
Monday, November 05, 2018

Northern Man, Southern Man and The Un-Civil Wars of Donald Trump & Neil Young

Northern Man and Southern Man?
Donald Trump & Neil Young - 2014


Such is the duality of Neil and the "surreality of that duality"...

Vote Your Conscience

Full message via Neil Young's Archives (NYA) Times-Contrarian

As the U.S. of A. heads towards Election Day 2018 on Tuesday, November 6, Neil Young and his wife Daryl Hannah have created a new video for the CSN&Y song “Ohio”.

The video uses concert footage from the recent solo tour and seeks to help bring about “common sense gun control laws.”

On his website Neil Young archives (NYA) Times-Contrarian , Neil writes:
“With no real laws protecting us from guns, and with politicians supporting the NRA because the NRA supports them, we are not well represented,” Young wrote on his official website. “Today’s students are brave, demanding change in violent times. We stand with them. They are us. We are them. This has been going on for too long. My wife Daryl and I put this video together for you to reflect on. Support the students. Support our children. They want protection. No more guns.”
(More on The power of Neil Young’s “Ohio” in 2018: Why the Kent State protest anthem remains so relevant.)

The state of protest music today -- as we've known for sometime -- is in a pretty abysmal state, as has been well documented. (See The TRUTH Why Modern Music Is Awful — It’s More Mind Control Than Music | SITS, How Most Popular Music Keeps You In An Unconscious Egoic State | SITS.)

Students and National Guard Clash at Kent State, Ohio - May 4, 1970

So how did we go from Kent State, Ohio to Charlottesville, Virginia? From May 4, 1970 to August 12, 2017? A nearly 50 year span and yet...

"Northern Man"
August 12, 2017, Charlottesville, VA

Politically motivated terror/murder isn't something that suddenly appeared. Sadly, killing children -- as an example to send a message -- never seems to go out of style.

Four Dead in Alabama
Birmingham, Alabama, Sunday, September 15, 1963

"In Birmingham [where a black church was bombed killing 4 young girls] they love the governor [George Wallace ]" who was a segregationist
Lynyrd Skynyrd - "Sweet Home Alabama"- 7/2/1977 - Oakland Coliseum Stadium (Official)

THE Southern Man & THE Northern Man
Ronnie Van Zant & Neil Young

Politically motivated terror/murder just morphs it's form and tactics from decade to decade.

allison krause william schroeder
jeffrey miller sandra scheuer

The Four Dead in Ohio

Allison Krause - Age: 19, 110 Yards
William Schroeder - Age: 19, 130 Yards
Jeffrey Miller - Age: 20, 90 Yards
Sandra Scheuer - Age: 20, 130 Yards

governor-rhodes.jpg president-nixon.jpg
James Allen Rhodes - Governor of Ohio (1963 – 1971) &
Richard Milhous Nixon - 37th President of the United States (1969 - 1974)

Kent State, Ohio 47 Years Later: The Tin Soldiers March On & On...

Yesterday's "Children of Destiny"
Ohio and Freedom | Sadly, Neil Young’s Ohio still relevant 43+ years after Kent State massacre

Official Music Video by Neil Young + Promise of the Real of "Children of Destiny"
(Who and Where are the "Children of Destiny"?)

"First they came for Thrasher's Wheat,
and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Neil Young fan.

Then they came for Alex Jones,
and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a white male conspiracy theorist.

Then they came for Oprah Winfrey,
and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a black female social justice warrior.

Then they came for Neil Young,
and I didn’t speak up, because I was Donald Trump voter.

Then they came for me,
and by that time there was no one left to speak up for me."
MODIFIED ~~ Rev. Martin Niemoller, 1945

Open up the tired eyes. Eyes wide shut, we tried to lay it all out very specifically just prior to the 2016 election. And then clarified any mis-understandings shortly after the 2016 election.

There's corruption on the highest floor!
TW & Uwe "Computer Age" Singing Truth to Power
White House, Washington, DC

Photo by Hounds That Howell

Our Manifesto here at TW could not be made clearer, if we tried.

U.S. President John F. Kennedy
The President and the Press:
Address before the American Newspaper Publishers Association
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel - New York City, April 27, 1961

(Or Reflections on the "Freedom of Speech Tour")

"Children of Destiny" - Neil Young + Promise of the Real

For us, we try to be wise enough not to “feed the chaos” further with our own fear, anger, or hate. For our own sake, we try to turn our backs and head towards what is true and pure and loving. We try as best we can to devote our lives to that which makes us happy, healthy, and complete. We are all made to enjoy music, nature, beauty, and the company of our loved ones. We try to live the life we believe is right, no matter the consequences. Without fear and with unconditional love.

Our plan is to continue forward and keep on bloggin' until the power goes out and our battery's dead. Thanks to all of you who support what we do here at Thrasher's Wheat. Thank you all for your contributions, support, and helpful efforts throughout the year. We can’t begin to tell you how much we appreciate every single one of you as you manage to keep us refreshed, stimulated, and stepping through your constant sharing of ideas that nudge us onward. We couldn't do it without you. Again, we don't want to sound paranoid that forces are at work to shutdown our advertising, deprive us of revenue, and thwart our freedom of communication. But at the same time, we can't brush all this off in a blase fashion. On the bright side, we consider this to be another validation of a sort of what we do here at TW. In the past, the attacks on this site have reinforced our belief that we have taken the less traveled fork in the road on our journeys.

