
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Dave Matthews Encores "Like a Hurricane" by Neil Young

Dave Matthews (solo) played Neil Young's "Like a Hurricane" during his encore on Friday night (8/26/11) at Governors Island, New York. As we all know, Dave Matthews and Neil Young go back in time in their collaborations.

This video is interesting in that it seems to be an edit of multiple cameras synced to a soundboard recording?

Pretty cool & intense -- about a Category 1.

Thanks Denis of Rusty Words!

More hurricane reports from:

Hurricane Irene
Eye Landfall in North Carolina

August 27, 2011


  1. I always get a bit worried when I come across a cover of one of my all-time favourite Neil songs, but when you see the name Dave Matthews you can bet the song will be in a safe pair of hands. I really like this, I love the slower tempo and the way he spaces the words, almost speaking them rather than singing them.

    Thanks Thrasher and good to see you are still with us in cyberspace…hope you`ve seen the back of Hurricane Irene now.

  2. This is great! Matthews is such a talent. Also, reminds me of what a great song this is ... Neil is a master, his songs are masterpieces ... so simple yet so beautiful and satisfying ... timeless joy ...

    Hope everyone survived the Hurricane safely!


  3. sorry, this one put me to sleep. I like Dave, but this has as much uummph as a as a wet firecracker. there's nothing strong winded in this. decently rendered, but doesn't inspire much. maybe it's a tropical depression rendition.

  4. @SONY - well, the tropical depression rendition was uhh... topical, no???

  5. Si senior. Certainly on track, with not much damage. Hope you faired well through it all.

    Your fair state presented a most beautiful countenance though last week as I was thundering down the Blue Ridge Parkway on my motorcycle. Sights to behold. And some cherished memories with my dad and 4 brothers. Next time I find you.

  6. For all my family and friends in Vermont, and for everyone there and elsewhere who are dealing with the aftermath of Irene. Hang in there Brattleboro, Burlington and everywhere else...better days are coming.

    There's nothing like a rainbow
    After a hurricane
    Make you feel like
    Things can change
    We tend to forget
    There's a light above
    Yeah it took a long time
    --Jamie Walker

    And for the Quechee Bridge, one of America's national treasures, I offer this transcendent video of The Waterboys performing Fisherman's revoir and je t'aime.

  7. Great performance. Gave me goosebumps so that's proof of being a raw emotional and respectful good interpretation. Only wish this was on iTunes or a cd.

  8. I saw Neil Young in Albuquerque last summer and was disappointed that he didn't play "Like a Hurricane." When he came back for an encore they played "She'll be Coming Around the Mountain." I thought wtf? Of all his music, what was the point? He should have just ended the show.


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