Neil Young's Love Earth Tour of Europe Kickoff in UKRAINE
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"Neil Young and the Chrome Hearts will open the upcoming Love Earth Tour of Europe in UKRAINE with a Free Concert for all! We are currently in talks and will make the announcement of details here at NYA. Keep on Rockin’ in the FREE WORLD."More details on Neil Young and the Chrome Hearts Love Earth Tour of Europe, Canada and USA this summer.
Labels: concert, neil young, schedule, tickets, tour
Ukraine, the free world, the most corrupt country in Europe, a country in which all boys and men are being forcibly recruited by dictator Zelensky's mercenaries to die in the battlefield, because the comedian just doesn't want the massacre to end, and neither does the European Union. Way to go, uncle Neil. Everybody who supports that war should just enroll, because politicians and their children sure won't.
I suggest to take this comment above as an indicator that Neil's message came through. Similar brainrot currently on other Neil Young related websites. That's the kind of "free speech trolling" that's making use of naive advocates of unlimited speech of whatever kind there is. The problem being that it serves the purpose even if no one subscribes to this bs at all. "Flood them with..."
From the creators of "Safe and Effective", "Fauci is my Hero", "Put on you Muzzle", "Social Distancing Saved my Life", "Politicians and Big Pharma care about me", "I Believe the News" and "Let's Kill the Unvaxxed", comes now "Zelensky is a Hero" and "Unlimited Speech is Bad for Our Democracy". If you hadn't been lobotomized, you would realize you've been lied to all your life. Get your seventh booster, pal.
Ukraine get everything else for free, so why not also get an NY concert? Will he play acoustic in the metro like U2, or soil his legacy with a rushed mess of a song with an ill fitted local like Pink Floyd? I must admit I agree with Jesus, Neil has fallen for every old boomer bore cliche. Maybe it’s brainrot, Neils, mine, Dionys? Still, after a decade of lame records and even lamer lecturing I’m struggling to remain a fan, as it seems are other voices in the free speech world online.
Neil knows that the right thing to do is support Ukraine and democracies around the world. As Pete Seeger sang in his song. Which Side Are You On?
Rider, if you think Ukraine is a democracy, I beg you to pass me your dealer's number.
David Rart, I agree with you. Neil's always talking about freedom, but he's become an Orwellian character.
what exactly is happening here? Oh, I think Neil Young is worse than an Orwellian Character! Come on Jesus, you can do better than that! I mean, don't you have a script?
Abner, I don't have a script, but I have a brain. Neil, my favourite artist, once released a fantastic album called "Freedom". He once wrote a fantastic protest song called "Ohio", a very cool song called "This Note's for You", and so on. He also released a not so good but brave album called "The Monsanto Years". Suddenly, the same man, starts licking the system's ass and becomes a totalitarian who has a ridiculous, pathetic and disgusting attempt to boycott Joe Rogan, just because he gave voice to brave people who talked about the criminal plandemic and the murderous jabs. And the funny thing is... they were right. But even if they had been wrong, there's a thing globalists hate called freedom of speech. Call it what you want, I call it Orwellian, because we live in an Orwellian world right now, and uncle Neil is a big Big Brother supporter.
The Media is owned by 6 corporations. It spins stories for us, and “we think what they tell is to think. Neil is hip to Gaza, most are afraid to commit. Macklemore is a hero to anti genocide cause and drawing attention to the situation there. Trump is an idiotic psychopath who has got all of the Republicans kissing his ass. Constitution be damned? Free speech not allowed? Protest not legal? This guy is becoming a dictator pretty fast. To Hell with Trump. He will toast with Brian Epstein!
Putin is a Dictator and a monster. He kills off the opposition. Trump is owned by Putin. Trump gave Putin everything!
Your Brother Alan in Seattle
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You are very confused, pal. Fascism has nothing to do with nazis. The term nazi comes from National Socialist. And by the way, Ukraine supported nazis in WW2, and the Russians were the ones who beat the nazis. The Azov Battalion (Ukranian) are all nazis. And this goes to Alan: Trump is not owned by Putin, but by the genocide-loving State of Israel, like 99% of USA politicians. Your country is controlled by AIPAC.
As long as self-taught simpletons and conspirationists are defining history and present events on this blog I am outta here. You may call this "free speech", I call this unrestrained and purposeful political diarrhea.
Agreed Dionys. I just want to enjoy Neil's music and some light hearted discussion. They can keep the tin foil hate shite for elsewhere. I'm sure I'll be accused of "do your research", that seems to be the go to line. I'm a big fan of the political diahorrea line :)
There has been many a day when I’ve felt like an alien on my own planet, and those days just continue to get closer together. Now I know I’m not an alien, but there’s a whole lot of days I wish I could say I wasn’t human. And after reading some of these comments; today is one of those days.
Peace………before it’s too late 🙏
Dionys, Teeb and Dan, you are all so clever and cultivated that when someone tells you a couple of uncomfortable truths, your heads just short-circuit.
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True Neil fans understand that he is a perpetual contradiction - acoustic/feedback, singer-songwriter/godfather of grunge.
Go listen to Hawks and Doves. Both sides. That explains everything.
We can never own him.
Hambone in the UK
Oh Chewy. You could have stopped at Plandemic and Murderous Jabs. That's it.
Neil went in a year from save everyone by perma masking and absolute stay at home caution over covid, to supporting the lost cause and meat grinding death machine of the Ukraine war. Still, I respect his inconsistency more than the bot minded fans here automatically calling out ‘orange man’ who’d follow him to the bathroom and have a good sniff at anything he said or the sounds he recorded from his flabby old butt cheeks. The big change that is coming is the final funeral of the tiresome smug hippy generation. Some of you will no doubt be pleased that includes the orange man. Keep on rocking in the old people’s care home guys!
