so pay attention.
Neil continues to breath life into the world of Music.
I came across this guestbook through signing the Release Time Fade's Away petition. I have done so gladly.
Is it okay to ask a question about the Heart Of Gold DVD? If so, what I want to know is this.... what is the make of, and where can I buy, a hat similar to that which Neil wears on the cover?
Any info gratefully received
Rollin' to the bottom...
Phil Graham (UK)
FILMAR Photography
I had 7 brain aneurysms 2 years ago. Had surgeries for 1 year since my skull got infected, had to remove then replace. I've been out of work for 2 years (only temporary) and am in HELL!
Have loved you since I was 16 (now 54) and you are still so cute. I'm the one who kept yelling "I Am A Child" (from your Buffalo days) in Atlanta in about 1996.
Love you and take care.
Friday 23rd February 2007 8pm at Norwich Puppet Theatre
Don't Spook the Horse - Neil Young tribute band recreating the unmistakable spirit and stage humour of a man still refusing to burn out or fade away. We take you on a journey through Neil Young's long and varied career. From delicate acoustic masterpieces like Through My Sails and country classics such as Heart of Gold, to the powerful folk rolk anthems he is so well loved for.
All Tickets £8 available in advance from Norwich Arts Centre 01603 660352 , Norwich Puppet Theatre 01603 629921 , and UEA box office 01603 508050. (Tickets on the door at Puppet Theatre for cash or cheque only.)
Hey my friends. I feel Neil really pussed out immediately after 911 and just fell back on his Reagen era "sensibilities" (he was a Reagen supporter/fan). Five years later he finally re-found his Cortez/Goldrush/Campaigner balls. However, on Sept. 12 2001 I/we went staright to work on what we dubbed OHIO 2001, in part, because we were so upset with Neil's MIA anti-911 "revenge" status that we wanted to protest his absence by "stealing" "his" song, modifying it to fit the 911/Afghanistan/Iraq catastrophe, and reflecting back to him his aging, yuppified, millionaire, group think hypocrisy. Please check OHIO 2001 out at and/or at and get back to the 60's idealism, a time before Neil wore Armani, owned model train corporations, and accused his fans of stealing "his" music off of NAPSTER.
Hi, Thanks for having this site.
It's really Great!!!
I want to Know if anyone remembers seeing Neil's film THROUGH THE PAST
and if the concert footage of Buffalo Springfield, CSN&Y, and
early Neil live is worth purchasing on Ebay. I'm sure it is a copy from VHS. I'm mostly wanting
the live footage, since I,ve heard
the rest is a bit strange.
PLEASE someone out there advise me.
Many Thanks, Mick Marino
Being nominated for a Grammy was confirmation that Neil had sunk into the deepest pit of his checkered career with his laughably sophomoric "Living with War". I just hope he climbs out into the sunlight soon and stops diluting his art and his goodwill with such infantile drivel. His mass release of his classic concert material is a good start. A re-release of "Time Fades Away" on CD would help. How can he still be embarrassed about that fine work after agressively foisting "Living with War" on us?
just an interesting note, the daughter of late Buffalo Springfield bassist Bruce Palmer has a blog. sorta funny. check it out if you have a moment.
Yorkville dweller
Hey, great info on your site...having done a ton of research over the years and even more lately for my Neil Young Tribute Band this site has come in handy quite a few times. Thanks for what ended up being some wonderful help. Check us out if ya like "LIVE RUST The Definitive Neil Young Tribute Band"
Just got back from my local mall 03/24/07 with Neil’s latest, Massy Hall 1971. I am watching the DVD wow !!!!!!! Take about bringing back dusty memories !!!!!!! I am 54 this year and was born and raised in Toronto and have always be a big fan of Neil Young from day one. There are many songs that made there debut at that concert re “ old man “ that went on to be mega hits. Its neat to see the audiences’ reaction to these new songs re 1971.
Could not think of a better way to spend my Saturday afternoon!!!!!!
Neil is a musical genius and has given us so much of his talent over the years.
Thanks for the memories and being part of my teenage years and to date.
David Lorsch
thanks for your great work.
I'am a question fo you. Can you help me to undestand one word in the liner notes of Young to "Helpless" in the "Decade" :
I like to ... it out to Tim Hardin.
There are rumors, that Neil will go on tour in Europe. Does anybody know, if that's true???
Don't Spook the Horse - Neil Young
tribute band recreating the unmistakable
spirit and stage humour of a man still
refusing to burn out or fade away.
We take you on a journey through Neil Young's
long and varied career. From delicate acoustic
masterpieces like Through My Sails
and country classics such as Heart of Gold, to the
powerful folk rolk anthems he is so well loved for.
Neil Young avidly supports the Bridge School in San Fran (his son was a student there). My son recently applied and was accepted at the school for their summer camp. Now they have taken their acceptance back, saying that they can't accomodate for his medical issues. The only accomodation I am asking for is that they ALLOW him to stay in a hotel overnight (near the camp) where sufficient plug ins are available for all his overnight medical equipment. I am arranging it and paying for it, along with a private nurse. I can't believe Neil would support a place that pretends to be inclusive, yet is being so discrimitory towards a boy who just wants to learn to communicate, but can't because of his medical issues standing in the way.
I for one would like to see Neil put out the live at The Rainbow concert from the Tonight's The Night tour in 1973 before he releases The Archives vol.1.I've heard the Lyceum concert from that tour and it is PHENOMANOL.He says The Rainbow concert is REALLY good.And I believe it.Just one man's opinion but I think that would be great.
Hello Waterface.It's me anonymous...again.Once again I'd like to say that it would be great if Neil released the Rainbow '73 concert before he releases the Archives vol.1 set.Last I heard vol.1 was supposed to come out in the Fall of this year.Which could mean anywhere from Oct.-Nov. right?Wouldn't it be sweet if Rainbow '73 came out sometime in the summer?!I just love Tonight's The Night.And like I said before that Lyceum concert from that tour is just AWESOME.It does beat the album.And you hardly see or hear any documentation from that tour.I just love the whole package.The music,vibe,feelin' and stage show with all the trinkets and stuff really "Mellow My Mind."When I first heard and really got into TTN was back in '95-'96.I know it might sound strange but that album helped to get me through some rough emotional times.Well one can only hope.Take care y'all.
Awesome site! This has got a lot of great information, thanks; Neil Young is definitly one to remember. I don't think he'll be forgotten any time soon.
You did a great job here, very interesting pages ! Just add you to my favorite ...
I just want to let you know that Neil is my favorite artist and that, as the KOKOMO's (webradio) dj I play a lot of his songs.
greetings from France
Our tradition at Thanksgiving is playing Neil Young's Unplugged while watching the football games. It's the only way we can bring our family divided by politics, religion, eating habits, personal hygiene, etc. back together.
Dee? What was that one Neil Young you played on Easter? (I like this blog, too btw. I thought I'd find you here snooping...) OOOXXX Aunt Dotty
Aunt Dotty? Is that really you? This blog is about as good as it gets.
I thought I wrote down those lyrics for you ... "Every morning when I look in your eyes I feel electrified by you." It was TRANS (1983) mixed in with current Prairie Wind & Greendale ...
OK, I'll just say that I love Neil young's music and voice so much. The best concert I ever saw was a Neil Young concert, which I've already mentioned here (the one where me and my two best friends got in at the last minute by some strange, beautiful synchronicity, or maybe just the cluelessness of Bon Jovi fans!). I grew up on Neil and Bob. I used to listen to Bob's more popular stuff before delving deeper into his music as I got older. I'm doing the same now with Neil. Just looking at this site I know there is so much I've missed out on, so I've got to get moving! I'm so proud of the young ones here who find inspiration in great art and know good music when they hear it. I wish you all the best with your musical dreams. Bring it on.
