
Sunday, April 16, 2023

Where Are The Raps on Neil Young's ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” Official Bootleg?

 Under The Rainbow* - Nov 3*, 1973
Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series Release #6

Last week, Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series released ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” featuring the Santa Monica Flyers, recorded live at the Rainbow Theatre in London on Nov. 5, 1973.

What the bootleg recording quality of Rainbow '73 may lack in fidelity it "sears with passion", as our pal Davy observed in his video review.

Which brings us to the following question on Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series Releases: ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” & ‘High Flyin’ by Tomatron:

Will the digital version of Somewhere Under The Rainbow have the complete concert file released along with the album like most of the previous OBS albums had? 

I don’t recall there being a gap between the release of these albums last year and the addition of the full show minus edits, but maybe someone recalls more clearly. I did not, in a search of the site, find any separate updates regarding complete concert tracks. Of course they are only available for streaming and download through NYA. 

I did notice while listening to the amazing 11/5/73 live album that there are a few places where edits occur, and am wondering if the full unedited concert is available from Pete Long’s audience recording they utilized for the official bootleg release.

A good question Tomatron, where are the raps?

Neil Young's Official Bootleg Series  Citizen Kane Jr. Blues -- when streamed on NYA -- contains the full concert recording, including the between song raps, such as the semi-essential "Honeyslide Recipe" rap.

Track List | NYA
(w/ link to full, unedited concert)
Citizen Kane Jr. Blues by Neil Young

The raps are not on the vinyl or CD releases themselves but only available on NYA.  (See Rustie Pro Tip on Navigating Neil Young Archives.)

The matter is not inconsequential for rustie grains , who consider the dark and liquid Tonight's The Night concerts with Neil's rambling tales to be as core to the experience as Jose Cuervo tequila. (See Dutch Translation of Liner Notes for Neil Young's Tonight's the Night album.)

More on  Neil Young's Original Bootleg Series Releases: ‘Somewhere Under The Rainbow” & ‘High Flyin’



  1. Hi Thrasher. I asked Neil to post the whole concert. I sent him a letter on 4/14. He replied today on 4/21 that it should be no problem to do so. Let's see if I was able to shake this loose for y'all.

  2. Awesome LRR! Thanks much. Loved Neil's reply to you:

    "Omar - I will check and see if that can be done. It should be no problem."

    Yeah, we consider the TTN raps essential.

    Even more essential than Jose Cuervo tequila when listening. The raps really demonstrate how off the leash and loose Neil was during the TTN tour.

    And how over the course of the set how wasted Neil and the band proceeded to get.

    Didn't someone say they would polish off a bottle on stage during the set?


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