
Sunday, August 30, 2020

"Noise & Flowers" Coming in 2021: Neil Young + Promise of the REAL | NYA - UPDATED

Letters to Editor | Neil Young Archives
 (Click photo to enlarge)


According to  a recent response by Neil Young on NYA, a new live album tentatively titled "Noise & Flowers" is planned for 2021.

The latest news in a flood of planned releases, "Noise & Flowers" was recorded in Europe on tour with Promise of the REAL and includes at least the track "Heart of Gold" in Berlin 2019.

Neil Young + Promise of the REAL

Another letter indicates that Mirror Ball Live w/ Pearl Jam is now a MAYBE for 2021.

Also, from NYA timeline update that Archives 2 is postponed to November 20th. Also, Eldorado EP appears now on March 26th, 2021 as Original Release Series 21. The tracklist is the same than the original one. No mention of bonus tracks (like 60 to 0 or first recording of F*** up). 

(Thanks Dan & Phil!)


  1. The NYA timeline has a little bit changed today. Archives 2 is postponed to november 20th.
    Eldorado EP appears now on march 26th 2021 as Original Release Serie 21. The tracklist is the same than the original one. No mention of bonus tracks (like 60 to 0 or first recording of F*** up) as foreseen in a letter a few weeks ago...

    1. He also mentioned an upcoming Road Of Plenty release that was supposed to cover the journey to Freedom. I would imagine those tracks would go there.

  2. I can't predict it, what happens next.
    I love a future I don't expect.
    You fortune tellers,
    You take my hand.
    See what's there, let's sift in sands."
    --NY (w/POTR)

  3. I must say I was deeply disappointed with the re-release of the Dead Man soundtrack. Same artwork, same recordings, not even remastered. Complete waste of money.

  4. I agree and still the opening scene music that accompanies the train was not added.

  5. Regarding Archives 2- I suspect the sheer amount of duplication of material already owned will scunner (Scottish word, folks) me off buying it, thus rendering the no doubt eye wateringly expensive price tag irrelevant. Hope I'm proved wrong tho'...


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