
Sunday, July 26, 2020

George & John, Donald & Neil + Bob: Sooner or Later, It All Gets REAL ... As in Now

UPDATED: 8/2/20; 11/3/2020 (see comments)
GEORGE Magazine - 1997; U.S. Citizen Neil Young - 2020

On July 15, 2020, President Trump's walk off song at an event in Georgia at UPS HQ was Neil Young's "Rockin in the Free World" (see clip below @ ~1:40:00).

President Trump in Georgia at UPS HQ w/ Neil Young's "Rockin in the Free World" (see clip above @ ~1:40:00)

As we have repeatedly wondered over the years, (see here, here & here) "why on EARTH is Trump using Young's song "Rockin in the Free World"?"

Because Neil Young certainly is not pleased with Trump's usage of his iconic song, judging from the latest posting on Neil Young Archives.

Subsequently, Neil Young has reconsidered his lawsuit against Trump and has specifically cited the use two songs at Trump campaign rallies "Rockin' in the Free World" and "Devil's Sidewalk".


Well -- as with all things -- it's complicated. Very complicated. So bear with us as we begin the tale of "George & John, Donald & Neil + Bob: Sooner or Later, It All Gets REAL ... As in Now".

We begin ...

1st, the cover of GEORGE Magazine, published by John F. Kennedy Jr., from February 1997 issue.

GEORGE Magazine - February 1997

There's a huge amount here on the cover that we'll get to, but before going there, let's look inside at the Publishers Forward by John F. Kennedy Jr.

Publishers Forward by John F. Kennedy Jr.
GEORGE Magazine - February 1997

The Publishers Forward by John F. Kennedy Jr. concludes with the lyrics from The Rolling Stones: "It may not get you what you want, but you just might find, it will get you what you need."

Prior to the July 15, 2020 event, President Trump's walk off song had been The Rolling Stones "You Can't Always Get What You Want".

But on July 15,  in Georgia at UPS HQ, President Trump's walk off song -- instead of the customary  The Rolling Stones song "You Can't Always Get What You Want" -- played Neil Young's "Rockin in the Free World" (see clip above @ ~1:40:00).

 Neil Young, Stevie Nicks & Mick Jagger
Ahmet Ertegun Tribute - Backstage
Rose Theatre, Time Warner Center
New York City, New York United States
April 17, 2007

Back to the 1997 cover of GEORGE Magazine.

The cover of the issue has images of Mount Rushmore, a full moon, a UFO and articles on Bill Gates, Hillary Clinton and THE FUTURE. And recall the Publishers Forward by JFK, Jr. suggesting to keep issue in "a safe place and take out in 20 years".

"Platform 2020 - A Survival Guide To The Future"
GEORGE Magazine - February 1997

And here we are in the Year 2020. A virus and Bill Gates out front on a vaccine. Hmmm.

"An overpopulated planet choked to extinction by a long attacking virus"
GEORGE Magazine - February 1997

Now how about that? How convenient. "Platform 2020 - A Survival Guide To The Future". "An overpopulated planet choked to extinction by a long attacking virus." Hmmmm.

Well, here is where it really all starts to get REAL.

Back to Neil Young's song "Rockin in the Free World" (full song lyrics analysis).

"Rockin in the Free World" by Neil Young

The 1989 song's lyrics contain the lines:

We got a thousand points of light
For the homeless man
We got a kinder, gentler,
Machine gun hand

The lyrics are a direct reference to President George H.W. Bush's (#41) campaign pledge to create a compassionate citizenry volunteering to help cope with society's ills. The "thousand points of light" symbolize the American citizen's spirit and a shining example of giving selflessly to care for one another's neighbor and brother. Along with "a kinder, gentler hand", Bush believed that each American could contribute to helping make the United States -- and the world -- a better place to live and work.

