
Friday, April 21, 2023

"It should be no problem" Says Neil Young's on ‘Rainbow' Raps

Tonight’s The Night | LTE | NYA
(Click photo to enlarge)


This posting falls into the category of "Ask and ye shall receive".

A recent LTE on Neil Young Archives by Omar/ Lone Red Rider echoed our recent post asking Where Are The Raps on Neil Young's ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” Offical Bootleg?
 Under The Rainbow* - Nov 3*, 1973
Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series Release #6 
(NOTE: unreversed original image flipped)

As background, recently Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series released ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” featuring the Santa Monica Flyers, recorded live at the Rainbow Theatre in London on Nov. 5, 1973.

But as a TW comment by Tomatron asked, where are the legendary between song raps that made the  Tonight’s The Night tour so unforgettable -- or forgettable, depending - for so many?
As with Neil Young's Official Bootleg Series  Citizen Kane Jr. Blues -- when streamed on NYA -- the stream contains the full concert recording, including the between song raps, such as the semi-essential "Honeyslide Recipe" rap.

Link to full, unedited concert of
Citizen Kane Jr. Blues by Neil Young
(See Rustie Pro Tip on Navigating Neil Young Archives)

The raps are not on the vinyl or CD releases themselves but only available on NYA.  (See Rustie Pro Tip on Navigating Neil Young Archives.)

The matter is not inconsequential for rustie grains , who consider the dark and liquid Tonight's The Night concerts with Neil's rambling tales to be as core to the experience as Jose Cuervo tequila. (See Dutch Translation of Liner Notes for Neil Young's Tonight's the Night album.

So thank you LRR! Long may you ride!

More on  Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series Releases: ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” & ‘High Flyin’




  1. i cannot reach the link of conncert full streaming...can anyone help me?

  2. Lorenzo, you can reach the full concert stream for Official Bootlegs Royce Hall, Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, and Citizen Kane Blues Jr on mobile device just by selecting the album. The full concert file is at the bottom of the tracklist. Also on mobile under Albums is the Timeline Concert of the Moment, currently Rotterdam 7/24/01.

    On desktop you can reach the Rotterdam show and several others through the Timeline. In the middle of the Timeline below the albums are the tours. Scroll through and find the tours that have logs, little white booklets above them. Click on the tour and View Itinerary. Then View Log for the specific show. From there you can hear the Timeline Concert by clicking Play This Show.

  3. Thanks for your answer,i m searching for the raps in somewhere out of the Rainbow.. I cannot reach them! There is an explenation in another post, but i cannot undestand it...

  4. @ Lorenzo - Rainbow raps are a wish now. Not avail yet. But let's hope NYA comes through on this.

    @Tomatron - thanks for navigations tips!

  5. Sorry i was confused, i thought the raps the article was taking about was from Somewere... I did find the one from Citizen Kane, thanks

  6. While we're waiting, I've updated my Roxy post with info about this CD:

  7. Off topic: Neil was on stage for the first time in years and not many people seem to have noticed?

  8. @ Lorenzo - good deal.

    @ wardo - good deal #2!

    @ Hayo - ? We noticed. the rustie grains noticed. the MSM noticed.

    explain pls

  9. Right. I meant nobody here was talking about it. But I can see why.

  10. @ Hayo - you mean no one is talking about it on this thread about a 1973 bootleg? right.

    because they're chatting here @

    neil's 1st concert in 4 years!

    so why do you think this? Let's not be oblique ok?

  11. That does somehow not show up at the front page. Good to see people are actually talking about it.

  12. @ Hayo - ahhh. you're right. we didn't update TW home page w/ gig. oops.
    updated now. thanks for bringing to our attention.

  13. This cd sounds like crap. Can barley make out the auditable most of the time. The bootleg I have called Welcome to Miami Beach sounds a lot better. That's to bad as I was looking forward to receiving this. Too many issues with latest releases here of late. Way Down in the Rust Bucket, Return to Greendale audio sucks. Harvest 50th BBC DVD. I have & own everything Neil has put out. I have to say I will not continue to purchase subpar products anymore.The ride is over for me.


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