As a Canadian, I am proud of what Neil is doing. Not only with his music, but also with his involvement in bettering our world. When I go on road trips through Ontario, I bring my Neil Young CDs to listen to because the music makes everything fit together; it makes me feel more Canadian. I am getting married in September, and I was thrilled when my fiance proposed we dance our first dance to Harvest Moon. Now if only Neil didn't have to be in New York the next day!
Karolina Walczak
I heard, on the radio, a recording of Neil and Eddie Veder doing a smoking HOT version of "Mr Soul."
I 've been searching for two weeks and this recording doesn't actually appear to exist.
Where, oh where, can I buy this recording?
Has anyone seen
I have been a Neil Young fan since he started. I am 53 years old. I think that your site is fantastic, and would like to personally thankyou for taking time to keep his fans up to speed. Thankyou, Erika
There's a full preview of "Chrome Dreams II" at
When do the NYC concert tix go on sale for December...
I am 9 years younger than Neil. I have been a fan since the Buffalo Sprigfield era. I went to Woodstock at age 15 to see him up close. With the rain, Lack of food or shelter, broken glass, the electric coolaid, I am lucky I survived. Ever since hearing the 4way street version of "Southern Man" I have been one of the faithful. I have bought every one of his albums the first day they were released since 1969. To date I have attended 26 of his concerts. I was fortune to be able to attend 3 of the Greendale shows and 3 of the Freedom of Speech shows. I don't drive new cars, or play golf so I have been able to pay the price for front row seats. I paid 999.99 for Massey Hall second row seats. Say what you want about scalpers but if not for them I would have missed out on some of the most enjoyable experiances of my life. I enjoy every concert like it might be the last time. 20 years sober, and a sentimental old fool, I feel like Neil and I are old friends. Because I have had alot of front row seats and bear an uncanny resemblance to David Crosby Neil recognises me as someone he has seen before. I am going to attend 3 of the Chrome Dreams concerts and enjoy every minute. I am greatful for my life and I salute Neil for his. Tuned4life
i just found this Neil Young Tribute CD that is being released next week that will benefit the Bridge School. Visit the link below for information
and neil young kicks ass!! See you in chicago next tuesday
have loved ny since borrowing decade from belfast central library when i was 15
just put together a cd..pocahontas.through my sails.bandit.ride my llama.will to love.natural beauty.
oh and the back.revolution blues.families.throw a hurricane...this man was the first concert i ever went to at the rds in dublin...what a night! i still buy the albums hoping for another will to love or hurricane...
62 TODAY - 12 NOV 07
Just dropping in to say thanks for this site and for everybody's reviews of Neil's recent concerts. For someone too far away to go to it's a small consolation.
Neil has some very talented fans by the way. Some of the reviews are pieces of art themselves! Neil inspires such greatness I suppose! Anyway, thanks everyone. And thanks Neil.
Heading to The Fabulous Fox in St. Louis tomorrow for the Sunday show. Wondering if Thrasher and crew will be hanging out somewhere locally before the show?
I'm broken-hearted.
I've been waiting patiently for a long time for Neil to come to Buffalo.
The tickets go on sale and get bought up by the ticket brokers.
Now the tickets are going for $250 to $300 instead of the face value of $89 to $132.
The ticket brokers are nothing but high tech scalpers and do nothing but take money out of the fans pockets.
I'm sure none of this money goes to the artists.
This is a scourge to me and should be to any of the faithful music who have been going to concerts such as I have been for more than 30 years.
I wonder of the promoters and managers of Neil's tour know about this problem?
A significant anniversary today. RIP Danny Whitten.
I am a fan of Neil Young and I have been trying to find out something...did Mr. Young ever announce that he is clean and sober? I thought I had read an article a long time ago that quoted him as such. Please reply to
I've been looking but can't find an answer... Who's playing the version of Greensleeves which Neil plays while everyone is walking out after the show. Chicago Theater's two shows were nothing but magical.
My husband has asked Santa for the Neil Young The Archives Vol 1 for Christmas. Was this ever released? According to some web articals, it was to be released Fall 2007? Please help!
Thrashers Wheat. Thanks for the Blog! Neal rocks large and so do you for making this blog. I came across your blog while posting locally on all the feelings/emotion that came about due to the Prairie Wind concert. Here's a link to it- . Me? F, 49, electrician living in Bakersfield, CA. From Seattle Washington (near Canada, lol) originally. Buck Owens was right though some folks (like me) fall in love with Bakersfield right from the start.
Keep on rocking, and blogging! Sooz
Hi all.
I went to both shows in Chicago last month. I bought 6 tickets through ticketmaster. I have not received the
Chrome Dream II cd's which were promised (one cd for every two tickets purchased). Ticketmaster keeps promising to straighten things
out, but so far it's been all talk no action. Has anybody else had this problem? I paid over $600 and though the shows were great, I feel ripped off (even more than usual)
by those ticketbastards. I finally went out and bought a copy of Chrome Dreams.
a disgusted Neil fan
Neal V.
I have been a Neil Young for more years then I care to remember and some years ago ,I was fortunate enough to see him perform in Boston....imagine my joy when I saw he was doing some european dates next year ( I now live in France)...well the happiness was short-lived when I saw how much the tickets cost....the on earth is going on?....has he become a Streisand wannabee?...please dont tell me he has no control over pricing!...all I know is, my ardent fans cant go and support him..... or maybe he has been in the business so long and made enough bucks not to care.... and yes I am pissed off
I couldn't make this up...Yesterday I was in the car with my 19 month old son. I turned off the car and the Live at Massey Hall CD that was playing. From the backseat came my boy's first sentence. "YOUNG, more Neil Young!"
I was astonished. From 19 months to 99 years, the man has some fans! I couldn't be happier or more proud.
^ Great story. You have the coolest 19 month old on the planet!
I have completed a book of poem from my life's lessons that I am sure Neil and all his fans would enjoy and most certainly relate to. My book which is on Amazon is titled" experience,strength and hope"poems of lifes lessons. I was hoping he would read it and give me his feed back. It is my first book and his and any of his fans comments would mean the world to me and all potential readers suffering from similar diseases. If possible could you provide me with an address that I can send a copy of the book for Neil to read ? Much thanks Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you and all your families. Sincerely Ronald J. Edwards
I would like to send an email to Neil Young. We had a celebration of his heart of Gold CD on November 11, to celebrate, Canada, Neil Young, and our troops, at my sisters place on the Malahat in BC and I would like Neil to drop by next year. My sister has MS and would love to meet him.
Howard Keele,
We are greatly inspired by your songs. We are two brothers Peter & Paul Marcucci and we are know as THE ISSUE our songs are our life experiences
Our first CD's release is title "THE HIGH ROAD TO FREEDOM"
Even though our fans are not as munerouse as yours Mr. Youngs their comment and complements to us that our songs have an inpact to them and style reminds them of Neil Young. We are not sure when our next CD release will be out we are still working on our songs and one original songs is title" Blood for OIL". Once again we are greatly inspired by you and we hope our songs will influence others as yours .
I've been looking for a Neil Young song which I thought was titled I'm Wondering. Kind of a 50ish background sound. Anyone know the real title and what group he was with when it was recorded?
Does anyone know if there is sheet music available for the song, "Journey Through The Past"? I first heard it on the Live At Massey Hall CD, and love it/would like to learn it on piano.
Ken B
Like your stuff - since forever, the world is bigger than the USA though, and would like you to perform in South Africa ... Great Fan Base HERE.
News from Omemee, Ontario Canada.... Neil's childhood home town. FYI: To open May 17, 2008 .... The Youngtown Rock & Roll Museum (In tribute to Neil Young but not affiliated with the artist) An outstanding collection of rock artifacts and memorabilia. If interested check-out Regards, T.R.