So believe in what we both together are doing. Knowing we can succeed. Our time is coming. Nothing will stop this now with love in our hearts. Make peace our goal, and vow to be true to ourselves. Working to create a world that we can be proud of, and that which we helped to create. May the beautiful energy of music and love surround you and yours, and let it be your traveling muse and guiding light. That is our wish for our world today ... and tomorrow. Look at everything with the eyes of love and we will create harmony and peace.

FOUND: Hearts of Gold
An Island in the Sun Under a Rainbow

Dreams can come true... if you want to work hard to make them happen. We are all making a difference together and feel the world is taking notice. Having said this, let’s all prepare for what is to come in what we believe will be a future of positive, lasting change.

this blog is my blog, this blog is your blog, this blog was made for you & me.

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
~~ Benjamin Franklin, Pennsylvania Assembly Reply to the Governor, 1755

But really, the bottom line -- The Big Secret -- is that it's all about The Bridge Kids. Seriously.

We try and stay grounded in nature, enjoy Mother Earth and be in tune with her harmony. We translate this beauty into love and care towards others while seeking deeper truths and discovering our true awakened, enlightened spirit.

Afterall, it's all about you and me...

"We're The Ones We've Been Waiting For"! 
(#Q: WT1sWBWO or WWG1WGA?)
Gulf Oil Gusher Rally, Florida, June 2010
 1,000,000 Strong Against Offshore Drilling | Facebook 

So, stay calm. no fear. use disCERNment. walk with us. sing truth to power. recognize the illusion. be the rain. be the change. be the wheat. prepare for the big shift and keep on rockin' in the free world.

peace & love,
thrasher & thrashette

Also, see:


  1. No idea what Ohio has to do with the USA's current situation.

  2. Thanks Art.

    Yes, we admit that there are a lot of threats converging here.

    Here's our point that we're extrapolating.

    Publicly killing/executing young people isn't a new phenomenon.

    1963, Birmingham, 4 young girls.
    1970, Kent State, Ohio. 4 students.
    Fast forward to today, you can't even keep track of all the school shootings.
    Such is the USA today. Land of the free, home of the brave.
    We've got a job to do.
    ... and vote!

  3. ....... i've already voted.
    Voted a straight ticket, too .... cuz what i've seen going down in Washington this past 2 years is disgusting to me & i want it rooted out.
    I'm certain there are many who might disagree with my points of view, perhaps even the guy swaying near me at my next Neil show
    ... but that's ok ..... this IS America ... and today, we can still think & speak what we believe
    I believe in the American idea...... one nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty & Justice for all
    ..... how can you run, when you KNOW
    BE the rain !

  4. Don't need no more lies!From anybody!
    The idea of 'fake'anything is repulsive.
    There is nothing worse than gain from lies,
    cheats, secrecy, or any other obfuscation.

    I would have no problem with some control
    of guns/ammunitions that protect innocents
    from the deranged, criminal, etc. Wholesale
    repeal of gun rights is not the answer tho,
    history tells us that when citizens have no
    weapons against the gov't they lose everytime.

  5. @ SONY - we respect the 2nd Amendment. We respect all of The Bill of Rights.

    But without the 1st, the other 9 fall. Which is why we try and exercise our the freedom here everyday.

    "I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
    ~~ Evelyn Beatrice Hall, 1906

    [not at you SONY]

  6. Good times are comin’ I hear it everywhere I go. Good times are comin’ but they sure are comin’ SLOW.

  7. right on Mark...right on...
    God bless President Trump & God bless America!

  8. Anyone who voted for Trump is a total idiot

  9. yea...all this economic growth and super-low unemployment is just awful...

  10. You know those annoying pop-up ads that show up on YouTube? I just saw one that's the new "Ohio" video. Yep, Neil is now an advertisement.

    Ain't singing for Pepsi?

    What's going on, Neil? There's a new direction you're going in that ain't the same as what made me love you.

    I miss Briggs, I miss Poncho......

  11. I hate to be that guy but.....The economic growth all started with Obama. Not to say Trump hasn't kept it going, but we should all recognize when and where the growth started. So many act as if we were in another great depression and Trump saved us. As far as unemployment goes, again it started under Obama, but the numbers are misleading. I'm more concerned with under-employment. The gap between rich and poor grows everyday. The New Gilded Age continues.

    I respect anyone who can discuss their views rationally and calmly. Now more than ever we need adults in the room working to solve the issues we all agree America still has i.e. gun violence. We all agree its an issue, yet we argue and do nothing. Nothing changes and act surprised when another shooting occurs. There is middle ground, we just need to work to find it. How many more?

  12. Thanks folks for comments and keeping it civil.

    btw, we're curious as to why no one has mentioned anything about the video "Northern Man" in the posting above? We really thought that would have provoked a few thoughts.

    Did anyone actually watch it?


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