Concerts Postponed Due to LincVolt?
UPDATE: We are hearing that the postponements are due purely to logistics. We did not mean to imply anything nefarious so apologies. Lincvolt is scheduled to be at the conference cited.
As has been reported, the November concerts in Omaha & Kansas City have been "postponed" due "routing logistics".
And now comes this news:
SAN FRANCISCO - August 26, 2008 - (NYSE: CRM), the market and technology leader in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS), today announced Dreamforce 2008, the SaaS event of the year. Special guests Malcolm Gladwell, author of The Tipping Point, executive director Dr. Larry Brilliant, legendary singer, songwriter, musician and Linc Volt team member Neil Young and Dell chairman and CEO Michael Dell will join chairman and CEO Marc Benioff to speak at the 6th annual user and developer conference, November 2–5.
We have no idea where this press release has been since August but it just showed up in our comment log.
So could Neil really be canceling concerts to speak at a software conference about LincVolt? And how in the world did the concerts get scheduled in the first place when Neil already had made a scheduling commitment back in August?
We know some (maybe many?) of you will find this -- how should we say -- troubling? Earlier this year, Neil said that "just singing a song won't change the world". And he even wrote and performed a song of the same subject this summer.
So Neil seems to have truly taken the spirit of the song to heart by postponing concerts to discuss his LincVolt project.
We're not really sure where to begin on this? First we whole heartedly support the LincVolt mission. The LincVolt project has more potential to change the world than his concerts or releasing The Archives or whatever.
But the fallout on this is not going to be pretty we suspect.

So what's the deal, Neil?
Say it ain't so Thrasher.
Oh, no... lol. I see a shitstorm coming. I just want to state that I honestly think the goal of eliminating roadside fueling is more noble than the goal of playing a rock show (assuming y'all are given confirmation of the next shows' dates soon). Having said that, let's see how I feel if MY show gets canceled...
I heard ya Greg...but Damn! I'm at a loss for words! for once. damn
Hey, i'm all for trying to save this fuckin planet too. But to cancel a show to talk at a conference?!
Mrs. Soul
What the hell does Salesforce software have to do with LV? It's marketing stuff I think. Maybe if it was a Detroit auto show or something it might be different.
As a Kansas City resident and long time Neil fan I have to admit I'm a little hurt hearing KC and Omaha are canceled. I was really looking forward to seeing what Neil would play on election day!!!! He just better come back and oh yeah....bring Wilco with him. Seriously.
I'm a diehard fan, and not looking to revisit the ticket price issue, I bought the tickets because I wanted to and did so happily, but with the economy taking a turn for the worst, I woudn't mind if he cancels MSG so I can get a refund on my $250 tickets.
Way to stick it to your fans yet again, Neil.
What the fuck is going on with Neil recently? This news is ridiculous. Neil, JUST RELEASE THE ARCHIVES!
That was a hell of a day yesterday. New cover, cancelled shows, weird messages and LincVolt. Strange things are happening, for sure.
Anyway here's the tracklist for Sugar Mountain;
1. On The Way Home
2. Mr. Soul
3. Expecting To Fly
4. The Last Trip To Tulsa
5. The Loner
6. Birds
7. Winterlong (excerpt)
8. Out Of My Mind
9. If I Could Have Her Tonight
10. Sugar Mountain
11. I've Been Waiting For You
12. Nowadays Clancy Can't Even Sing
13. The Old Laughing Lady
14. Broken Arrow
Winterlong (excerpt)???? B.S.M.
Forgot something:
The DVD has one extra surprise:::::::::::
15. Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 Trailer (DVD)
The rest is the same as on the CD. B.S.M.
Just checked the setlist as posted by Thrasher and found out that Winterlong wasn't on that one. Maybe it was the first time he tried to play it. And didn't finish it. B.S.M.
One more possitive post. The good thing about the cancelled shows is that NY will continue touring the US this spring. Even better news is that he might come back to Europe after that. I posted a rumor about that earlier this year and didn't believe it really myself. Allthough I did trust the source. But rethinking this it might be true. It's good marketing for the Archives and Neil feels good on stage. And besides that he said in an interview he will be touring a lot in the next year, year and a half. B.S.M.
Cool news, the old fuckin Neil who doesn't care about his fans is back. Great, maybe we gonna have something like a new Time fades away, or nothing. I hope the Horse will come back too, because the electric band is ok but that's not the Horse.
Yeah you're right man, everybody needs the Horse. But I'm talkin about the entiere configuration, that means Pancho, Neil, Ralph and Billy.
To those in KC/Omaha area, I guess this is his way of saying this ones for you. How in the world can they schedule a show when they already have a "press conference" scheduled. Neil being at there is not going to sell anyone one on Lincvolt.
and then to say it was a logistics problem.... come on be honest to your fans.
