
Tuesday, March 05, 2013

NEW SONG - "There's A Hole In The Sky" by Neil Young & Crazy Horse @ Perth Arena, Western Australia 2nd Mar 2013 on YouTube

Neil Young and Crazy Horse Live Debut of the unreleased track "There's A Hole In The Sky" during Alchemy Tour at the Perth Arena, Perth Western Australia on the 2nd of Mar 2013.

Unfortunately, the first half of the performance of the song is missing because the taping dude's arm got tired holding the phone up. seriously

But fear not -- here's the whole performance of "There's A Hole In The Sky as a MP3 on Rust Radio.

Sounds like there's a little bit of Greendale news on the track. Something about a "poison pipeline"? What could that be all about, we wonder...


  1. Its a good song maybe he'll work out a nice little lead line..I have to agree with some others that the content is a little worn and would like to hear more personal or mystical lyrics... ones I would have to think about

  2. I'll say it again..

    New song now seems simple, but that's a Neil trait, make it basic
    and keep it rolling and next thing you know it gets in your head and expands your mind to what he's singing about, and maybe permeates your thinking to what can get done. I do like the lead back vocals of the Horse and the interplay of that.

    He is passionate, and this reminds me of that vibe as well. He doesn't disappoint the music, only the closed minded listener who's not ready for the next foggy trip through his current exploration of his thoughts and feelings, and his fingers and his friends. And his travels across the plains and the oceans.

  3. I don't think that song will expand my mind and certainly wont sway my world view in the least. I don't think there's a hole in the sky but i like the song

  4. In Waging Heavy Peace, Neil wrote he would like to make "Greendale 2" movie. So he needs new songs for that, doesn't he?

  5. Isn't Neil's trip to the Southern Hemisphere contributing to the so called hole in the sky? If the whole notion of global warming wasn't so silly it might be funny. Did Neil and his crew use paddle boats to get there? No they burned evil jet fuel.

    Hypocrite beyond measure...but that's ok because double standards for leftists are all that they have...

    Al Gore sells his lame network to another outlet completely funded from oil money and the environmentalist nut jobs are silent.

    I actually love Greendale but enough already Neil...maybe it's time he blazed up know just a tiny little taste of some good weed...or have an affair again...something to inspire the muse other than rehashed hoaxes about the climate.

  6. The inconvenient truth of Thrasher's Wheat is that we like Neil and his music. sorry.

    "Fuck the doubters."
    ~~Neil Young, Patriot Center, Fairfax, VA – 11/30/12

  7. I will reserve judgement...but

    I think I would probably like it better if he he dropped it a step.

  8. "Did Neil and his crew use paddle boats to get there?"

    ha ha. Very clever. Of course not. Not very practical, but you've completely lost the plot. Neil uses bio-fuels when he travels and he's been building Lincvolt.

    The guy is walking the walk. How about you? Burned any fossil fuels lately to put a hole in the sky? Right. So who's really a hypocrite? YOU!

    a Neil fan 4ever.

  9. Song is AWESOME!!!! Only my opinion counts.
    Thank you
    Enjoy the rest of the day.

  10. Well I unlocked your mind, ya know
    To see what I could see
    If you guarantee the postage
    I'll mail ya back the key ...

    Neil always delivers. He has a vision, sometimes obscure to us sometimes not. But without looking into it ya can't see what's there. Even when it's directly on the surface, there is an undercurrent to the message. Listen between the lines.

  11. Thanks SONY! Always nice to hear from those who get it. Words, between the lines of ages...

  12. Cool little tune, nothin wrong with that at all. Thank gawd he made it back from that FITR s#*t album. Great to have you back Neil (and the horese as well. Them boys still got it.


  13. Anon 9:02 and other doubters...

    If you take this song literally (I think it's metaphorical) and question its scientific validity, I must respond, but there IS a hole in the sky.

    You can try to deny reality, but hiding from the truth never did anyone any good.

  14. Climate change is not a hoax. If you really think that, then your head is stuck so far in the sand that there's no hope for you.

  15. @ Anon 6:54...

    Can you point me in the direction of a peer reviewed study that supports your argument? The problem with your side here is that it bases its points on the thoughts of a thee-mouthed talking head (hannity, Limbaugh, beck) that barely graduated high school instead of those of dedicated professionals who have worked on this topic their entire professional lives. Personally id rather have the best of the best crafting public policy that effects us all collectively. There is zero debate on this among people that know what they are talking about. The only place you can find people willingly shutting their eyes to the obvious is in the good ol' US of A. For the right in America to become a viable national force again as opposed to simply a regional one, it has to stop casting knowledge as the evil and start embracing it.

