
Tuesday, January 23, 2018

A Comprehensive Review of Neil Young's Online Archives

Recently, Thrasher's Wheat re-posted a 2009 major examination of the The Making of The Neil Young Archives Volume #1 . Those were exciting times for both The Neil Young Archives Team at Shakey Pictures, as well as, us here at TW for our small role in the product rollout. So here's a journey through the past as we look forward to the next chapter in the long twisting road of the NYA saga.

This post's for you, Archives Guy! Enjoy!

Here is a comprehensive review of Neil Young's Online Archives by Anthony OnAir.

Some good points and interesting observations. In some respects a good tutorial if you have yet to navigate the site which might minimize any experience frustrations.

Also, see:

The Shroud of Archives: Tracklisting of NYA Volume #1

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