President George H.W. Bush (#41)

The song is considered aligned with strong democratic ideals and pro-American values in that it is a condemnation of the supply-side/trickle down politics of President Ronald Reagan and his Vice President George H.W. Bush. 1980's "Reaganomics" involved massive tax cuts in the wealthiest brackets, which supporters claimed would trickle down to lower brackets. In fact, the policies led to huge federal deficits and exploding unemployment and social decay, particularly in large urban American cities.

The economic realities of the 1980's with increasing social problems -- such as homelessness and drug abuse -- made Young mock the campaign promises of President George H.W. Bush as hollow rhetoric. The drug problems ("she's gonna take a hit") refer to the crack epidemic which swept large American cities during the 1980's. (We mention this because we know that Neil Young has practically built a career in calling out Republican Presidents, as detailed here previously).

GEORGE Magazine Publisher John F. Kennedy Jr.

OK, so why did John F. Kennedy Jr. name his magazine GEORGE? Think about that. Think about JFK, Jr's father in Dallas in November 1963. Think about a "murder most foul".

U.S. President John F. Kennedy
"Then they blew off his head while he was still in the car
Shot down like a dog in broad daylight"
via "Murder Most Foul" by Bob Dylan

Neil Young calls Bob Dylan's song "Murder Most Foul" "a masterpiece."

"This song is a masterpiece." ~~Neil Young
Times-Contrarian | Neil Young Archives

As covered earlier this year in the analysis of Bob Dylan's "Murder Most Foul": 17 Minutes of The TRUTH, the song explicitly details who did NOT kill U.S. President John F. Kennedy and obliquely references the true plotters, naming names, giving dates, locations, colors and players (Wolf/Wink Man/Secret Service's code name for "W": TimberWolf aka "George") of "The American Coup of 1963" (which we explained in detail back on the 50th anniversary in 2013).

George/WolfMan @ 2:17* on Bob Dylan - Murder Most Foul (video)
(*NOTE: Video since re-edited to remove above frame)

With a running time of 16:56 -- 4 seconds short of 17 minutes -- the song is pure TRUTH for those with open eyes and minds.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy & His Son John F. Kennedy, Jr.
The Day The Music Died: 50 Years Ago Today and Why It Still Matters Now, More Than Ever

(Check out the comments from back in 2013. Many refuse the Red Pill, understandably so at the time.)

So -- again -- back to that 1997 cover of GEORGE Magazine, with images of Mount Rushmore, a full moon, and much more.

JFK Jr & Mount Rushmore

On July 3, 2020, Donald Trump used 3 Neil Young songs at the Mount Rushmore Event: “Rockin In The Free World” (2X, before and after), “Like a Hurricane”and “Cowgirl in the Sand”.

President Trump and 1st Lady Melania Trump at Mount Rushmore on July 3, 2020
Photo by Alex Brandon

Coincidentally, a full moon has occurred on July 4 at Mount Rushmore in 1997 and 2020.

Full Moon, Mount Rushmore, South Dakota & UFO
GEORGE Magazine - February 1997

Now fast forward to the event in Georgia at UPS HQ with President Trump's walk off song "Rockin in the Free World". Notice in the video (embedded above) the way that Trump's pronunciation emphasizes the "George" in Georgia repeatedly (listen above "George - Gee - Yah").

President Trump in Georgia at UPS HQ

And notice how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) is located in Georgia.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) - Atlanta, Georgia

And notice how the CNN (Cable News Network) is located in Georgia.

Cable News Network (CNN) - Atlanta, Georgia

And notice how Stone Mountain -- the Mount Rushmore of The South -- is located in Georgia.


Stone Mountain: Mount Rushmore of The South - Stone Mountain, Georgia
 (See more on Confederate monument to Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, and Stonewall Jackson + also, note geological feature Devil's Crossroads at top)

And notice how on Jekyll Island, Georgia that the Federal Reserve was created in 1910.


And notice how the Georgia Guidestones are located in Georgia.

Georgia Guidestones - Elberton, Georgia
"Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature."

The Georgia Guidestones? So, not familiar with the Georgia Guidestones? Well, one might want to look into the Georgia Guidestones in order to try and tie this all together in a neat little bow.