  16. @Believers - great comments.

    fyi - it's been a pretty established fact now that the doubters are simply trolls paid by the fossil fuels industry.

    Kinda sad that they've been reduced to harassing folks on a music fan site.

    Neil must be doing something right to be attacked here of all places. odd.

  17. One day, I really need someone to explain to me what was wrong with FITR?

  18. "One day, I really need someone to explain to me what was wrong with FITR?"


    I guess its just beauty in the eye of the beholder. If you dig it then good on you Dean. I can never fatham me spinning that one again, it is the only Neil Album I have never liked. Just didn't do it for me thats all. But Glad you like it. Maybe I'm missing something. Ok, I will give it another spin.


  19. Meh. Not much to get lost in analyzing here. No real poignancy, or cleverness. Just more political schoolhouse rock. I love the stuff Neil's been doing lately (hell, "Psychedelic Pill" is probably my favorite album of his of this century n) but didn't we already go over this on "Fork In the Road?"

  20. I've stated my opinion here too many times, but just to be clear, IMO, yes it is indisputable that there is climate change- cooling and warming in diverse places, and yes, Al Gore is a fraud, as is his greenhouse theory. Likewise, to say that because there is a "hole in the sky", assuming this refers to the ozone layer, is not to be able to definitively associate this truth with the greenhouse "effect". Science has proven that these holes have occurred in the past, even in the absence of fossil fuel use on the order of the industrial age. Finally, the expenditure of fossil fuels as a precipitant of climate change does not account for the fact that the entire solar system is experiencing climate and atmospheric change along the same lines as climate and atmospheric change here on earth. Although there is speculation in some quarters that there are signs of life and "activities" both on the moon and on mars, I don't think that anyone has advanced the notion that there are smokestack industries on their surfaces, or anyone traveling around in cars. Space craft maybe, but not automobiles. Finally, irrespective of the cause(s) of climate change, which is another discussion, because there is climate change it is necessary for humanity to take drastic measures, if it is not already too late, to face head on little things like the fact that most of the worlds population resides on coast line, and is therefore under the threat of rising ocean levels, and that most of the worlds ability to produce food is under threat as well. Therefore, any effort to come up with alternatives, even where those alternatives are not applicable right across the board, is not only vital, but logical. After this the logic gets really muddy.

    To call into question the consistency of someone who has taken a position to promote energy conservation as well as energy alternatives, and who has in fact actually done something about it, but who still engages in the status quo out of necessity, e.g. flying to a place to pursue his life work, is like saying that because the air is polluted that person should refuse to breath. If you must, think of it as losing the battle, but winning the war. It should be obvious, even to the trolls among us, that even in the best case scenario, like any transition, the transition to forms of energy that will protect both human life and the environment of necessity will involve a from-the-old-to-the-new period of time.

    I still don’t know exactly where Neil stands on the issue of the greenhouse effect. Because he is using biofuels and developing electrical innovations, is not conclusive. After all, even where the use of biofuels and electric is irrelevant, in terms of preventing further climate change, they still serve to improve the quality of the air we breath, and prevent the damage to the environment that the manufacture and use of fossil fuels do. It also serves as a preliminary step in finding ways to eliminate the production and use of oil.

    But beyond all these things, and strong enough to stand on its own in the face of any attempt to besmirch Neil’s credibility, is the undisputed record that Neil has accrued when it comes to walking the walk of his professed beliefs. For me or anyone else on this blog to have to enumerate the details of this record, is to shine a light on the ignorance of anyone stating otherwise. I don’t know about anyone else, but I refuse to engage in the exercise…

  21. On another subject (yeah, that subject), your comments are very astute, Sony. I love it:

    “New song now seems simple, but that's a Neil trait, make it basic and keep it rolling and next thing you know it gets in your head and expands your mind to what he's singing about, and maybe permeates your thinking to what can get done…”,


    “He doesn't disappoint the music, only the closed minded listener who's not ready for the next foggy trip through his current exploration of his thoughts and feelings… Neil always delivers. He has a vision, sometimes obscure to us sometimes not. But without looking into it ya can't see what's there. Even when it's directly on the surface, there is an undercurrent to the message. Listen between the lines.”

    Thanks a ton.

    BTW, does anyone have a complete lyric for “Hole In The Sky”? Haven’t been able to find them, and I would love to take a closer look.

    A Friend Of Yours

    p.s. Dean, there is nothing wrong with FITR, NOTHING. Doesn’t mean it has to be everyone’s cup of tea, but neither does it mean that because it isn’t that there are any grounds for thinking something is wrong with it. You say tomato, I say tomato… well, you know what I mean.

