
Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Comment of the Moment: Neil Young's ARCHIVES VOL. II: 1972-1976

1st night with Neil Young Archives Vol#1 in June 2009 
by John R., New York

Much excitement in Rustdale over the major announcement on Neil Young Archives this weekend of ARCHIVES VOL. II: 1972-1976, scheduled to be released on November 20.   

Also, lots of chatter, although not to the degree of ARCHIVES VOL. I in 2009, which was akin to nearly the "2nd Coming" for some -- almost. 

The Comment of the Moment on ARCHIVES VOL. II: 1972-1976 Limited Edition Deluxe Box Set Out November 20 | NYA @ 9/22/2020 02:31:00 AM, Blogger  JVJ said...

Most posters here, myself no exception, consume practically anything NY puts out so of course Id'a also be happy to have more unreleased music than three discs of duplicates. Based on Neil's comments in the letters section, it seems like he underestimates how great the overlap is between people who bought those three LP's and people who will buy this box set. But I'm sure he has enough visibility into his sales to know, by figures, alone, that's not the case.

I think it comes down to the Archives standing on their own, with a slightly different intent that the individual releases. Whether it's purely for archival reasons, or for artistic reasons, Neil thinks they belong here and that's enough for me... after over half a century being one of the most interesting, consistently engaging, he's earned that trust. At least, from me... of course he's not above criticism... in fact, sometimes I get more reading negative or dissatisfied takes on his releases - I might not agree with them, but they do make me engage with the work in a way I wouldn't on my own.

If this is released on DVD or Blu-Ray, I'll already been experiencing and interacting with these in a different way than I did with the LP's.

If anything, my only recreational disappointment is that I wish more of this collection had/will be released on vinyl. It's my favorite way to listen to NY (I know, I know... a rare and controversial stance).

 Thanks JVJ for sharing your thoughts here.


More on reaction to ARCHIVES VOL. II: 1972-1976 Limited Edition Deluxe Box Set Out November 20 | NYA.

Zak Claxton and Neil Young Archives Vol. 1 Review in June 2009


  1. I've been a student of Neil's Archives for over 30 years. That's probably putting it mildly. There is a single quote from Neil which I believe summarizes his approach to the Archives Box Set. You'll laugh when you see how old it is. But I believe it is still relevant today:

    "I'd rather be making new music. But I want to set the record straight as much as I can. Through outtakes and chosen cuts I'm going to try to bring out more of the feeling that's hidden in those records. I think I can enhance the experience by putting them all in a long line, shortening them, and changing them." – 1989 – The Village Voice.

    What Neil is talking about is his Archives Box Set series. Volume One accomplished this, plus also tried to take on the role of an actual Archive, with film, photos, articles etc. This is a major part of why it took so long to release. Now there is the NYA Website to take on the role of the "Physical Archive", but Neil still wants to "set the record straight". And so this brings us to the Vol2 Box, which has reverted from Blu-Ray back to CD.

    The Vol1 and Vol2 CDs, when viewed together, are the view that Neil wants to put forth of his career. It is the story he wants to tell in his music. Viewing it like this, you can see the weight he has placed on Homegrown. It had gone from a legendary omission to a standalone disk, not watered down by other outtakes. It's the only disk in discography that he has treated with this much importance. He even broke the strict and maniacal chronology employed on VOL1 to hilight it as a whole piece. Interesting, huh? Just one of the many artistic choices he has made.

    In this light, I find it very ODD that Tuscaloosa is a standalone disk in this set, but that is a topic for a later discussion....

  2. Hey Lone Red Rider,

    Absolutely. You're definitely "a student of your history" and all of your insights over the years have been appreciated by us and so many neil fans around the EARTH.

    Back in 2009, figuring out all the Bluray stuff was quite complicated for so many. Hopefully this time around, things go smoother.

    We'll never forget those Archives Guy open thread Q&As. The info was really flowing and that was when neil seemed to get the shift that collaborating w/ his fans wasn't so bad afterall.

    And here we are in the years. For many of us, the avalanche of Neil news is literally bewildering after decades in the dark.

    Some one just had a LTE commenting on how lucky we are to be neil fans. So right.

    You had a good comment on the previous thread by saying "It wouldn't be Neil if we had it all figured out. "

    "He's a perfect stranger
    Like a cross of himself and a fox
    He's a feeling arranger
    And a changer of the ways he talks
    He's the unforeseen danger
    The keeper of the key to the locks"

    funny. he had himself pegged from Day #1 and never really changed.

    thanks again for sharing so much, with so many, for so long.


  3. Thrasher, I can't help but think that you were a little overwhelmed with some of the negative comments on the fact that this is a CD only, Greedy Hand exclusive (at least for the time being) and the fact that there are three repeat discs in here.

    Although I'm happy with all the new music we're getting, and was expecting the two Performance Series discs, the inclusion of Homegrown baffles me, on the other end it does seem to fit the new concept ok volume II. Still, I was expecting more Odeon Budokan, with video, Chrome Dreams, Oceanside Countryside and Boarding house.

    But I guess we'll see those in volume III. hopefully we won't have to wait another 11 years.

  4. The duplication of the three discs coming in the Archives Volume Two set is no way a deal breaker for me. The other discs contain a stunning collection of songs that make this collection a absolute necessity for any NY fan. Even the lack of a Blu Ray option will not prevent this set from being added to my extensive NY library. Neil has a specific purpose in how he intends to preserve his legacy and I will support whatever choices he makes in that regard. How I would like it to be is irrelevant. After all, this is his legacy and I’m just grateful he is willing to let me share his history.

    Peace 🙏

  5. I'm mostly just thrilled that Vol II is on the horizon--Neil has previously suggested that the remaining volumes would follow more quickly, but one never can tell. Likewise the repeat discs: I seem to remember, at some point, a comment on the Times-Contrarian that it would happen with Vol II but be avoided thereafter.

    I'd like to emphasize-- once again, per my understanding-- blu-ray has been off the table for a while. I can certainly understand disappointment and frustration, given the investment some of us make with Vol I, but I don't think this is news nor in any way something that's being sprung on us now.

    Looking at the track lists, there is a wealth of new cuts and alternative takes here, even with the repeat discs. November can't come soon enough--for multiple reasons. "I've waited for you, winterlong."


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