Sometimes referred to as an "American Stonehenge", the Georgia Guidestones -- erected in 1980 -- appear to lay out a prophesy which some argue that it forecasts an apocalyptic event, such as a population reducing "pandemic". But check it out and decide for your self. Of course -- as always -- use #disCERNment.

Bill Gates & Hillary Clinton - ~2015

Bill Gates and his Foundation are clearly linked to the CDC and vaccinations as has been reported extensively over the years.

CDC's Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, Sr., Ted Turner (CNN) & others - 2001
Something that most everyone seems to forget today is that Donald Trump has always been a major player in New York City politics and always solidly been in the Democratic Party camp.
Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton (D), Bill Clinton (D) & Melania Trump - 2005


Donald Trump only flipped to become a Republican with his first political campaign for President of the U.S. in 2016.

And back to JFK, Jr and Donald Trump.

JFK, Jr and Donald Trump - 1997

JFK, Jr and Donald Trump were more than mere acquaintances in New York City in the 1990's. They were both leading figures in NYC's financial and Democratic circles.

Donald Trump & JFK, Jr.  - NYC,  March 1999
@ New York Knicks Basketball game - Madison Square Gardens 

Donald Trump & JFK, Jr. Wall Photo - Trump Tower Office


JFK Jr Predicted Trump Presidential Run

Trump received a condolence letter from JFK, Jr regarding loss of Fred Trump, Donald's father, written on July 19, 1999 -- 3 days after his "plane crash".

JFK, Jr writes to Trump: "Losing your father changes you."

Trump on Larry King Live discussing JFK, Jr.

Likewise, Neil Young and Donald Trump were far more than mere acquaintances in New York City.

Donald Trump & Neil Young - January 2014
@ Trump Tower offices - New York City, NY
(Note: Donald Trump & JFK, Jr. photo above Young has been moved)

Make no mistake, Donald Trump is a huge Neil Young fan. 

And make no mistake, Neil Young is a huge Democrat.

Donald Trump has been to so many Neil Young concerts that Rolling Stone reporter Andy Greene interviewed him in 2008 about his Neil Young fandom. Trump said: “I’ve met him on occasions and he’s a terrific guy. … Whatever the hell ‘it’ is, he’s got it.”

Commenting on attending the Bob Dylan Tribute at Madison Square Garden in 1992:

Donald Trump: “He’s got something very special.

I’ve listened to his music for years and I’ve seen him before that, but I went to the concert where they were honoring Bob Dylan and Neil got up and totally brought the house down. There was nobody close.

He’s performed for me at my casinos over the years and he just brings it down. I’ve met him on occasions and he’s a terrific guy.”
Donald Trump attended Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young at Madison Square Garden in 2006, Young’s solo show at the United Palace Theater in 2007 and Crazy Horse at Madison Square Garden in 2008. Trump also attended at least one of the 4 Carnegie Hall solo concerts by Neil Young in 2014.

And Neil Young has discussed Donald Trump quite a bit over the years, as well. And Trump has used other Neil Young songs besides just "Rockin' in the Free World" at his campaign rallies. (For example, see Trump Plays Neil Young's song “Devil’s Sidewalk” From Greendale* (see comments below). Or, Donnie, Ronnie & Neil + Merry: Southern Man and The Un-Civil Wars of Donald Trump & Neil Young or Rebels with Causes w/ Northern Man.)

Donnie, Ronnie & Neil + Merry: Southern Man and The Un-Civil Wars of Donald Trump & Neil Young or Rebels with Causes w/ Northern Man

Just one little more oddity here before we go. You may recall that JFK Jr and Daryl Hannah once dated in the 1990's.

Daryl Hannah & JFK Jr - ~1991
@ New York Knicks Basketball game - Madison Square Gardens

JFK Jr & Daryl Hannah - ~1992

And you may recall that Neil Young and Daryl Hannah are now married.


