
Saturday, December 16, 2017

PODCAST: Year of the Neil (The Life of Neil Young) | BDWPS - Episode #9

Year of the Neil (The Life of Neil Young)
Podcast via Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs Dot Com

From Bob Dylan Wrote Propaganda Songs Dot Com, a new episode of "Year of the Neil", we see Neil Young step away from his music to take care of his disabled, newborn son. We also explore his music experimentations in the early 80s.

Here is the full series of Year of the Neil (The Life of Neil Young), episodes #1 - #8.

And if you're really into Neil Young podcasts, check out the archive of Thrasher's Wheat Radio Hour, podcasts archived here.

1 comment:

  1. I held off commenting because I figured you'd all mention it before too long but are Neil fans aware that he's a featured vocalist on a brand new tune by (I guess) Hip-hop artist DRAM? Not to my taste (I like hip-hop but this just isn't that great) but it's very cool to see our hero try new things in these late years


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