Neil Young is playing Hop Farm in Kent in July -|venaudit=Hop+Farm+Country+Park&filler1=see&filler2=ven-srch&orderby=date&filler3=efestivals
Thank you Neil! for the power, emotion, frustration; and your help in understanding life the universe and everything! Saw first two New York shows, 2 in Manchester and the last in London - all had something great but the best was Cortez in New York when he broke 'Old Black's' strings!! A close second was the second night in Manchester - sublime in every way. only regret - I did not see him perform Flying on the Ground. Maybe at Hop Farm in the summer?
Now I can be calm!
Philip Rose Nottingham
I am not sure - Mike Catchmore - who was Neil's nemesis at Kelvin High School in Winnipeg
Catchmore was the gym teacher , who dislked everyone , but most of all Neil. We did not even have a gym at Kelvin - just an auditorium
Catchmore taunted Neil repeatedly with " You will never amount to anything"
From some sources that are reputable but that I cannot confirm is that Mike Catchmore passed away several months ago
Anyone have any additional information ?
Can anyone provide info on which website I can sign up for concert info. It would be much appreciated.
Walk On
Will some one please send website info for current concert dates?
IT would be much appreciated.
Walk On
Hello it's me...Waterface.Well I must say that Neil releasing Archives vol.1 supposedly on Blu-ray only helps to support my theory that this country is geared more towards the haves than have nots.Not everybody can afford to go out and buy blu-ray players and psp 3's at a moments notice.But when you're and I quote "Rich and elitist." like Neil you might be less inclined to think about those things at first.I'm disappointed to say the least.There's no reason why the audio portion can't be on cd.In my opinion the sound quality on the Massey Hall cd is amazing.And have the video portion be offered in DVD or Blu-ray.I don't know if anyone from Neil's camp ever reads this stuff but that's one man's 2 cents worth.
Does anyone have any info on this release from NY which has appeared on many UK music stores. It has a release date of 2nd June 08.;-1;-1;-1&sku=79038
Picture of - Neil Young: Hurricane: 2dvd: Book: Collectors Edition: Ltd
Neil Young: Hurricane: 2dvd: Book: Collectors Edition: Ltd
Andy McKellan
sorry link for above should have been;-1;-1;-1&sku=790381
A few months ago I was busy trying to find another TFA LP, since I only have twelve or so and like any true Neil Young fan think that the price of TFA copies is going to look like the oil market pretty soon... Anyway, I made a purchase for a fairly pristine copy and had a problem with my Pay Pal account and ended up talking with the seller directly (he lives ni New Jersey). I thought it to be pretty cool when he told me that the only reason he ever owned the LP was that he was on the cover.. yeah, he claims that he is the guy with making the Peace sign... he says that he went to the concert as a last minute thing and that he wasn't really into Neil all that much (it says a lot that he would ever sell his vintage TFA album in the first place. let alone with his picture on the cover). I didn't know whether to believe him or not, but, he really had not reason to be lying to me - I had already made the purchase. I thought it strange that such an iconic photo would include a guy that wasn't a Neil fan per se... weird, but probably how Neil would have wanted it, since, to his mind there were far fewer fans of Neil AFTER the TFA tour than before it. (Not me of course, as a 14 year old, I was amazed and simply in love with Don't Be Denied - it became the theme song to my life). Thanks Neil.
I just wanna say that it's a great side.. Neil Y is even in the heart of a half italian half german 18years old girl, who lives in Sweden and is flying this summer to Canada !
I'll be at Neil Young concert in Florence, the 22th june, i'm looking for any company ^^
Love ur web-site!
Arianna Wurdak
* Summer tour 2008 :
new date unconfirmed , Colmar, France , august 15 / 2008
it's a joke ?????????
Neil plays at the lovelydays festivaln in Wiesen on 17th of august:
An open letter to Neil Young:
Neil, every day we lose a few more rusties; true fans who never got to hear/see the archives. It saddens me when I consider that it might happen to me and others I know who think of you as a true genius and who admire your work. Our brains should not rest eternally without the large body of your work processed and integrated into them. Yeah, your work should be out there with the "Big Spirit" - and they should not be wasted solely on the youth who may not "get it" - let's let the adoring rusties have their fair share to take with them on the interstellar highway.
I know that an ambulance can only go so fast, and that it is way too easy to get buried in the past, (while trying to make a good thing last), but I consider you as one of the very few artists that are timeless.
Perhaps you fear that issuing the Archives will close another chapter, taking a huge bet off the table that you've been riding for 30-odd years. Hey, I will also bet that there is absolutely NO WAY you would ever issue everything in your arsenal anyway -there will always be the "archives - archives" for some posthumous collection...
So, let's have it - on Blu-ray or whatever, but, please, don't put it off any longer - I don't know how long I can continue to get decent medical reports...
Thank you 'Thrasher's Wheat' for having this site. It's a joy to come here and read about Neil, see all the great pics from his shows, and see others share their love of Mr. Young that I have. I have been listening to him since I was 14, and now I'm in my 40's. I admire him for never selling out, sticking to his guns, and saying what is true in his heart. His songs speak to me, and feel my heart with joy.
I came across your article titled, "Is Sweet Home Alabama" Really Sweet?” and found it interesting but heavy on bias. I think you’ve fallen victim to a strong temptation that we all have to re-shape history to bolster our argument. Your implication that Republicans are inherently bigoted is incorrect. I could go tit for tat (and win) on the race issue between the two parties. Democrats still have a serving senator who was a Grand Wizard in the KKK for God sakes. Sen. Byrd only about 8 years ago (my mouth is still hanging open from when I saw it) gave an interview explaining the textures and complexities of who is and who is not a Niger. The fact is that there have been bigots on both sides of the isle but remember, for every G. Wallace that you dig up; I can name 3 or 4 Bull Connors. The democrat party routinely apposed the civil rights act of 1964 and were often leading the dogs and fire hose public policy.
I also feel that it is my GOP duty to explain to you why Skynyrd is a favorite band of the right. It’s not because of the gun racks, the perceived racism or putting Neil in place (albeit politely) even though it’s a plus, it’s none of those things. It’s that they weren’t afraid of singing of the things that made this country great: God, family, friends and freedom. These are the things that the music left sees no problem ripping apart at the drop of a hat for fun and profit. Good article though....Give me three steps (
Mr Young,
I don't know much about you and your music. However, I feel I know you and feel close to you(plese don't be mistaken for I am neither woman nor gay), especially after seeing you in Charlie Rose show.
I truly believe master power resides in you. I have no doubt the faith in you will grow and I hope so. Concerning your recent interest or goal, I also have no doubt you will get some inspiration when you meet my master if that's God's will.
God bless you and guide you in everyway you choose to go
My son and I attended the July 30, 2006, LWW concert in Irvine CA and we were both blown away by the whole experience. We are die-hard fans of Neil's. I'm from the Woodstock generation and my son was born in 1970, listening to all the great music from that time. This concert was great musically and at the same time delivered a message through powerful imagery. We have the freedom of speech and this concert put it to good use. Long may you run, Neil,Graham,Steven, and David!
I`ve been doing some research on "Linc Volt - Repowering The American Dream" This is Very Interesting, Fascinating, and Exciting to me. I`ve been Inspired! I Respect and Admire You for Taking on This Project, and also for your songs and your music.
I sure do like your songs and appreciate your music. To be able to Speak Your Mind, Tell a Story, Deliver a Message. and put it all to Music for the Whole World to Here is a Wonderfull Gift. You Use That Gift Well, I can Relate To the Mind-Set and The Soul where It all comes from, Thank You.
P.S. I am working on a more through comment in reguards to the Linc Volt Project and I`ll have a question or two for you, All In Due Time.
See Ya...