There are some people who you disagree with with whom one can have a reasonable conversation. They are rarely to be found on the Internet.
DR is wrong. He wants to let Putin take over Europe. At that point it's WW3. Then we all get nuclear bombed.
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Two of the naysayers on here are anti vaxxers and pro Russia. The very same issues that the MAGA movement supports.
so you go away on sabbatical for a few weeks and come back here and go....
... maybe time to take another sabbatical?!
but seriously. Does it get anymore serious than war and love?
The Ukraine free benefit concert seems to be a classic 60s/70s Neil move. Zoom in on the issue of our times and inject self. that's our man
From Kent State & Vietnam, American Dream and Central American rebels, Living with War and Iraq/Gulf war #2, Neil never sat on sidelines. Right or wrong Neil stood and delivered ans was counted and heard.
This is what we do here @ TW. A "safe place" to discuss difficult subjects. Normally, folks are pretty chill on their disagreements.
Like Knowledge Nomad says above, except they are rarely to be found on the Internet. we'd like to say here @ TW, disagreeable debates certainly have a less, violent and vulgar tone. Although we have rec'd a wave of Neil death threats in comments this week. Disturbing.
But we carry on for all the rustie grains.
So, as Graham Nash sings in "Chicago":
(We can change) Yes, we can change the world
(Rearrange) Rearrange the world (It's dying)
If you believe in justice (It's dying)
And if you believe in freedom (It's dying)
Let a man live his own life (It's dying)
Rules and regulations, who needs them?
Open up the door
Thrasher, no it doesn't get more serious than war and love.
And yes this has been a good place to have these debates, with our underlying love of Neil generally acting as a break on too much vitriol.
I'd like to give a particular shout out to Richie Cruz, if he's stiil here. Now I know if we met we would most likely disagree about everything but he's presented world view clearly and that's a great balance to what my normal echo chamber of "suggested likes" would give. You need to be challenged to make your get your own views coherent - but those challenges need coherence too and the fine detail is sadly lacking in many of the recent posts.
For example @david rart: In 1940 Joseph Kennedy, the US ambassador in London, reported “Unless there is a miracle, they (Britain) realise they haven’t a chance in the long run.”
On May 8th this year we celebrate the 80th anniversary of VE day. Some lost cause.
Hambone in the UK
I would be curious to hear what Richie Cruz thinks about the Trump administration is going. My recollection was that he was most concerned about cost of living issues - groceries, housing, gas. So how's that working out? Does Trump seem to you to be laser focused on helping regular people?
Have you ever visited Ukraine ? Is Your country fight for independance since 2014 ? Why did not mention aggressor Russia ? As Pole I know what means Russia/USSR - we were under Russian/Soviet "protection" for 123 + 45 years ! Thank you Neil !
Take an IQ test, you'll be surprised. Sit under rockets for 3 years without light, while your relatives and friends die in the war. And then you go to a free concert, you're the son of a stupid whore with a burger instead of brains
You are a geopolitician, can you at least show where Ukraine is on the world map? You know absolutely nothing about Ukraine and Europe in general, most idiots like you can't even name continents on a map. You speak in the words of Russian propaganda, not a single thought of your own, because you are as stupid as a potato.
@ Dionys : I always enjoy reading your posts. Please don’t depart this free speech forum just because a few contrarians posted to F with us. This is our place to discuss NY. Surely we can handle some interlopers for a minute. Or take a sabbatical.
We must bring down Trump, remove him from office. We must resist and fight his fascism / Naziism together. True, the US gives Israel all the bombs it needs to commit Genocide; this is part of what we are fighting! Gaza as a new Middle East Riviera? Trump is a sociopath & an idiot. He is mad at the world, and he will make it hurt. But good will defeat Evil anyway. Hang in there. We will run him out of office. Your Brother Alan in Seattle
@Alan: By definition this blog accepts all forms of speech. As you know I live in a country which saw it's democracy undermined, hollowed out and finally eroded by unlimited speech. The Nazis did not achieve power by a coup, they were elected in a climate of widespread fear. Fear of loosing social status (high unemployment, a hyperinflation), xenophobia and racism (antisemitism), fear of having been cheated by unfair international treaties (Treaty of Versailles). The Nazis achieved their goal by using the new mass-media of the day (radio broadcasts and later newsreels in cinemas). History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes. I think a great American said that, Mark Twain, I believe.
So while I understand that the American experience regarding "free speech" is a different one compared to Europe I think that "discernment" (one of Thrashers most beloved terms) is esssential, that's where we all agree probably. Also I understand, that the discernment is up to us, as Thrasher does not want to take on anything even near the role of a censor. Or maybe I am wrong because I do not see what actually is taken off this website. T. mentioned death threats in the context of his Ukraine announcement.
Still I sincerely believe that people with the intellectual background of ten year olds should not be given any platform. I can take different thoughts and positions anytime (Ukraine, Gaza and so forth) but they have somehow to be based on facts as opposed to re-iterations of Trumputin propaganda.
That's why I left this thread: I do have neither time nor nerve to put up with spoiled and neglected adults begging for attention. If you meet me have some courtesy, have some sympathy and some taste. Use all your well-learnt politesse...
I erased a bunch of my comments because I was reacting negatively to the online trolls. I will say however that Neil, me and a bunch of his fans support Ukraine and NATO.
Benny Hill always told u what have to think. It's starting to get painful and boring.
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