 Neil Young and Daryl Hannah on January 23, 2020

(Celebrating his Dual Citizenship w/ his wife)
(also, see Official Daryl Hannah | Instagram)

And why look at that image below?!

 Daryl Hannah, Neil Young & Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

California Superior Court - May 1, 2019
Neil Young and Daryl Hannah Attend Monsanto Roundup Trial

There's Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. with Neil Young and Daryl Hannah at Monsanto Roundup Trial. As everyone knows, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. is John F. Kennedy's nephew. So, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and John F. Kennedy Jr. are cousins.

So back to George ...

"The day that they killed him, someone said to me,
'Son, the age of the Antichrist has just only begun.' ”

Dealey Plaza Book Depository - 11/22/63

However, evidence does show that George Sr. was in Dallas on November 22, 1963.

"If Lee Harvey Oswald's shots came from the behind (above, right), why are JFK's brains on the rear trunk? (rear, left)"
(See details)

"Captain Kennedy" - Side #1, Track #4
Hawks & Doves by Neil Young (1980)
Which Side Will You Choose? The "Blue Side" or "The Red Side"?
The CHOICE Is Yours

(The Answer & more on Neil Young's Album of the Week: Hawks & Doves | NYA.)

They say that the future proves the past.

JFK, Jr. and Fiancee Carolyn Bessette
(... he didn't accidentally kill himself either...
143 | 107

Numbers add up to nothin' and the illusion continues to crumble...


"I will expose my father's killers no matter who they are — even if I have to bring down the government."— John F Kennedy Jr.

We Salute you, sirs!
 JFK Jr. - 1963; GEORGE - 1997; Citizen Neil Young - 2020

Just another kid by the side of the road? or ...

Or maybe The Kid grows up and in 1994, John F. Kennedy Jr. sends a Senator Biden a note: "Dear Sen. Biden, you are a traitor . . ."

FBI Memo File Sept 8, 1994 - JFK, Jr Handwritten Note: 

"Dear Sen. Biden, you are a traitor . . ."


So, we're not really lookin' for a leader these days ... since ... right on cue ... don't just trust a plan, instead make a plan, be the plan, because ...

"We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For"

 (UPDATE: see comments below for more on message above)


Do NOT just sit back and enjoy the movie and popcorn.  This is NOT a movie.  It's REAL life and about to get VERY REAL as the primary principles of 1776 are restored. Wake up, be awake (not woke).

So we conclude with our TW 2020 mantra, FWIW, Keep Calm, No Fear, Shut It Down, Be  Alert and Keep on Rockin'!
peace & love

ps - RIP, Charlie Daniels (October 28, 1936 – July 6, 2020). Charlie, you were right... "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", indeed ... and never left. Thus, as Ray Charles sings "Georgia On My Mind".    So then, just like Lukas Nelson sings, "Forget About Georgia"... at your own risk ...

"We're glad Georgia's on your mind."

UPDATE 8/2/2020:

Unsurprisingly so, significant blowback to our post here " George & John, Donald & Neil + Bob: Sooner or Later, It All Gets REAL ... As in Now". Comments are negative to the point of takedown notices suggested.

We may -- or may not -- have more to say on this.

But right now, we'd like to thank the Bob Dylan community for their support here on Expecting Rain. (Thanks Scott! It means a lot. #BeTheRain)

Regarding takedown notices for this posting. One of the key takeaways of this post is that it simply amplifies the essential point of Bob Dylan's song "Murder Most Foul" - there was a conspiracy to take out JFK. So for those of you advocating that we take down this post -- impose self censorship -- then, likewise, you would be asking Bob to remove MMF from his Rough & Rowdy album for promoting a "conspiracy theory".

Obviously, this would infringe on our rights (and Bob's) of free expression. If you do not believe in the right to contrary political and historical speech which you disagree with, then you are not for free speech at all.

And that is an anti-American, anti-first Amendment position.

(this is what Democracy / "Patriots in Control" really looks like)

The Truth is Learned. Never Told.
And we know The Truth, so tell The Truth. Be The Truth.