  22. Re FITR - I kind of dismissed it on the first few listens - of course I love it now after a few more.

  23. I just say thank God it's global warming that everyone is worried about. Imagine the panic if it was global cooling! Wouldn't that be a lot worse? The only other option is for the Earth to stay exactly the same forever and only a kid who believes in happily every after stories could expect that. I'll take the warming thanks. But back to the subject... this song is kinda nice but a little too tame and preachy. I'm going to go play Psychedelic Pill and make sure that FITR is still forced in the trashcan.

  24. All I know is that this song pretty much defines mediocrity. Maybe something a little worse than mediocrity. Kinda feel bad for Crazy Horse on this one.

    Neil needs to bring back the spook.

  25. Greg, I couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for the edits. I'm going with what Neil says, and sings. Why else would any of us be here?

    It's all illusion anyway.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, step right up, who's next for the brand new, shiny new, Hole in the Sky?"

  26. Here's the only scientific proof I need: when I lay in the sun, its fucking hot; hotter than it was 30 years ago; when my wife went to australia in 1998, all she could talk about was how much hotter the sun was compared to home, and she is a sun worshipper. Some things don't need a scientist (since many of them are corrupt and on the payroll for some corporation...). The ice is melting... no kidding...the sun IS kidding...

    So as a melanoma survivor and all around sun loving guy, what advice do you have for my young kids in 2013...ya I thought so...

    Buy a big house, drive a big car, keep a good tan, and live a good life... cause there's a big meteor out there somewhere and that recent Russion tiny little rock event should be enough to scare the living shit out of every one of us...

  27. You don't think there is a hole in the sky? Come and live in Australia and you will soon find our there is above our country anywhere (ozone layer). You can burn in as little as 10 minutes.

  28. Great thread, I find that the comments of fans on TW expands my thoughts, thanks all! I agree that Neil scores huge points as an environmental activist with integrity ... first from his many songs over the decades, to Greendale, ect... then to realizing 'just singing a song won't change the world' to Linclon Volt and the amazing effort and resources he's dedicated there ... agree it makes Al Gore look shameless in comparison ... I'm not a scientist so can't speak definitively on global warming but I've observed the following: for the hundred or hundred and fifty years of weather data we have it seems clear that global temps are rising with almost all of the top ten hottest years on record occurring over the past ten years, 2) public sentiment has shifted recently to thinking that carbon emissions might be the cause of global warming to insisting it IS the cause of global warming 3) of those that insist that the link between carbon emissions and global warming is a fact (rather than a theory) few are willing to change their lifestyle or pay for the true cost of reducing their carbon footprint, most insist that it get paid by someone else 4) If the link between carbon emissions and global warming is a fact, why were the world's most prominent pro-global warming scientists discovered to be consciously suppressing data from their studies that potentially refuted their pro-global warming hypotheses? ... at the end of the day I think we owe it to the next generation to leave the world a better place both environmentally and economically ... I just struggle to reconcile the sense of certainty so many have about it with the scientists fudging the numbers ... just wondering if we need to study this a bit more to get some more conclusive evidence before imposing so much more economic hardship on our society and our children. In that way I really like Neil's solution which is to invest in workable technology that reduces the need for fossil fuels and reduces a carbon footprint without the inevitable corruption of big government ... all that said if we can prove global warming is directly linked to carbon without a conspiracy to omit data by the leading researchers then we should by all means force people and businesses to pay for their carbon emissions ...

  29. I'm willing to trade you guys the three feet of fresh Ontario snow I just cleared for a ten degree temperature change. (Shipping NOT included) Open to offers.

  30. As I watch this partial video and listen to the full song on the mp3, I'm thinking this is THE ultimate recording of this song, it's first live performance with all the frailty of it's introduction. I swear I can hear a quiver in his voice at times. I wonder how many run-throughs they had with it, probably under 5. I remember listening to the first RITFW from Seatle '89 where Neil introduces that song and that the band never heard it before and didn't even know the words, and there is a distinctive vibe to that performance that I have never heard on any other recording, live or otherwise, of that song.

    Yeah, and so he's singing about the Hole in the Sky, he loves the sun, and all that. If you can't buy the ticket and catch the ride on this, as a Neil fan, there must be a hole in your head. JMHO, again.

  31. Great song -- it's got a real nice Are You Passionate vibe.

  32. Nice tune, I've had it in my head all day. I do wish the lyrics weren't so heavy-handed though. I totally agree with Neil's message but I think the words would have even more force if they were a little less direct/obvious. Sometimes when you hit people over the head with a message, they tune out. I do hope Neil works on the song a bit more, but I know that won't happen.

    Hope we hear some other new tunes on this leg of the tour!


  33. Part of the story:

    A Friend Of Yours


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