
Sunday, January 21, 2018

Neil Young & Daryl Hannah March for ERA on January 20, 2018

Neil Young & Daryl Hannah
Los Angeles, CA - January 20, 2018

From Neil Young | Facebook:

Walking this morning with hundreds of thousands of people in LA to support women’s rights was an experience I will never forget. In a sea of humanity, of people carrying signs of change, I was claustrophobic for a while but that passed. Everyone was positive and happy to be there standing up for what they believed in.

I got a little uncomfortable, knowing the times we are living in, how safety can no longer be counted on the way it used to be.

A few supporters of a self-described stable genius stood in front of the Police department hurling insults, but were largely ignored. Women held hands in front of them, separating them from the marchers. It was beautiful. All the happy people, together in one place expressing themselves; it was very human and I think I will never forget it. We just kept walking along hand in hand.

What struck me by the end of this unbelievable, massive march of unity, is that the Equal Rights Amendment has still not been ratified. It was introduced over one hundred years ago. Thirty-six states have voted for ratification. Thirty-eight states are required. Two more states need to vote to ratify.

I hope the hundreds of thousands of women and men that came out today felt the power their numbers hold. I hope they carry that feeling with them to the polls in November. We have the gall to ask other countries to include rights for women in their constitutions, yet in the American constitution women still do not have equal rights.

I think this is the time for all politicians running for office in the fourteen states that have not ratified the ERA to pledge that they will do all they can to help ratify the Equal Rights Amendment and make it final.



Comments on Neil Young | Facebook are -- sadly -- unsurprising as folks battle back and forth on freedom.

Most liked comment on FB:
Kathleen Johnson Billman: Love your music..hate your politics. Entertainers should stick to their craft.
As usual, everyone supports freedom of speech -- as long as it aligns with their views and politics.

It's an angry world but we won't quit...

ps - And "Thank You" Mr. Zuckerberg for suspending our FaceBook account, saving us from all of the FB troll-bot zombie hordes! (Mark Zuckerberg, CEO FACEBOOK - Open Letter #2 and Neil Young Research and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.))


  1. When did Neil last play 'A Man Needs A Maid' ?

    I think we've all underestimated the influence of DH - not seen in his music yet.

  2. On Friday, we marched in Washington DC, for the right of a million American children to be born each year, grow up, and enjoy the freedom to protest like we do. If you truly care about equal rights, where were you, Neil and Daryl? The most basic "Right to Life" has got to be priority.
    "Stand up for what you believe
    Resist the 'powers that be'
    Preserve the ways of democracy
    So the children can be free
    The children of destiny"

  3. "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

    ~~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

  4. Hey rightwing, just curious, how many guns do you own?

    "Take my advice
    Don't listen to me"

  5. It’s good to see Neil on the protest road again. He has always been a barometer of the social condition. It’s a very important issue that not many Americans are aware of. He uses his fame in a positive effort to change what ails this and other countries. I have always admired his tenacity and commitment to change. Hannah looks right at home with him too. They make a great couple. Keeping it real as always. Love you Neil.
    “ It’s a fresh wind that blows against the Empire”. Paul Kantner

  6. "Will Humanity awaken from a cowardice dream that presently allows misguided bullies to imprison, victimize us, our world and our families or will we rise-up to realize and express our great hero within and be known as the warriors of loving truth who acted in turn, as we were destined to be?"

    ~~ Steve Robertson

  7. His new record is called 'EAR' - yes yes we all admire his fortitude and energy but that photo says more than many of his last few records - changing man.


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