  1. Hillary indictments, UFOs, Bill Maher, Bill Gates...funny how we have all the same distractions 23 years later...Those in power have no true allegiance to the ideals of either party, and they play us like fiddles.

    Im a huge Dylan fan, probably bigger than Neil even, but I know virtually nothing of the Kennedy assassination, so the references in MMF are lost on me. I do know JFK and Teddy would have been cancelled by today’s woke standards. I was a teenager for 9/11 so that’s my generation’s big event. I love a good deep dive, nonetheless.


  2. Thanks for wading through this SD.

    Yeah, when we happened across this George issue a few years ago and we were pretty blown away.

    As 2020 approached, the cover image would seem to pop up with greater frequency.

    Then the page images started circulating around. The Bob's MMF - 17 mins of pure TRUTH. There were huge rumors floating around that something really big would happen @ Mt Rushmore on the 2020 4th.

    So we just sort of parked the whole thing until the 4th passed relatively uneventfully. We've been working on this off/on for past several months.

    Definitely check out all of the JFK stuff. It's the keystone event. Our 50th anniversary post still holds up well which is linked above. TW made the connection between 11-23-63 & 9-11-01 long ago. At this time, many have also made the connection. look on YT for Rich Man's Trick.

    It lays it all out pretty well.

    and, of course -- pls use #disCERNment.

    1. The Q nonsense has claimed “something really big would happen” several times now for several years. I’m flabbergasted that this garbage is a blog post here. I’m really hoping the people behind thrasherswheat are simply in the dark about Q and the cult members that follow

  3. Can you take this post down? I come to to get updates on Neil Young. This “article” just lists random occurrences to help fuel a conspiracy theory. I really hope the people or person behind this site don’t believe in all of this Q nonsense

    1. Why take it down. If you don't like like or believe then just move along. If you have paid any attention. It may take a bit for what Q says to happen. It does eventually happen though. People are just so impatient.

    2. No it’s free speech leave the website up

  4. @ Hawk - thanks for the validation here. Twice, in fact. Appreciated.

    As everyone knows, labeling something a CT confirms the truth, i.e., over the target.

    So thank you. We worked hard on this so good to see this predictable, tired tactic in play.

    As you well know -- as a disinfo agent -- the term 'conspiracy theory' was developed by the CIA to specifically discredit those trending close to the TRUTH.

    The CIA promoted the term "conspiracy theory," in the 1967 CIA Document 1035-960 entitled "Countering Criticism of the Warren Report," as a propaganda device for their media “assets” to use against the many people who rightly recognized the Warren Report, claiming a lone wolf LHO murdered President Kennedy.

    And we won't back down.

    How dare you suggest we remove a TW post.

    You're more than welcome to come here and cite specifics to debunk. Open forum. As 1st time commenter here on this blog, your credibility to make this suggestion is zero. But we know you'll never come back.

    btw, are you advocating Dylan withdraw MMF, as well?

    Don't you find it curious how the media ignored the message within the most significant Dylan song in decades?

    again, future proves past.

    prove us wrong.

  5. Yes, what does of any of that have to do with Neil young -specifically his music. Maybe post a link with a small description but the fact that Neil married Daryl is a thin thread .

  6. @ LikeArailroad - What does of any of that have to do with Neil young -specifically his music.

    Clearly, you didn't read the article. If you did you would see that Neil Young's song "Rockin in the Free World" is the keystone linking the threads together.

    Disagree on your point on Daryl, obviously. Why do you think that?

    Again, you weekend guys are shooting blanks. Better call up backup.

    Also, as another 1st time commenter here on this blog, your credibility is near zero.

    Come back to us w/ some facts. That's how it works here, ok?

