
Tuesday, April 09, 2019

Neil Young: "Super amazing long-form [TRANS] video by The Particle Kid!"

Micah Nelson's Curated Playlist: "WE R NEIL-LIST"
image via Neil Young - TRANS (1982)
Cropped Album Back Cover

In a response to a Letter to the Editor section on Neil Young Archives, Neil answers a few questions regarding the 1982 album TRANS and a remastered release.

We can expect high resolution 24/192 files and a vinyl release, as well as, a video: "Super amazing long-form [TRANS] video by The Particle Kid!" [Micah Nelson]

Neil Young Archives

Finally. The whole TRANS tale animated. We can't wait for this vision by 'The Particle Kid' to hit Hearse Theater!

Micah Nelson, aka 'The Particle Kid', recently showcased a curated Playlist: "WE R NEIL-LIST" on NYA and used a cropped image from the back cover of the TRANS album.

#ICYMI, Margo Price recently celebrated Jack White's Third Man Records' 10 year anniversary by spinning Neil Young's 'Trans' album -- one of her favorite records.

Also, here's a very in-depth look back at Neil Young’s "controversial" 1982 album ‘Trans’.

More on TRANS: A Little Bit of Essential Neil Young | Rocket 88 .

Also, see The Story of Neil Young’s Heavily Computerized, Utterly Bewildering ‘Trans’ | Ultimate Classic Rock.

Also, see Reassessing Neil Young's Geffen Records Years.

Year 1982 - Neil Young Pulled from the Future into the Past
(Out of the Blue, Into the Black)


  1. First announced almost a year ago now:

  2. There’s real time, and then there’s Neil time. It’s a clock with no hands and a calendar with no numbers.

  3. Neil time is so slow. The older I get the less I wanna wait. But I've never asked Neil to be anything but himself, so whatever happens happens.

    And I love Trans!

  4. I love Trans as well. Always have. But, time fades away.

    Good times are comin, I hear it everywhere I go, good times and comin’ but they sure are comin slow.

    Comes a time when I’ll get to see and hear all this great music, just as long as I stick around long enough. But time is fading away.



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