
Thursday, March 30, 2023

A Very Special Comment of The Moment: Riding the Dark Horse -- What Neil Young Taught Me About Autism and Fear

Neil Young & Bridge Kids
@ Bridge School Benefit Concert 2011
Photo Gallery by By Jay Blakesberg Photography

The karma of blogging.  

As regular rustie grains know, there have been many occasions where we have openly wept upon these pages over some of the incredibly emotional stories we have shared on our humble little blog. (See here, and here, and here and here.)

Once again, we share because we care.

The backstory here is that way back on a TW post from 2012, we linked to an article "Riding the Dark Horse: What Neil Young Taught Me About Autism and Fear" by Hannah Brown.

In her essay, Brown blogs about how Neil Young's song  "Tell Me Why" from the album After the Gold Rush, helped her through a very difficult period with her son's autism. 

If you have not read her deeply heartfelt piece of her struggle, we encourage you to now.

So we were so delighted and awed to receive this comment from Hannah Brown on her son's Danny's progress:

It was nice to see that you re-posted my piece. 

Things have become much better for my son and part of what helped him was how I learned to accept him for who he was, and this song helped so much with that. 

He is almost 27 now and works in a carpentry workshop.

Thank you so much for sharing Hannah and so very wonderful that your son Danny has found purpose in life. A true joy to know.

Neil Young and son Ben (The "TRANSformer Man")

And we do know something about the power -- and healing -- of music, for it has been felt, affirmed in our lives and deeply impacted us to make us what we are today. 

"Sailing heart ships 
Thru broken harbors 
Out on the waves in the night 
Still the searcher 
Must ride the dark horse 
Racing alone in his fright 
Tell me why"

Again, a must read for all of us on the healing powers of music, here is  Riding the Dark Horse: What Neil Young Taught Me About Autism and Fear by Hannah Brown, Author, "If Only I Could Tell You".

"If I Could Tell You" by Hannah Brown
No fear. 

1 comment:

  1. Bumped comment from 2012 by Mr Henry said...
    Very enjoyable and moving piece of writing; thanks for highlighting.

    In a recent Comment, No One said something that really struck home: "Life is hard. Neil Young has made it better....".

    We all have ways of enjoying, enduring and enlightening our lives.

    Some of these are positive moves, some not so much. For me and so many others, Neil has been one of the brightest lights in some of the darkest times.

    Many of us deal with a family member who has challenges. I'm pretty sure everyone at least knows someone experiencing this, either directly or as part of an extended family or group of friends. And whenever it starts to seem overwhelming and too much too handle, it's so helpful to have someone who can remind you "It's time to get behind the wheel". Thanks to Hannah Brown for sharing her tragedies and triumphs, and I hope the Dark Horse finds a pasture for comfort. Good luck to you and your son!

    "Discover real peace and harmony within yourself, and naturally this will overflow to benefit others."
    --Satya Narayan Goenka


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