
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Bob Dylan and Neil Young - It's Official: Bob #1, Neil #2

"Rough And Rowdy Ways" by Bob Dylan & "Homegrown" by Neil Young
Release Date: June 19, 2020

Bob Dylan and Neil Young are both topping the album charts this week in mid-2020 and -- officially speaking -- Bob is #1, Neil is #2.

Neil says: "Thanks for the abundance of love for Home Grown. I appreciate it!"
via Neil Young Archives

Bob Dylan and Neil Young - 1992

More on The Fascinating Saga of Bob Dylan and Neil Young.

Also, see:

Bob Dylan & Neil Young - 1975


  1. Of all the artists who emerged from the 1960’s, Bob and Neil are the only ones still creating vital new material. I think they’re the only artists from that era who remain unconcerned with their fans or critics responses to what they release. They only seem to focus on their own specific visions, which in turn allows them to continue to create authentic observations of the world around them. This is why they remain relevant, while most of their contemporaries rely on past successes.

    Peace 🙏

  2. I love NY’s music, I really do, but Is it not significant that one of his most acclaimed releases in the last 10 years is actually almost 50 years old. How can that be considered producing vital new output. This album has been released to make money, end of.

  3. Le Noise, Americana, Psychedelic Pill, A Letter Home, Storytone, The Monsanto Years, Earth, Peace Trail, Paradox, The Visitor, and Colorado in ten years. Looks pretty vital to me.

    Peace 🙏


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