Randomly Blogged - Jambase, Colbert Report, Pete Townshend, Verona Gallery

Verona, Italy, 6/23/08 - Photo by Alessandro Corio
A nice photo gallery of the Verona, Italy concert by Alessandro Corio.
Crosby, Stills & Nash are interviewed and sing "Teach Your Children" -- one of the finest songs ever about home schooling -- with the new "Y" on The Colbert Report Full Episode | Wednesday Jul 30 2008 | Comedy Central. Hilarious stuff.

A good Neil Young article - Neil Young: Chaos Is Good on JamBase.
Pete Townshend discusses Neil's quote that music can not change the world.
Thanks Christopher, Thomas and Rustvision!
I found this comment on the Jambase article to innnarestin:
I have been to the Mountain House many times when I used to live in San Mateo. Everyone knew that Neil hung out there occasionally, but I had never seen him until one night. My friends and I were enjoying one of the local bands that jammed alot of Dead covers, as well as others, when Neil walks in and orders a beer. He sits and watches for awhile. Seems to like it. After the band finishes their set, the guitarist comes over to Neil and says something to him. You know, probably along the lines of "Wow, dude. You're one of the greatest." Or something dorky like that. They have a beer together and when the band starts their second set, guess who is the guest guitarist? You guessed it. Neil somehow produced a guitar from a back room and proceeded to wail! The coolest thing about it was, they did a bit of Cowgirl and Hey, Hey, My, My, something else from Neil's catalogue, then straight into a twenty to thirty minute jam. Incredible. The guys in the band were blown away! I found out later that Neil was used to dropping in and jamming, if the mood so suited. I did see him in the bar a few more times over the years, but never got to see him play up close like that again. What a trip! Haven't thought about that in many, many years. Neil is a downright amazing person.
I'm so jealous!
I've got a few bootlegs of Neil playing in bars, I would just love to be in a music bar and see him join in with a jam for half an hour. There's a wonderful pub in Bath(England) - The Bell - where they put on bands three or four times a week and I've often been there and, as the beer goes down, imagined Neil on that small stage. Probably an acoustic set rather than crazed electric noise on that stage but it would be just awesome.
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