
Wednesday, January 24, 2018

The Shroud of The Archives: Tracklisting Scroll for Neil Young Archives Volume #1

Neil Young
Keynote @ 2008 Sun JavaOne Conference

Recently, Thrasher's Wheat re-posted a 2009 major examination of the The Making of The Neil Young Archives Volume #1 . Those were exciting times for both The Neil Young Archives Team at Shakey Pictures, as well as, us here at TW for our small role in the product rollout. So here's a journey through the past as we look forward to the next chapter in the long twisting road of the NYA saga.

This post's for you, Archives Guy! Enjoy!

Almost 10 years ago now, Neil Young delivered the Keynote Address at the 2008 Sun JavaOne Conference to announce the release of his Archives utilizing Bluray technology.


We here at Thrasher's Wheat -- as well as Rusties around the world - eagerly tuned into the Live Webcast to watch the demonstration of the star crossed project. TW even managed to send out a Rust Reporter to the conference to bring us back a Report on Archives Announcement at JavaOne Conference (thanks Chris ‘CW Cannoneer’!)

One of the more remarkable moments came at the end of the demonstration when Neil and L.A. Johnson unfurled a scroll of the Archives Tracklisting which stretched across the stage and brought audible gasps from the audience.

The Shroud of Archives: Tracklisting of NYA Volume #1

Now here is where the memories get interesting. After the demonstration, here on TW, a commenter David S., posted a partial track list based on images from the webcast which prompted quite a reaction and some teeth gnashing by the Archives Team.

How could it have been possible to transcribe tracks from the screenshots? Well, we may never know that answer, but what was posted here on TW proved to be fairly accurate a year later when the Archives were finally officially released in 2009.

Those were exciting days. And hopefully many more exciting days lie ahead... like that "Rust Subscription TBA" ...

Also, see:

Neil Young @ 2008 Sun JavaOne Conference


  1. The tracks were transcribed not from the webcast but from high quality digital photos taken by someone sitting up close.

  2. ahhh! Thanks LRR! Well, that solves part of the mystery. Or maybe that was solved a long time ago and we forgot?!

    Anyways. What else from that era would be interesting to re-examine?

    The legendary "Bubble Gum Disaster" track, maybe?

  3. The NYA site now features "NYA Times-Contrarian". Their new newspaper. It features articles on the Roxy release and the Upcoming Alchemy release. And so much more about the plans for the NYA in the coming year. Well worth a read.

    Everything is cheaper than it looks.

  4. Some interesting developments at

    1. Please share don’t have computer
      and can’t access on iphone

  5. Does anyone know what was on the original list? Was it all volume one stuff? Anything we didn't get?

  6. Thanks LRR!

    Excellent! Looks like "NYA Times-Contrarian" is the real deal. Maybe folks won't have to plow through some fan blog to get the Neil news?!

    maybe we can retire? or just re-tread....

    "quality, whether you want it or not"


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