I agree. Unless it is cancelled for serious reasons that anyone canunderstand, but this seems like crap. The sad part is that 2 shows are cancelled at the inconvenience of maybe 30,000 fans ! thats shitty. And add to that the fact that many people travel to the shows from far away and have made plans and committed to hotels, car rentals, airline tickets etc.
What the hell is Neil thinking ? Or does he not give a shit ???
Exactly! I'm out of a non-refundable hotel room too. I love ya, Neil but it seems you don't really give a rat's ass. Again.
This kinda sucks. Im a college kid from Detroit and a big fan of CSNY so I had saved my pennies to be able to go out to KC and catch Neil and Crosby/Nash shows just a couple days apart. I can understand cancelling the shows, but from a fans take its hard when there are flight, hotel and other arrangements. Again I don't wanna sound like Im whining but I dont exactly have the money for this to happen. Sucks, but Ive had too many powerful memories from Neil to make me lose anymore sleep over this.
Speaking of Lincvolt... this was just posted at
We will be streaming live again today, Friday 10/10 at around 12:30 pm CST.
Please join us for the webcast and invite some friends to engage in our realtime chat.
thanks for your support,
Indeed, WTF, Neil?
It's the fans that have put you into a position where you can play mad scientist with Lincvolt aka Marie Antoinette and her little farm.
It's the same indulgent fans that buy the cd releases 2x over (and more if we thin back to vinyl and 8 track tapes).
Ditto high ticket prices.
Canceling ANY show with a non-health related issue (ie. My Morning Jacket) is poor and honestly, there is no legitimate excuse: investors for Lincvolt?
Elliot you DROPPED the ball big time on this. Shame.
'Not singing for Pepsi' ≠ Not singing for computer industry?
Yeah, I think Neil should be a little more caring and understanding of how cancelling a show affects people today. re-scheduleing in 3 months or 6 months,still cost people alot of $ for nothing. Paying high ticket prices is one thing,but when people save and shell out for hotels and planes along with their high priced tickets and then the shows are abruptly cancelled , for anything other than serious situations, is realy fucked up.
Neil, I hope you get soem of this filtered back to you. It stinks, I'm sorry to say. Your fans arent all rich,but it is your fans who buy everything and travle to many shows , that make you rich and have a good lifestyle. you need top appreciate them better.Forstunately the shows I'm traveling to havent been canned ( yet).But if they were, I'd be livid !
Are you saying that you love him because he doesnt give a rats ass 'bout what people r gonna say...Go Neil Go!..Oh wait a minute ... He's changed plans....gonna affecet my plans..F#$K Him!
The bond with an artist may start with the recordings, but is solidified with the live performance.
Didn't Neil himself once say in answer to 'what does he owe his fans' respond with 'my life'?
Guess that was conveniently forgotten.
Lets not forget his nickname is Shakey ... this is his MO .. anyone who is surprised hasn't been a fan for long ... Like any relationship you take the good with the bad ... I give the guy credit over 40 years the more he changes the more he stays the same ... he's rockin' better than ever ... more proflic and productive than he has been in decades ... still unpredictable ... keepin everyone guessing ... but putting his full heart into everything he does ... no offense, but the complainers need to get with the program already
I have it on very good authority that the concerts have truly been postponed due to logistics of the tour schedule. This has nothing to do with Lincvolt. This has nothing to do with Neil or anyone trying to wrong the fans.
Perhaps some of you should take things at face value rather than looking for deeper meaning and feeling a sense of entitlement.
These two shows...that were at the end of the 1st leg of the tour...a long distance away from the next previous show....will be rescheduled.
In the meantime, relax, enjoy the rest of the tour, the Bridge concerts, the archives release in November and the Lincvolt project. Those are a lot of positives you could focus your energies upon.
Also- don't forget to vote.
Maybe, just maybe, Neil is finally fed up with all the ticket price angst going around and has decided to put his energy into something a little more "positive".
our guess is Neil will be working the election polls and celebrating!
I'm a serious NY fan and I must admit that I was pissed when the show I was attending in KC was postponed. But when I thought about it for a while, it doesn't really matter because I will see him anyway in the Spring. I can wait. I have always gone to his shows in the fall and I think a Springtime show will be great because it's my favorite time of the year. Win win. Sorry about the loss of money for those of you that made hotel or flight reservations. Bummer!
I cant believe none of you think that Neil may have a playing engagement the evening of the 5th - a celebration for the new president. Is there a reason to think that this is NOT the case?
Regardless, he has some expainin' to do.
The show at the Forum in LA has been canceled today. My sons are 13 and 16 and they are truly upset. We are wondering why it was canceled at the last minute; they were to play with Death Cab for Cutie, who I also wanted to see.
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