
Monday, April 29, 2019

Neil Young & Crazy Horse Complete New Album Playback: "One of the most diverse albums I have ever made"

via Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian

Neil Young has been in the studio with Crazy Horse recording a new album and has just completed the album playback, per a posting on Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian.

There are 11 new songs, ranging from 3 minutes to 14 minutes of music each, which: "We believe we have a great Crazy Horse album, one to stand alongside ‘Everybody Know’s this is Nowhere’, ‘Rust Never Sleeps’, Sleeps With Angels’, ‘Psychedelic Pill’ and all the others."

"one of the most diverse albums I have ever made"
via Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian

More on Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian. Also, see Neil Young has been in the studio with Crazy Horse recording a new album.

Billy, Neil, Nils, & Ralph

via Neil Young Archives | Times Contrarian
photo: dhlovelife

Neil Young also indicates that a tour is in the works.

The studio sessions mark the first new album with Crazy Horse in 7 years since the release of Psychedelic Pill. As previously noted, Nils Lofgren has joined the sessions with Ralph Molina and Billy Talbot. Frank "Poncho" Sampedro, has stated that he is "retired" per a recent interview with Uncut Magazine.


  1. New Crazy Horse: great!!!

    Homegrown, Alchemy, Ragged Glory II probably all pushed back till 2020 tho.

  2. They should call it Playback. Seems somehow fitting with Nils back aboard...

  3. Regardless of the pushback on earlier recordings I’m ready for new CRAZY HORSE.
    Thanks Neil.


  4. Can't wait to hear the new tracks. Hopefully Neil and the Horse come to Toronto.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. With Nil's instrumental versatility I can hear why Neil says "this album stands as one of the most diverse albums I have ever made." I wonder if Nils brought his accordion.

    Innaresting that the four albums Neil name checked are ‘Everybody Know’s this is Nowhere’, ‘Rust Never Sleeps’, Sleeps With Angels’, ‘Psychedelic Pill’ for this album to stand alongside. I can hear the feedback in his country rock, and the hypnotic trip rock coming on now!

    And with a cryptic comment by Amy L. I think there will be some Trump roasting going on throughout the album. Early Fall release, perfect golden foliage time for a NY&CH album debut concert at the Telluride Band shell dontcha think?

  7. Wow I can't wait! I hope it's truly a return to form! Psych Pill was the last NY album I really liked and would love to have more of the good stuff!

  8. Can't wait to hear the new album, hopefully some indoor shows in Europe

  9. Diverse is the word. I do hope and feel the new songs will all be different and the still have the Horse vibe. So looking forward.

  10. I can reveal the new album will be called 'Music Trumps Politics'.

  11. @ Mr_Beagle - thanks for sharing the rumor. while plausible, is there anything you can share which might give us a reason to believe your "reveal" ?

  12. The title is a play on the fact that President Trump has been using Neil's music without permission.

  13. @ Mr_Beagle - ok, got that. what we were getting at was, is this just wishful thinking? Or something solid? capeche?

  14. Just me trying to come up with a clever title.


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