
Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Is The Neil Young Archives Timeline Half-Full ? Or Half-Empty ? UPDATED!

Where Did 2020 Go?
(click to enlarge)

UPDATE: Again, no sooner than we post this image above, NYA Timeline now updated!  See comments below for more details  or go to Timeline. Such is the synchronicity of TW.


So is the Neil Young Archives Timeline half-empty? Or half-full? Where did all the 2020 releases flow?

At the moment,  the Timeline seems half-empty with 2020 completely blank now after showing releases like Homegrown, as well as, lots of future plans.  Frankly, most folks would be ok if 2020 did go completely blank the way this year has been going ...

but we digress...

Once the Timeline is updated, here is what we might see.  From a comment on OUT-TAKES on Neil Young Archives byBlogger Phil:

About the albums whose publication is delayed, Neil says in LTE that the new dates are in the timeline ... But I don't see anything.

By the way, does somebody note all the NY announcements in LTE about the next releases ? Here's what I've noticed these last few weeks:

- 2020 :Return To Greendale, Rust Bucket and Archives vol.2 which would include at least Tuscaloosa and Roxy + Dume (Zuma's outakes?) + a CD of Homegrown's outakes + maybe Odeon Budokan.
- 2021: Early Daze, Alchemy, Mirror Ball Live, Ragged Glory Extended, Eldorado extended, Island In The Sun and Shakespeare postponed from 2020.

He talked about Toast, live with the Ducks, Boarding House 1978 but no dates.

He mentioned the possible release of Bottom Line 1974, Chrome Dreams, Bootleg Dorothy Chambler 1971.

He also said that the Buffalo 1991 released on NYA would be the subject of a DVD for the subscribers...

Return To Greendale, Rust Bucket and Archives vol.2 which would include at least Tuscaloosa and Roxy + Dume (Zuma's outakes?) + a CD of Homegrown's outakes + maybe Odeon Budokan.

- 2021: Early Daze, Alchemy, Mirror Ball Live, Ragged Glory Extended, Eldorado extended, Island In The Sun and Shakespeare postponed from 2020.

He talked about Toast, live with the Ducks, Boarding House 1978 but no dates.

He mentioned the possible release of Bottom Line 1974, Chrome Dreams, Bootleg Dorothy Chambler 1971.

He also said that the Buffalo 1991 released on NYA would be the subject of a DVD for the registrants...

Finally, he put forward the idea of an album compiling unreleased songs and, in a letter dated July 26th, he talked about the unreleased album "Summer songs" which would include a first version of For The Love of Man. It's the first time I've heard of this album! Unless that's another name for Island In the Sun.

I may have missed some other announcements... In any case, I bet a lot that everything will be delayed, very very delayed...

If we get another release this year, it'll be a miracle.Delete

Thanks Phil for a very good run down of what's in the Timeline pipeline.

Again, given the new EP coming, it's understandable that plans change.

But we certainly understand the Uncle Eddie dilemma, but when push comes to shove and Neil has something he wants out now, then that's the way its always been. Look at Homegrown sitting on the shelf for 45 years?! Uncle Eddie should be pleased. Sure hope he's still with us.

Uncle Eddie has focused Neil's attention on his unreleased catalogue. (See "Uncle Eddie's NYA - New Tier?": Neil Young Releasing Everything in 2020 on NYA.)

Bumper stickers will be issued. #UncleEddie
via UNOFFICIAL Neil Young Unreleased Archive - NYUA | Twitter

So here's to Uncle Eddie! And who says that writing a Letter to the Editor is a waste of time? 


  1. Obviously the pandemic has allowed Neil the opportunity to focus heavily on the archives of late. NYA has been an active and productive site during this medical emergency, and we have seen much additional material being added over the past seven months. Including the Fireside / Barnyard / Porch Sessions, Outtakes, Rust Bucket Friday’s, and Homegrown. The delayed releases of Return to Greendale, Archives Volume Two, Way Down in the Rust Bucket, and Young Shakespeare are completely understandable due to the virus. If nothing else, we Rustiest have had to learn to be patient with regard to any expectations for any particular release.

    Neil has created a unique opportunity to communicate directly with him through his letters to the editor, and has allowed us access to the entire Return to Greendale film. We have already been able to see and hear the complete first two sets of Rust Bucket. Lest we forget the number of songs from Young Shakespeare that appeared in the Hearse Theatre this spring. The sneak previews have been few and far between, but we did get a couple of things to tickle our taste buds. We now have three separate screens in the Hearse Theatre with a constantly changing variety of visual beauties to entertain and enjoy.

    So for me, the Timeline is just exactly where it’s supposed to be right now. No complaints here. Neil has created something truly remarkable for his fan base, and continues to add something special almost weekly. Uncle Eddie was the spark that got this rolling and I hope and pray he is still with us enjoying the fruits of the seeds he planted for us all.

    Peace 🙏

  2. Thanks Dan, as always.

    Frankly, most folks would be ok if 2020 did go completely blank the way this year has been going ...

    maybe it's Neil's perverse humor at work?

    We do know neil is a time traveler, right Meta Rocker? So maybe neil has gone backward in time to change history? So maybe neil has gone fwd in time to find out what the #BigShift is all about and let us know that everything is gonna be alright?

    Alchemy baby!

    Anyways, seriously, we're so blessed and lucky to have a flood of new & old.

    We know it's amusing to some that we could ever say "relax, chill". Uncle Eddie's cool with it.

    but, really, chill-lax -- as the cool kids say. or so we've heard ...

  3. Indeed. An embarrassment of riches. “Gratitude is better” bumper stickers should be issued.

    Peace 🙏

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Return to Greendale and Archives 2 (both on 11/6) and Rust Bucket (12/4) are all back on the Timeline!

    1. Shakespeare on 29 jan 2021 and The Times EP on 16 sep 2020...

  6. T-Bone from Rust Bucket coming Friday on Screen 2! Best $20 I can remember spending

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Neil's Archives is a very good website. If anyone needs information from Neil, it's all there! He has lots of concerts, music, tapes, everything for the Neil Young fan! Listened to Fireside Sessions a few times, love it! Especially Sugar Mountain, all the memories started to flow. I love the CD Sugar Mountain from the Canterbury House in Ann Arbor Michigan. Its one of my favorite CDs. He talks about being in Detroit at the White Tower restaurant, (I remember that place well). Born and raised there. Neil Archives website is AWESOME. But that Sugar Mountain album is a classic and will always be a favorite for me. By the way, also love the new Porch Episode!!!

  9. Thank you! Does anyone have a fix for the "can't scroll up" problem on the Times-Contrarian pages? I've written to support and they said the development team knew about this problem and was working on it, but I haven't heard back from them since. They also seemed to think the problem was only on Chrome, when I've been having it on Firefox as well (both on latest versions).

    It gets really annoying and stops me from reading the Times-Contrarian as much as I'd like.

    Thanks, Bluejay


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