  7. A specific citation to debunk? I'll just do one from the Gates' quotation since it's in the beginning:
    But, of course, you'll claim is in on it too and aren't to be trusted.
    I've had small discussions with those that are in the Q cult. Any time I question anything in their world, I'm ignored and told that I need to do my own "research." The fact of the matter is that no Q drop has ever come true and whoever is behind it keeps moving the goalposts as to when the "big event" will occur. It's a classic tactic of a cult leader, and it's sad that the followers aren't able to pick up on that.
    For what it's worth, I have commented on this site for several years. Not regularly, but I've been here and read nearly every post. I went to every MN show of the polar vortex tour, and I posted comments after each one. Regardless, if the creator of the site is behind this post, you have lost a reader. I can get my Neil news elsewhere.

    1. You are so brainwashed. Snopes isn't a fact checker. None of the new ministry of truth fact checkers are actually fact checkers. They all use the smallest detail and try to twist it knowing they are wrong. Not to mention snow is tied to deep state. It's all propaganda for the masses. Looks like you have your feed bag on waiting for your next helping.

  8. thanks for the PMs of support. however, public comments here would be appreciated and helpful.

    @ Hawk - thanks for the return comment. Much appreciated.

    OK, Snopes. Nope, sorry, need to do better here. Original research please.

    And you really believe Bill Gates?? Someone who hung out w/ Epstein on his island and the N.M. ranch? really? You do know what Epstein island and ranch was all about, right? Is that the best you can some up?

    oh, and speaking of "conspiracy theories", as some have pointed out, The New York Times printed an article just the other day on UFO's.

    hilarious, frankly. Real National Inquirer fake news stuff.

    And saying we should takedown a post? We'll take that as a badge of honor. We mean really?

    Incidentally, last time we were asked to retract a post, TW made one it's greatest impacts in our 20+ year history. One of the 1st blogs to cover, the embedded video had just been released and had a few thousand views. After the firestorm here begging us to remove, the video now has 10 million+ views. Lotta truth exploding out there.

    Hawk, why not go after NYT and ask them to take down their "conspiracy theory" article on UFO's? Using Pentagon sources when DoD for decades denied existence.

    oh the hypocrisy of the MSM and their minions.

    count the days, our friend, count them ...

    and btw, thanks for those comments on MPLS Polar Vortex shows. As a Neil fan, you should be handle the truths. How can you run when you know?

    So sorry about MPLS area. Looks like Beirut. terrible.
    be careful who you follow and what you wish for ...


  10. Lyrics to song linked above. There appear to be two versions; you can decide which you prefer.

    “Theories of conspiracies keep buzzing ‘round like bumblebees, but deep inside a truth will always call: taking from the needy to satisfy the greedy makes a mockery of democracy for all.”

  11. God bless President Trump.

    Communism kills.

    Socialism is theft.

    The bigger the government, the smaller your freedom.

    Neil should know this.


  12. Wow you guys have brain rot.

  13. @ Unknown @ 7/30/2020 01:54:00 PM - not a very helpful or enlightening comment.

    We hold that our postings regarding truth should be formed on the basis of logic, reason, and empiricism, rather than authority, tradition, revelation, or dogma.

    Please be specific in criticism, otherwise it only validates the credibility of the post that because you have no solid rebuttal.

    "I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
    ~~ Thomas Jefferson

  14. Hi there 1st time visitors.

    Just dropping back in here after the firestorm died down and moved onto the latest burning fires.

    so, not to put to too fine a point on all of this, but ...

    To answer specifically the question of why Trump has been playing Neil Young's songs "Rockin' in the Free World" and “Devil’s Sidewalk” (from Greendale) at his campaign rallies?

    #1 - "Rockin' in the Free World" = George (see above post in entirety)

    #2 - “Devil’s Sidewalk” (from Greendale) = "The Invisible Enemy"

    "Could U.S. President Donald Trump be possibly suggesting that the "War on Terror" referenced in Neil Young's song “Devil’s Sidewalk” from Greendale has now morphed into a "War on Germs"? That those "weeds" are a metaphor for "germs"? "The Invisible Enemy?" A "War on Invisible Enemies".

    That this entire pandemic is just another terror operation on citizen's similar to 9-11?"

