
Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Jimmy Fallon Strikes Yet Again and Again | WTF Podcast Interview with Neil Young

Neil Young and Jimmy Fallon's "Neil Young" reunited on 'Tonight Show' to perform the environmentally conscious "Two Neil Youngs on a Tree Stump."

Sample lyrics:

"Two Neil Youngs on a tree stump
Where did the other Neil come from?
Came from the future back to the past to warn your ass

We're two Neil Youngs
Sitting on a tree stump/ Used to be a tree trunk
But look at what we've done
Said the father to the son
The leaves on the trees had to leave and the air that we breathe is gone."

Neil Young and Jimmy Fallon

As previously noted, it is quite well established by now that Jimmy Fallon likes to respectfully poke fun at Neil Young, Jimmy Fallon tremendously admires Neil Young and goes to considerable lengths to showcase his "Neil Passion".

Also, here's the podcast for Neil Young interview with Marc Maron's podcast on Follow us: @rollingstone on Twitter | RollingStone on Facebook WTF


  1. I just have to say - that was f*ckin' brilliant. "I'm from the past to warn your ass".

  2. I gotta be honest, the Jimmy Fallon as Neil thing really annoys me. It was cute the first time I saw him impersonate Neil on SNL, but it's grown real old to me

    I dig that he's obviously a fan and all, but the impersonation has gone stale......for me anyways.

  3. I love how Neil plays it so deadpan, and I really like it when people have a sense of humo(u)r.

  4. Anyone read Uncut's interview with Neil Young in this months issue? Innaresting.
    Concerning Archives:
    "I'm putting a website out, probably just before Christmas", he reveals. " It'll be my entire archives on a website. You can listen to the music, and you can see where albums are that are pencilled in, not finished. From throughout a 40 or 50 year span, you'll see unfinished records behind you, in front of you, right now, way in the future".

  5. Wow I hope you can listen to the unfinished albums too!!!

  6. IDK...I thought is was great. Had the wife , daughter and son watch it, and they all liked it a lot. In protest, in speeches, in violence, in peaceful disobedience and in humor a message can be delivered.

    Or it can just be fun!!


  7. @Paul - agree. we've softened up a bit on the Jimmy thing.

    Actually, our 1st reaction was that he's a total goof so the spoof is a bit demeaning. But we've come around that there's loving respect in all of this.

    And besides. Neil seems to enjoy the goofiness as well.

    So keep on goofin' in the free world! :)


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