I have a huge favor to ask or just advice on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Last week, my lifelong buddy here in Olympia Washington was diagnosed with a baseball sized tumor near his brain. Surgery is scheduled for today (Wednesday). Hopefully the doctors at Swedish Hospital in Seattle will be able to remove most of it and everything will be good. The day Ian was admitted and the tumor was discovered he happened to watch the David Letterman show who had Neil Young on as a guest. I didn't see it but apparently Neil Young discussed his similar diagnosis and how well the surgery went. He also talked about a "green" vehicle project he is involved in. Ian would very much like to get involved with this project. Any direction on how I could get a note to Mr. Young regarding this would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance,
I have a huge favor to ask or just advice on how to accomplish what I'm trying to do. Last week, my lifelong buddy here in Olympia Washington was diagnosed with a baseball sized tumor near his brain. Surgery is scheduled for today (Wednesday). Hopefully the doctors at Swedish Hospital in Seattle will be able to remove most of it and everything will be good. The day Ian was admitted and the tumor was discovered he happened to watch the David Letterman show who had Neil Young on as a guest. I didn't see it but apparently Neil Young discussed his similar diagnosis and how well the surgery went. He also talked about a "green" vehicle project he is involved in. Ian would very much like to get involved with this project. Any direction on how I could get a note to Mr. Young regarding this would be very appreciated. Thanks in advance,
Help end the Iraq war and more.
Because corporations have taken over the legislative process, we citizens should join together and use our purchasing power and withhold our purchases from some of these major corporations and demand the legislation from some of these companies that have blocked progress. To this end I have formulated these telephone campaigns.
Please make these 4 toll free phone calls and get as many people as you can to make these calls today to get the following progressive legislation enacted.
Call GOP contributor and war contractor General Electric Corporation at 800 386 1215 and tell the person, that you want the GE CEO to get Bush to end the war in Iraq and then Bush resign with Cheney and until that happens you will not buy any GE products and that you will tell your friends. Then call a local appliance store that sells GE products and tell the person you will not buy any GE products from their store until they can convince the GE CEO to convince George W Bush to end the war.
Call GOP contributor Rite Aid Pharmacies at 800 325 3737 and tell the person that you want the Rite Aid CEO to get congress and the President to enact HR 676 single payer universal health care and repeal Medicare Part D and place the drug benefit in Medicare Part B covering 80% of the cost of drugs with no extra premiums, no extra deductibles, no means tests, no coverage gaps, and remove the means test for Medicare Part B and until that happens, you won't buy ANYTHING from Rite Aid.
Call GOP contributor Wendy's restaurants at 800 443 7266 and tell the person in that you want their CEO to get congress and the President to enact a $10/HR MIN. WAGE into law and until this happens you will not go to a Wendy's Restaurant.
Call your local Exxon/Mobil station and tell the manager that you will not get your car repaired there, nor will you buy gas there until their parent company sets their price so that they can sell you gas for $1.75 a gallon. Then only do business with other gas stations.
Copy the above text and send it to your friends by email and to other democrats and thoughtful independents.
Thrasher, I love this page. Im a 28yrold Neil Young fan... Seen the guy 14 times and will continue to do so. Im going to Farm aid this weekend (and MSG 12/15/08) IU'll be sure to write some reviews for Neil's Sets. Keep Up the good work!
Thrasher, great work. Love your site. I always find something new, and great for a reference.
Just got my tickets to Neil in Brisbane, Australia for Jan 21. Row 8, seats 18 & 19. Woohoo. It's been five long years.....
Neil, if you're listening, when you play Brisbane, come see my place - we've recycled a whole house! Yep, moved a 1917 built wooden house, cut in two, on the back of two prime-movers onto our 6 acres of bliss. Drop me a line and I'll send some piccies.
Neil fan since about '75.
Keep on the land down under.
Your analysis of the "Mr. Soul" lyrics seems to ignore this possible explanation for the line "the smile on my face turn to plaster":
Hi Thrasher,
I didn't know where to post this, so I do it here.
You may want to publish, that Neils Tour Dates for Australia are released, look over at bad-news-beat, there you can see them.
Regards, Liza
Looking forward to seeing neil young in Montreal on 12/1. I've been a fan since '72, when I bought harvest and 4 way street that summer. I was checking out the Linc/Volt on some other website and made my way to Thrasher's Wheat. Cool site! I hope to do what neil did on his Lincoln to my '65 Skylark. Any specific websites and info to instruction guides will be helpful. Don't have any idea how long this project will take, but I'm gonna try!
Paul Major in NEK- Vermont
Hey Hey to Thrashers Wheat offering the best on Shakey! Greetings from Omemee, Ontario...Thanks to all for a great first season at the Youngtown Rock & Roll Museum. Our end of season event "Youngtown Jam" takes place in the village Nov 8th featuring eight outstanding tribute acts..sold out show. We will be unveiling a ten ft guitar monument to Neil at the event as well...dont expect Neil will be attending but soon we hope! Our very best...
Bob Dylan turns up at Neil Young's childhood home for a tour
Last Updated: Monday, November 10, 2008 | 4:16 PM ET Comments46Recommend133
CBC News
Bob Dylan turned up at Neil Young's teenage home in Winnipeg. Bob Dylan turned up at Neil Young's teenage home in Winnipeg. (Jeff Christensen/Associated Press)
When you live in the house where a world-famous musician grew up, it's expected to be a bit of a draw.
But John Kiernan, who occupies Neil Young’s former Winnipeg home on Grosvenor Avenue, never imagined another famous musician would show up at his door.
Kiernan told CBC News on Monday that he was looking out the window a week ago Sunday and saw his wife talking with two strangers on the front lawn.
“And I'm looking around, and I realize, this guy having a tuque on has really great boots on, these sort of cowboy, motorcycle boots. And he was wearing really nice leather pants. And I realize I'm staring face-to-face with Bob Dylan.”
After the music legend and his manager were invited into the house, Dylan asked a lot of thoughtful questions, including about Neil Young's old bedroom.
“OK, so this was his view, and this was where he listened to his music. It suddenly dawned on me, when you're looking at Bob Dylan standing in a hallway, that he had a very parallel experience 200 miles to the south, sitting in his room, listening to his music, looking out his window.”
Dylan grew up in Hibbing, Minn., about 500 km southeast of Winnipeg, while Neil Young spent his formative high school years playing in Winnipeg rock band The Squires.
Kiernan said Dylan and his manager visited for a while before heading off to tour other areas of the city.
Dylan then played a concert at Winnipeg's MTS Centre later that night, Nov. 2.
Thank you for this website!! Neil is truly an inspiration for humanity and has a heart of gold. That DVD Heart of Gold if probably one of the best music artist DVD's I have seen an I got a real glimpse into Neil's soul by watching it. Amazing. Bless Neil Young for gracing our planet!! Is there a way to subscribe to get updates on Neil Young concert tours etc. etc....? Without filling up my email box? Thank you, Bruce
Since your site has become the defacto definitive site for Archives Discussion, I wanted to ask you if you could have a "sticky" blog topic on the Archives which stays visible on the news page, where folks could communicate, share news in one thread? Archives discussions seem to stray from whatever news topic generated the thread anyway, so maybe it might be theraputic to have a forum for "Archives Contents Discussion"....????? Just an Idea....LRR
As NY fan of over 30 years it is really disappointing to hear that the Archives is to be so expensive and in blu-ray / DVD and not CD / vinyl. I am sure many of us long term fans who have loads of bootlegs and all the albums really most want the unreleased songs and classic live perfomances, not all the other stuff like films, press cuttings, interactive stuff, etc. Please, Neil, just give us the music and stop messing about.
John B, England
Can someone tell a long time Neil fan, that's never traded live shows, the best '73 Stray Gator soundboards to pursue?
Neil Young does interview for ABC
Australia 7.30 report.
Indicated new album to be released
before archives later in 2009.
Archives release two (2) months
Good Luck
This site is great, I recently discovered it. Im a long time Neil Young fan.
I recently eagerly bought the Sugar Mountain / Live at Canterbury House 1968 DVD / CD.
Great music, I have listened to it many times now. I wish I was there.
However, as for the DVD, the back even say "multiple camera angles" ... why would Neil approve such a release? There is no video on it!
Hey Thrasher, good job on keeping everyone up to date with all of Neil's recent developments.