    (See )

    #3 - Neil Young's lawsuit against president Trump for copyright infringement by playing "Rockin’ in the Free World" and "Devil’s Sidewalk" at a rally in Tulsa without a license.

    (see )

    Note how Neil Young's lawsuit specifically cites the 2 songs "Rockin’ in the Free World" and "Devil’s Sidewalk" .

    Guys, it's all right out in front of us to disCERN as to why these songs and their lyrics are being pounded into our consciousness.

    open up the tired eyes & ears and all will be revealed as the #BigShift rolls on and on...


  15. A happy new year and thanks to all the visitors and readers of this entry.

    In case it wasn't clear back in July 2020 the point of this article, it should be clear now ...


    ps - Thanks Ray Charles!

    No peace, no peace I find
    Just this old, sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind
    I said just an old sweet song
    Keeps Georgia on my mind"

  16. as the quickening continues to accelerate, it is imperative to remain grounded and focused.

    the expectations of major paradigm change, aka Big Shift, remain as a constant.

    timelines blend, morph and evolve based on actual events occurring in the real time of NOW. past and futures adjust, but the NOW -- in the moment -- is the true presence of awareness and consciousness.

    witness ...

    July 4, 2020 - Mt Rushmore event
    122 days
    November 3, 2020 - U.S. Election
    40 days
    December 12, 2020 - Electoral College vote
    25 days
    January 6, 2021 - Electoral College ratification & U.S. Capitol stormed
    7 days
    January 13, 2021 - U.S. President Trump impeached 2nd time
    7 days
    January 20, 2021 - U.S. President Biden inaugurated
    20 days
    February 9, 2021 - U.S. Senate trial begins for former U.S. President Trump impeachment

    assuming U.S. Senate trial occurs, expect surprise witnesses to deliver stunning testimonies.

    Dark -> Light ... and the TRUTH sets us free ...

    it's never too early to be "in the moment" ... only too late. and we know, future proves past. Deja vu is real.

    Remain Calm, No Fear, Open Back Up and Keep on Rockin'!,

    peace & love

  17. Regarding image above "We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For" #WT1sWBW4

    To be crystal clear here, we're NOT saying don't have a plan or don't have hope or don't believe.

    However, sorry, no one is coming to rescue you or save you.  We're saying what you know already: only YOU can help yourself. You're not alone. It is about US. Remain calm, pick a lane and focus.

    So, one more time, look at the image above, the woman and her message.  This image is from the 2010 Gulf Oil Disaster. If we don't want to have massive oil tsunamis, then the whole energy business needs to be re-thought. Big Challenge.

    And trust us here, that that Gulf oil situation was small potatoes, comparatively speaking, to what we're all really up against when fighting for what is right and righteous.

    Our plan? continue to build our networks, research, use disCERNment and educate others.

    "We are Spartacus!"

  18. Hello Commenters & Readers!

    Well, it's been almost exactly one year since publication back in 2020.

    Somewhat amazingly, this posting continues to pick up steam and rack up page views long after publication. Quite unique. So thank you for your time & attention. Obviously we're onto something big here.

    While a lot has changed, a lot has NOT changed one single bit.

    But here is the thing. While this post was never intended to be prophetic, it did actually foreshadow much of what we see today.

    While the bulk of this post consisted of the various characters on stage, such as, George & John, Donald & Neil + Bob, the REAL, TRUE behind the scene characters are coming more sharply into focus today.

    For example, what is contained in the PS note at bottom: Charlie Daniels (October 28, 1936 – July 6, 2020). Charlie, you were right... "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", indeed ... and never left.

    While this might seem to be an offhand tangential topic, it strikes to the heart of the matter.

    Certainly the vast majority of citizens of Georgia are fine upstanding citizens, no doubt. However, take another look at some the organizations and history in the State of Georgia.

    While anything can be carved in to stone, it is only the TRUTH which will ultimately prevail eternally.

    We are over target.

    carry on

    peace & love conquers all

    we're winning and ultimately we will prevail



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Thank you for your participation, cooperation, and keep on rockin'!