
Thursday, May 23, 2019

Neil Young + Promise Of The Real: Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene, Oregon - May 23

Neil Young + Promise Of The Real concert tour of the Pacific Northwest continues tonight, Thursday, May 23, at the Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene, Oregon.

Got a report? Drop us a comment below.

Check Sugar Mountain for setlist updates and Chronogical Grid, Recording Summary, Statistics and Extras.

Check back for updates, reviews, setlists, photos, videos, etc.

Also, see:

Neil Young + Promise of the Real
Camden, NJ - July 16, 2015
Photo by TW


  1. Hi folks,

    Not sure where to post this but... while I was watching the live "Roll another number" with POTR video on instagram this morning I noticed a small line saying the NYA Android app was ready, I checked on Play Store and indeed it is at last available (since the 21st)!
    It has been long awaited by many of us and there was no announcement on NYA or elsewhere as far as I saw, so I thought it was worth sharing this news here!


    1. I followed the archives on Instagram but haven't seen the live video or the app message. Idk why it wouldn't be there for me. I've reloaded and refreshed and still nothing

  2. Thanks Nico. Good Neil news is always appropriate to share anywhere. Appreciated. How's it working for you?
    We've downloaded but found it crashed when trying to play features album. Although we're running a bunch of stuff simultaneously.
    Haven't tried as of yet after clean restart.

  3. @shakey : My mistake, it was and (still is) on Facebook, on the "Neil Young" page (NOT on the "Neil Young Archives") page. Sorry. (fortunately, as I understood it, soon everything will only be gathered on the NYA page only, no more FB nor IG and we'll know where to look)

    @thrasher : Globally, it works quite OK for me so far but although I haven't used it much yet , but I had a crash once too.

    1. I love Neil so much but it infuriates me that he writes articles about leaving social media and how the archives will be the place to find all things Neil and then puts crap on Facebook. I left Facebook in 2012 and I won't go back, even for Neil. I don't regret paying for the archives. It's well worth the money, but why the hypocrisy. He's been outspoken about the evils of Facebook, but does this. Take my advice, don't listen to me.

    2. Anybody know how long the Facebook Live stream was from Eugene. Was it the whole concert. Could never find it live and have only seen Roll another Number repeat.

  4. It's crashed a few times for me too. But usually only when I try to switch between apps or try to stream and go to a different page. I'm rockin' a cheap 4 year old phone (wanna keep as much of those heavy metals in the ground as possible), so I bet that's a contributing factor. BTW the NYA announcement came yesterday in the Contrarian, but it was a bit buried.

  5. So Im back. Tony Logerfo? POTR's drummer. This is a guy who unabashedly bangs those tom skins. It was pretty great. He comes thru in the mix. I know now why some kits are surrounded by plexiglass. We didnt even get Fuckin Up on Tuesday but you may not know it from his drumming. I think ON probably dug it. it was intense.


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