I liked the news on the tributes to Neil especially "Neil Young you're my hero".
Anyway, I decided to see what Don't Spook the Horse (the Neil Young tribute band in the UK who have played at rust fests) and found that their site is updated and has a great cover of Big Time. Have a listen for yourself and just sit back and relax, they certainly have the vibe.
I had the pleasure of seeing Don't Spook the Horse a couple of years ago when they agreed to play a fundraiser in Cambridge. They were anazing!
I would be great if you could create a link on your site so that others can have alisten to Big Time. The link is
Have a good day.
Heard some sad news this morning. Apparently, Neil's old Buffalo Springfield drummer Dewey Martin passed away on Saturday, 31 January.
there´s a nice graffiti of neil young at the blog of a cool brazilian artist named miguel cordeiro. posted at july 9, 2008
click the link below to see it
sorry but the correct link to the graffiti of neil young is:
Neil has always been a big part of this 50ish towboater .Does anyone
know where to find the bumper sticker saying I'd rather be at a
Neil Young concert! That says it all for me. Thanks, Crewboat Dan
need my fork in the
I've been thinking about how Neil has been worshipping Shiva--the god of destruction--throughout his career. There are not many healthy ways to do that these days--tear down the old and bring in the new. Like a Hurricane and lots of other guitar solos do this--help us get so blown away...Mother Nature has been doing her part to break it down before the Aquarian Age, in the northeast and other places around the world.
NEIL YOUNG will play at Primavera Sound Festival (Barcelona, Spain) next may 30th 2009
Official 100%
Hey 'breezehillpete'..Do ya think 'Don't spook the Horse' could bring out an "Archives" album..could solve a lotta grief round here!
One Love To Everyone In Here.
I made a little film of my trip to Neil Young's early hometown of Omemee,Ontario this weekend. Never let it be said that I should get out more.
Well, anyway.
Dan Mudford x
I was already familiar with Neil from Buffalo Springfield on the radio as a kid.When my sister brought home the new "EKTIK"album,I began a lifelong love affair with the artist and his music until this very day.The major difference being back then all you had were album liner photo & such. As the man himself has said "when you talk about mystique,you have none"
Hi Neil!
A little note to say a big Thanks for coming to Sault Ste. Marie this month! Can't wait!!! So happy that your road has led to our door.
The videos posted on your website from Fork in the Road are great. Your doodle in "Johnny Majic" looks just like mine.
Happy well,
Lisa Bradford
I noticed just yesterday that Amazon Canada is showing the first four Neil Young solo albums being reissued in May as REMASTERS (Well, Nowhere is showing the same release date but no (RM) in the title - I'm making an assumption on that one). Does anyone know if these are the results of the new Archives or is this a mistake?
Thank you Pete for letting people know about the updated site.
We recorded a gig earlier this year and I've posted up 5 new tunes :-)
I'd love it if Thrasher could put our band on the covers band list....please?
Can't wait, I'm off to the Antwerp and Rotterdam gigs this weekend.
Mark Fawcett
Hi I've posted some new pictures from Munich 17.6.2009 on my webgalerie:
Thank you Thrasher!
i bought the dvd vertion of the arrcives box set. it came with the timeline poster. when i was looking at the neils website before i bought it. it showed another poster. it did not come with my boxset. i ended up buying it on ebay. the ebayer said it was given out with the boxset. its machine folded just like the one that came with my boxset. and fit in quiet well in the slot with the other poster. you can still see it on neils website . if you page through the stuff you get with the boxset. its titled "harvest oil and found objects on canvas" copyright 2007. i bought from a charity on ebay.just want to find out more about it. and i am wondering why it didn't come with my boxset.
regards mike k
my email is
I would like to start a petition to get 24/96 DVD releases of the recent Neil Young remasters.Many of us supported Neil and Warner when DVD-A was touted and then abandoned and have a good sized investment in our players. After DVD-As demise 24/96 DVD brought hirez sound to the maximum amount of people and the Archives were released in that format so why not remasters? In addition times are tough right now and many of us cannot run right out and Blue Ray player right now for the best versions of these classics.Neil-please don't abandon your fans!
just watched "Don't be Denied", the BBCW documentary - excellent. and BBC Four's website has some interesting interviews and extra footage, including Neil Young discussing his plaid shirts and where he used to get them - funny. And i love his shades - can't see who the maker is and would love to know!
a superb goldmine of information on neil young. i was introduced to neil young by rock band THE ALARM , they covered rocking in the free world in the late eightys. the first album i bought was FREEDOM, i was totally blown away by the superb songs. quickly i bought album after album and now own almost everything he has done. i have not been dissapointed once. having recently seen him at hyde park in london he was in superb form , as good now as he ever was. one of the greatest rock and rollers ever in my opinion.people who know good music are often neil young fans, so thank you neil and thank you THE ALARM for introducing me to him . respect to all you neil fans out there . darren dobson , grangetown ,sunderland ,england .
Charles Bronson
Who? do I contact, I did the sound
and lighting for Neil and Crazyhorse in 1970 at Palomar College in San Marcos,Calif--in the
archives its listed as Contra Costa
Nope ,it was N. san diego county
I have the Flyer--how do i send
a scan of it, to get the record straight
I have always been a slight fan of "Crazy Horse" since hearing some of his music played by my older brother when growing up. I have always had a particular favourite, "After the Goldrush" as brilliantly covered by Prelude. I love their harmonies.
I do have a problem though, is the line ' the 1970's' or is it '.. in the 1917'? I have heard both versions being sung, the second, to me at least, would be a reference to the Russian Revolution or the horrific losses around the 1917 Battles at Flanders fields. Either way, it is a brilliant piece of work.
In regards to Bob Dylan showing up at the boywhood home of Neil Young
and then playing at the MTS center that night it might be added that Bob Dylan had been in Winnipeg several times before
Bob was the cousin of a Winnipeger and as a kid spent several summers in Winnipeg staying with his relatives and cousin, most likely in the West Kildonan / Garden City areas
Cargo Bill
gee, so many things said here, as it was, there are really no words, which can fill your shoes...
i am age i too, have followed you, of course in buffalo springfield also...
Last time i saw you in concert, 'the world', near chicago...twas 1994, we stayed in daughters rv, at the indiana state park, for that year, is what she wanted to give me for my birthday...
waiting 4 the concert, i spent time walking on the sandy beach, looked down, all these little stones, a Y and a heart shaped stone within sight, near there was bigger stone, which could be used to represent a small concert... i found all the little stones for the audience, and put the heart and Y stone on a ledge which would serve as a stage, for your rock concert...
i gave it to someone who worked for u... to late, i forgot to put little eye dots on the audience...
there is no gift in the world, which i could give to you,4 all you have given me...
the opening band, was a young band, can't recall name now...all around me, were the young... crazy horse was set to play with u, u gave them recess...sent them off stage, with so much eloquence...caught the attention of all the wondering faces...
then you let go with all the oldies...or seemed like it...looking around me, all these young people, were singing along, not missing a word or a beat...i smiled knowing this...
my son, taught himself guitar, he used many of your songs, as the challenge was great enough, he would have to learn more than just the notes...Old man came first, but i think he learned quite a number...which made my heart swell...
thanx to all who have helpd along the way, but special thanx to you are my hero, and i find you, even at young age...a most decent of man...
your timing has matched so well with my own...seeing me through times of joy, times of pain, and times of space...
i was very impressed, how fast you got out an album in the same year you had your brain, grateful...
i am ill, spose to stay in bed, close to liver failure, and kidneys seem to be carrying too heavy a load, so many people die each day, waiting 4 a liver transplant...i have been going to madison since 2003, dr. said i am good blood shouldn't be too hard, my body is fighting it so hard, it goes slow...but i am not in fact, i am not sure how it will be with the drugs they give to keep your own body from rejection...
it is hard, but i have you, to see me through, many of your songs the guitar speaks along with the words you create...touches my heart and soul...quenches my music desire...
