Neil Young Lands On Moon .... Not

A big week for Neil being in the Washington Post. Yesterday, Neil's song "Hey Hey, My My" was quoted in the Post in an article on the decline of rock and roll.
Today, the Post has Neil landing on the moon in a Reliable Source item titled "Hey Hey, My My: The Florida Crowd Gets a Little Spacey". Yeah, things have gotten pretty crazy around here this week for Bush's inauguration party:
"They promised us "beautiful people" with sequins, cleavage, suntans, blond hair and cowboy hats, so how could we resist partying with those fun-loving Florida Republicans?"
At an inaugural party, emcee Rep. Tom Feeney, was praising guests including Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
"Feeney lauded Aldrin as the second man to walk on the moon, following "Neil Young." Huh? Certainly he meant Neil Armstrong?
"We have an official position: I did not intend to say that it was Buzz Aldrin and Neil Young who were the first two men on the moon," Feeney told us yesterday. "Number two, we are printing a full retraction. And number three, it was David Crosby who I intended to say was one of the first men on the moon."
Feeney, 46, a fan of Young's earlier albums, explained the gaffe this way: "Some of his later work leads me to believe he spent some time on the moon."
Gee, a Republican Neil fan? How odd? Could Rep. Feeny have been referring to those "lost Geffen years"?! Maybe they need to be re-named to the "lunar years"?
And speaking of lunacy, here are a few of Neil's moon songs.
Happy Inaugural Day no matter whichever side of the aisle you may be on! Comment below (please keep it polite and clean) because it's the music that matters.
Thanks Lou for the tip!
On this day that G. Bush lays his hand on a bible and is sworn in, I can't help but think of Neil's line from Greendale's mr Clean -
"And as an afterthought
This must, too, be told
Some people have taken pure bullshit
And turned it into gold"
Disenfranchised in Ohio
I'm a Republican and I'm a Neil Young fan. I've probably been for a longer time than you. As with so many on the left, you show your pettiness and small-mindedness by assuming that because one believes a particular political ideology is better than another that they can't enjoy certain things.
You may even feel this way about yourself, i.e., because you're on the left, you wouldn't be caught dead doing X. Oh well, your loss. I know many people who vote Republican and enjoy Neil's music.
God bless the United States and President George Bush. It's January 20th, 2005, Inaugural Day! Eat your hearts out libs. I'm sure that you'll do a lot better in 4 years with Hillary as your candidate and Hollerin' Howie as your party chairman (eye roll).
Hey Mr. republican commenter above:
I think folks here have been pretty open minded here and not too petty. I can't say I rcall Thrasher throwing a fit on 11/3.
Look we're all in this together and neil is the tie that binds. Anyone who is a Neil fan is a freind of mine.
As Neil sez: I won't attack you but i won't back you.
sign me:
A leftie who loves freedom but thinks we're heading down the wrong road
What a load. What do you expect from a site on Neil Hippie-Dippy Young?
yesterday was a great day for our country.
Another "Republican" Neil Young fan, have listened to Young and collected his 8-tracks, vinyl, cassette's and CD's starting +/- '68.
Also voted for Nixon, Ford, Loved Reagan, George the 1st, and George "W" Bush too! Gen. Colen Powell in '08? I think yes....
God Bless America!
Pete Mozzone /
Well so what?
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