I use you as a focus, so many laughs you have given me, i love how u are so subtle...
i love how u explain life, show truths...the video of you doing fat's song, walking...showed so much truth...i had just moved from there the april before katrina...good thing...too many germs for my body to handle...
while i lived there, i got to see fats domino dance his piano to center from stage right...not missing one note...i am short in stature, it is hard to see when every one is bigger in front of you, and this man, kindly lifted me up to sit on his shoulders, so i could see...
i find peace with those who love you...u have taken minds and hearts, to a better light...
i noticed the stage was nearly the same, which was a number of years apart, in Be The Rain...I just love her too...lil sis ;)
seems like u had prophecy to what was coming to mix with this...
i know you will live forever, a legend, as i see the effects on all generations you offer...and give...sitting waiting even, i would let your music play in my head...
i sure hope that i am still around, to see you to the very end...i don't want to miss one song...;)
God Bless you and yours,
Hi I have been a Neil Young fan forever.
My second concert was his in March 1973 yes that long ago (San Diego)
I been following him through thick and thin and he surpassed all my expectations, my God, he still rocking after all this years and doing it with the same passion as always.
I guess I chose the right artist to follow from the beginning, I must say.
Keep on rockin...For 7 years I been building oscale carnival rides for the train enthusiasts, then I find that the artist of one of those 12 songs I play every day while making scale rides is a o scale railroader also ...must just be coincendence.
I heart Neil Young but to say Cobain tragically "misinterpreted" the lyrics isn't quite right. While I agree suicide is never the answer, I rather believe he was just taking the phrase and giving it his own meaning as opposed to misinterpreting that the way in which he used the phrase was the underlying meaning intended.
He wasn't dumb. Just paying hommage without thought to what it would spawn
Lovers of electric Neil, take heart, his release of Dreamin' Man surely signals that his next release will be a return to ragged glory.
I have been going to Neil Young concerts since 1972. Why in God's name does he not release moore live dvd's of his concerts so we can enjoy them over and over. Particularly the following:
1986 at the Cow Palace with Crazy Horse, 1989 at the Beach Solo, and
Weld which I had to transfer from a VHS. Also any CSNY from the 2000's Please Neil this is great Music.
How can we get a video or audio capture of Wilco doing Broken Arrow????
How can we get a video or audio capture of Wilco doing Broken Arrow???
does anybody know if this here is already over or are the paintings still available? if yes - when, where and how can I buy a painting ?
thx for info to
Dear All,
Here's something that may be of interest.
A talented soul by the name of Emily Barker has recorded a version of Neil's "look out for my love". Very easy on the ears - download it for free at
I would also strongly recommend you checking out her own original material. "Soulful folk" and "Heartwarming and real" were used to describe her current album in a recent Amazon reviews
Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.
Les Irving
Hi folks
I've posted some old vintage Neil's pictures on my webgalerie...
give a look..
i am 57 and have listened to neil young since the 1970. the man has always stood for something good, in addition to being a great artist. aside from music, i see him as an inspiration in troubled times.
as the 40th anniversary of the kent state shootings comes closer (ohio), i hope that somehow neil will be able to show up. it would mean so much to so many that are coming back for the weekend to have them there. if anyone who reads this has contact with neil, could you please pass this on. he is still needed.
long may you run, neil.
i began listening to neil young in 1970 and though i love his music, i think the man is the real story. he has always stood for conviction and principle in the face of ridicule and insult. i wish more had the backbone that neil has. he is truly an inspiration to so many of our generation.
that being said, i have one more comment. the 40th anniversary of the 1970 kent state shootings is fast approaching (ohio) and i do hope that neil finds it in his heart to be able to attend. there are many coming back for the weekend ceremonies and it would mean so much to so many to see him there. if anyone could pass this along, it would be appreciated.
"long may we run"
Since the passage of the Health Care Reform the threats have increased on both sides of the isle, along with actions that are appalling. Of course we can understand why there are so many more directed at those that passed the bill. The opposite side has shown it's true colors. It is not about spending. How dare they say that. It is about black and white. I have had flashbacks all week from 1970. The song Ohio has brought forth many memories. The inciting of violence is not Patriotic at all. What happened to the Republican Party? Where is it? I am afraid of what is yet to come from these vile people that commit the violence and the one's responsible for inciting these people that are barely hanging onto the edge of society.
Hey there! I was wondering ZUMA. In Wiki it says it was named after a beach. I doubt it. Looking at the LP cover (eagle with tall mountains, ships) I tend to think: it is MonteZUMA. Really. This is all Mexico. How come noone sees this?
As a teenager growing up in the late 60s living in Buffalo IL a scant 12 or 13 miles from Springfield IL I was hooked. I know it was silly but Buffalo Springfield, and me living in Buffalo just outside of Springfield began my love of Neils music. Here it is 2010 and this 56 yr man still living in Buffalo has never lost his love of listening to the music of the master. thanks Phil
NIce little piece on Trunk Show:
You guys did it for Neil in 1996 because there was no definitive place to go.
I have done it for Danny Whitten for the same reason.
I have tickets to go see Neil in the first of his hometown (Winnipeg) concerts. I am excited for a myriad of reasons - for one, I am a huge fan of Neil's. Not just only because of his music but for everything else he has done for others. Secondly, I have a cochlear implant and I've finally gotten the courage to go to a concert, so what better choice than Neil? I'm curious/ wondering/ worried as to how the sound is going to be for me. I listened to Neil as a teen and in the 80's but I basically stopped listening to music in the mid to late 80's because I just couldn't really hear it anymore. Five years ago, I had the implant done. Two years ago, I "rediscovered" Neil, and fell madly in love again. The music from his guitars, be it acoustic or electric, mesmerizes me. His lyrics can make me smile, laugh, cry or contemplate our future. I'm hoping the sound for me comes ringing through loud and clear. Neil, if you're reading this, and would like a home cooked meal before the concert, give me a call! ;-) Bionic Jo
Hello,I've been a Fan since the '60's in Milwaukee Wisconsin.Can't wait for the Riverside Theatre on July 30th..My Twin Sons are taking Me as a Father's Day trip..See ya ther! rj
This comment has been removed by the author.
Love the man, he's done so much for all in need. Coming here to Pensacola and I'm hopin he does Needle & the damage done. All praceeds of this concert (a 300 seat venue) go to Humana Food Banks on the Gulf Coast to benefit our lost jobs due to the oil spill! We thank Neil as we are still suffering. Anyone who wants to know, we have white beaches and could use some visitors, rooms are cheap and food is great!
I've read Neil's comments about this site on NY Times. This is the place I come to for all the NY news, it's a wonderful site.
Other people's opinion can only get you down if you let them - you always have a choice.
Seize the day and make it your own!
well its like this. it started in december 1973 waiting in 17 degree weather all night with a friend on sidewalk frozen sleeping bags to get first crack at neil young tickets to MSG. the passersby asked what we were waiting for . after about a hundred people said "who?' neil who?" we just started saying it was Neil Diamond. i have been trying to get good seats ever since, and this endeavor has been an abject failure, and the most wonderful of quests for the past almost 40 years now.
right on Neil!
pat d.
rockaway beach n.y.
p.s. maybe u were there too, when the war ended during that feb 1973 concert (i was 17 y/o draft bait) or maybe you were there in roosevelt stadium the night nixon resigned aug 9th..we will never forget it. on that hippie highway!
Finally after some years I learned more about the lyrics behind "The Thrasher".It was in the early eighties I was doing some dj-work in a local Rock-cafe,when my friend came to me with the album of Neil Young's "RSN".He was a big Neil fan and asked me to play "The Thrasher",about that time I didn't know the song but when I was playing it everybody listens.Maybe a year later my friend died at the age of 23,he had astma and for him that was not the best decease..because he was living his life with a bottle of beer and his sigaret(Rock'n Roll I guess).That song will be always for him....old friends never die,Guido!!
I'm 16 and just got into Neil in early 2010, love him and am so glad I found Thrasher, thanks for not retiring.
To Thrasher about Neil young:
I know you are not affiliated with him as it states on his site.. but i do not know who else to go to about this.
I tried going to the Warner brothers website you have listed for him but to no avail Can't find anywhere to mail anyone to.
I think someone is stealing Neils song"Keep on Rockin in a free world.
As an artist myself i belong to a site called IMRADIO and i noticed on this site today that there is a group on there using Neils song"Keep on rockin in a Free world" as their own and have it as a cover song. I do not think they are from America . anyhow.. if you could possible somehow get this info to him ..his mangers or whomever i think he would be grateful.
Neil has been my inspiration and i am a long time fan so when i seen this it worried me.
Please forward this letter if you could and info below that i wrote when i found it. Thanks,
God Bless Neil and his new sound done with Dan.. it is great and made me cry.
Peace and blessings to Neil and all who are a part of him.
Also tried to write to you at this address and it did not work:-/
thrasher ATSIGN thrasherswheat DOT org
The bands name is:
They are on IMRADIO with the song Keep on Rockin in a free world.
And are using as their cover song for their own album..
Here is more info on their website on IMRADIO
X-MarocK's Information
Grunge alternative rock
About Us:
X-MarocK is a Grunge /Alternative/Rock band from Casablanca city. since 2006 Mohamed Hinani searched for the members to rock the earth. So ,he found the ultimate bassist Mohamed Karmouchy, a grungy from Casablanca.And the Drumer Zouheir Al-Assbat who joind the band since 2008! The X was always the main Topic of the band.Hinani Mohamed (Singer/Guitarist/Songwriter/Composito r)wrote his first song "Kids don't know it" at age 17, so he descoverd an ability to write interesting lyrics, describing/discussing, social situations, humanity issues , in a philosophical atmosphere in songs as "Utopia" , "Rain of pain", "I don't know"...etc.Hinani Also showed beautifull ability in writing lyrics of songs as "Need you"&"Remember"... The Diversity of the subjects of the songs shows a rich directory full of Energy, Creativity, deep Feelings, Lyrics shows the real Goal of the band , it is : Keep on Rockin in the free world ! The Power Trio form a solid formation, Producing a very consistent/powerfull sound!
Number of times viewed: 898
Profile Address:
Love the man and his music. Reading "Shakey".
You have a nice page here. It's very professional looking. I enjoyed perusing it. Keep up the good work and thank you for doing it.
I'm looking to buy the MP3 of "THIS WHEELS ON FIRE" by Neil Young & The Sadies or the whole CD of Garth Hudson's: Canadian Celebration of the Band. I can't find it...Amazon doesn't have it yet. Please let me know.
Bev (
Just saw this video on Youtube while trying to find a Train Of Love video: "Neil Young`s -Train of Love (private interview with uncle Neil and his family)". Seems like it could be a good Fresh Wheat item if you're looking for something. Just a suggestion.
A Friend Of Yours
Finnish Leningrad Cowboys perform Rockin in free world in 1993 in Senate Square concert.
this is an editorial I wrote for my column in my high school's paper:
This month I am going to use this column to talk about one of my favorite musical artists, who recently won a Grammy for the best Rock song of the year: “Angry World” and whose song “Bad News Beat” is the name of this column, Neil Young.
A member of the Rock n’ Roll Hall of fame, Neil Young is considered by many as one of the greatest musicians and guitarists ever. The reason that he and many others believe he has achieved such success is the fact that he refuses to get in a rut and do the same thing over and over again. Mr. Young has tried his hand in such genres as country, folk, electronic and grunge and has performed with countless bands and musicians. This idea of fighting the urge to become complacent was the basis for one of his more famous songs “Hey Hey My My”, Neil talks about how, “it’s better to burn out than to fade away… because Rust Never Sleeps.”
However, Neil Young, like many great musicians of his time, is quite often ignored by the majority of our generation. This is very unfortunate because although we should always look to the future we should appreciate the past as well. Because of the rapid progression of music over the last century, our generation is gifted with a vast resource of music and it is a shame to not take advantage of it. I was fortunate enough to be the sixth child of Baby Boomers and therefore was introduced to essentially six decades of music throughout my life giving me a wide selection to choose from and appreciate.
So I challenge you not to abandon modern music but to also appreciate the past as well. Go “Down by the River” and ask an “Old Man” what it was like when he was “Rockin’ in the Free World.” I guarantee you’ll find something you love from Mr. Young.
This current phase...of Neil's career and the role of his fans: when i looked at the high prices of the shows in recent years i realized Neil had become a kind of must-see act, recommended by many. the fans from wayback got little role in this current biz however. part of the spectacle has always been the demographic of the fans. we have already seen must-see Neil. We made Neil a must-see act as much as he did himself.
Hi. Powderfinger is the name of an australian band,just thought I would let u know. Al.Doggett Australia
TFA is available in second hand record shops around the world or via digital copies - no need to re-release it or sign a petition for such a purpose, no way. it would be the ten commandments re-issued.
I am a programmer from Brazil, and I like the musics of Neil Young. I am creating a game in GPL license (free, opensource and non commercial) and I want to put some musics like Harvest Moon and Heart of gold
in my game. Can I do that ? If I need a permission, how can I get it ?
Great website! keep up this work :)
Long may you run!
Long time Neil fan from a town in North Ontario. Here is a short but sweet blog post about Neil and his cars.
A long-time fan of Neil Young and having just read "Neil and Me", a biography of Neil authored by his father, Scott Young, I thought, "Is it possible to capture some of his incredible journey in one song?". A melody was playing over and over in my head, and this is the result. Not that I had much choice in terms of keeping the music "simple", but maybe that is appropriate for the theme: a guitar, mandolin, bass, drums and a bit of harmonica. I hope you enjoy the result:
I always wondered if Powderfinger could be about an American swift boat as seen through the eyes of a young Vietnamese man. I guess it's the description of the boat that brings that to mind. The numbers on the side etc. I saw someone else posted that. It makes sense from a "put yourself in their shoes perspective. I also think the guy kills himself at the end to escape the situation. "Cover me with the thought that pulled the trigger." Maybe the desire not to fight or kill or something. Great song.
On a different note, I read in Neil's biography that he didn't know what the line "old enough to repay" meant in Tell Me Why. I always thought that the line was "old enough to repaint", like a house or a car, which makes perfect sense. Do you think he could have forgotten the lyric? Strange.
Maybe you've already reported this and I missed it, but the Sony Classics Pictures web-site now has an official theatrical release date for the Jonathan Demme documentary "Neil Young Journeys". The date is June 29th.
If you go to it's listed under "Movies" "Coming Soon".
There's also a link to a site dedicated to the movie:
About Dave Marsh's article about Neil from Rolling Stone (I bought a version of that Guide in 1985-ish), I think the reason why the chapter on Young was later dropped is simple: It's a horrible piece of writing.
Neil Young in the 70s--Canadian and not a US citizen until much later--trying to be, per Marsh, the "preeminent American rock performer of his generation." American? Really? Canadian Neil Young? Where did Neil take that position? Voice that? American or otherwise?
What a horribly unsupported thesis.
That's the sort of thing a reasonable editor or publisher would look at and say, "What’s the evidence for that? If you have evidence to support that massive supposition, put them in your piece, otherwise it's a ridiculous, unsupported claim."
More concretely, Marsh refers to "a succession of retrospective albums" by Young. As of 1980, the only "Neil Young" retrospective album was Decade, unless you want to call Live Rust a retrospective. The Buffalo Springfield retrospective and CSNY's So Far were not Neil Young collections.
Marsh's ridiculous indictment of Young's retrospectives--really only referring to Decade (and perhaps Live Rust): they have Young "emphasizing certain highlights and disregarding the rest."
Wow. How bizarre of Neil Young to emphasize his best work.
What artist doesn't emphasize their high points in their "best of" or retrospective collections? In concert? Especially to be released as a live album?
Would Marsh's opinion of Young been higher had Neil included some of his worst material on Decade or Live Rust--or had those controlling the BS retrospective and So Far done likewise? Not much of a choice on the latter album, was there?
That's the essence of what's wrong with Marsh's commentary about Young: He makes a grandiose, unsupported claim, and his main indictment of Young is that he "selectively" presents his best work in his retrospective. That's horrible analysis, horrible journalism, horrible critique, and a ridiculous argument. They shouldn’t have published it in the first place, but he was Dave Marsh.
Maybe Marsh wanted the chapter later pulled. Maybe he was embarrassed. Maybe he produced such a ridiculous piece in partial reaction to some negative personal feelings about Young. Whatever. Marsh's article on Young was a very sub-par piece of writing.
In aonther vein, maybe Marsh or his editors originally included Marsh's piece on Young in the RS Guide as an example of Marsh's apparent belief that one should not release only one's best efforts, but rather should show the entire range of the quality of one's output. If that was the intention, Marsh did demonstrate in his piece on Neil Young just how low-quality some of his own work was. For me, I’d prefer to see--and hear--the good, not the bad and the ugly.
John Schwarz
I am a huge fan of Mr. Young's. I started listening to him back in "the day" when I was coming of age, and I've listened to his old and new material ever since. I love his music and I guess on some level that means I love the artist. But I am appalled at the face-value ticket prices for his 2012 tour. Only the rich or childless can afford those ridiculous prices. While I realize that this is simply part of a huge greed machine, of which Mr. Young is a part but not the main player, I believe that if he is the artist that I have known and appreciated and love, he would not allow this exclusionary practice. I have words to describe it, but I will keep them to myself out of respect for the artistic integrity that I believe was at one time alive and well in Mr. Young.
I don't have to say I'm a huge Neil-fan,because I simply am ever from the beginning.Neil's 6 years older than I am.Today it's his birthday and now he's 7 years older than me.Congratulations good old friend and many happy returns.Cees Mostert.
pictures from Atlantic City:
Just got 3 tickets for Newcastle in June. Looking forward to seeing Neil and the Horse. However, the booking process has put me off ticketmaster for life. If I cannot book through the venue in future then I will not be going. (Even for Neil.)
I got a standing ticket for me and 2 seated for wife and friend who cannot stand for long. Had to make 2 bookings and therefore get charged two lots of charges/post. All on a premium phone line which took an unnecessary length of time. I did try the option of talking to someone on their customer team but after a load of unnecessary waffle... I was told they did not have anyone at this time. When I booked the seats, I tried for cheaper ones and was told none available despite the computer showing lots. So I went for best available and surprise surprise got 2 in the dearest block right in middle (side on view as most are) when there were aisle seats that I would have preferred but unable to speak as dealing with a machine.
I know its not our man's fault but like I said... never again.
Thrasher great work as always . You should check out the New Rust Radio website new features and Now 24/7 instead of just weekends. Thought everyone would want to know.
The Searcher from Michigan
61 years young Neil Fan since 67 Thrasher Wheat reader since 2009M
hi y'all,
ive just finished a Neil Young portrait and wondered if anyone knew of a good contact email that might reach the man himself as i'd like to send him a copy?
Here is perhaps the most ironic thing of 2013: imagine that you live in 1973, fall into a coma, and awake on the night of the Grammy's in 2014. When they get to the category of best rock album, the list starts as follows: black sabbath, led zep, bowie, and NY&CH, plus a couple of bands that you have never heard of. The baby boomers will stop running the world when.....they stop running the world. PS. Muse kills all of them...
Hi, we made a cover of "My my hey hey" and we´re very proud of it. Hope you´ll like it!
after all the vinyl demanding we had over the years, eastern 2014 many of us wont forget. time out of mind on finest vinyl was in the mail day before yesterday. this one was missing in many shelfes. the cover and also the printed inner sleeves come in same style like the original. just small "music on vinyl" labels have been added and the sound is amazing.
Just trying to get this to Neil, he is the only person I can think of who can do anything about this.
I read an article in the Australian Age newspaper about Sixto Rogriguez being sued by his former record company after the success of the documentary "Search for Sugarman", this kind of thing disgusts me and I'm just trying to get this out there. Like most people here I'm a huge fan of Neil's and know that if he can't do anything about it personally he probably knows someone with the clout who does. Thanks for listening and Keep on Rockin in the Free World!
Hello! I have been reading Thrasher's Wheat many years now. And suddenly I felt a need for sharing something. I am 52, from Norway have been listen to Neil since I was 8. Saw him first time in Oslo in 1976, where he opened with "Sad movies". Before chrome dreams tour in 2008, believe it or not, I met Neil at his neighbours house, near Woodside. He was friendly, Al Gore had just won the piece prize. He was going to the local hockey match with his local friends, One of them was a friend of a friend of mine. I was there all the way from Oslo to give him a second Young Neils T-shirt. The first one he got in 1993 in Oslo (with bookerT). I have played in Young Neils for 25 years. Neil was friendly and asked about the group, and told me about all these rare songs from 76 tour he wanted to play again. Then I asked if he remembered which song he opened the Oslo show in 76, he said "Tell me why", and I said, no, "Sad Movies"! Then I took up a guitar (that I just gave him as a present from Young Neils), and sang "Sad movies", and he joined me. Then he said he was glad that I reminded him on this one, next day, I heard he did practice on "sad movies" and it got in to the setlist on the whole tour I think. Can you imagine? When I left this house I had problems touching the ground.
I also play in deLillos, kind of well known norwegian band. 30 years and 15 records. Last week we released our last one, theres a song on it called "Barnebarnas barnebarn". It is about me reading this page late at night and getting more and more impressed about Neil doing what he can for "barnebarnas barnabarn", which means "Grandchildren of the grandchildren". here is a poor translation to english.
Thank you so much for all the love you bring to Neil and all us "Young Neils".
Lars Lillo-Stenberg
Hey there!
I recorded a cover version of Neil Young's song "Rockin' in the Free World" while I was testing the Boss BR-800 digital recorder. Here's the link to the vídeo:
Hope you like it. :) You can find me at: and
Keep on rockin'!
please check out my 'Forever Young' Blog site:
Hi My friends and I went to see Neil in concert at SPAC, NY back in 2006. He sang the Greendales , new album.
We all live in MA now and listen to music at place called Greendales which is a bar in the Greendale area near a railroad track. On sundays, they have a jam session with Jim Perry and have different features. My friends and I would like to invite Neil to be the feature and sing his Greendale songs to us in the Greendale area at Greendales. I think he would enjoy himself here as many other famous musicians have popped in from time to time to play.
Been digging through my "archives" found a Neil Young poster that I loved and saved and had forgotten about. It is the promotional poster sent to record stores for the Geffen Records Trans album. It shows Neil sitting in a top down white Cadillac convertible somewhere on a farm road setting, sunglasses on, hoisting a guitar high over his head. There is a small pic of the album cover at the bottom of the poster.
I have searched online and could not find any info on it. Anyone seen this?
2 dates for Europe 2016[KM_2013]-20151212-[header0]
I'm 58, a Neil Young fan... forever, since high-school. Fans should check out ‘Emerald Eyes’ on Amazon. It’s about how Neil Young's music helped a teenager find meaning again after losing his father in a tragic mill accident. Tom, becomes distant and withdrawn throughout his adolescence but after feeling 'in tune' with Neil's music, buys a Martin D-18 guitar and secretly starts singing and writing. Great read with an unexpected 'twist' at the end.
After reading your news, I am planning a trip from Virginia to Omemee to visit Neil's childhood town. I am going to the Museum that they have there. If anyone has other locations in that area that are related to Neil and may be interesting to see, I'd love to hear any suggestions.
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