
Sunday, April 21, 2019

FIRST LOOK: Neil Young In Studio w/ Crazy Horse (Full Moon Session)

Neil Young In Studio w/ Crazy Horse
(Full Moon Session)
via Rusted Moon

Neil Young has posted short video sequences of the sessions for the new album with "Crazy Horse" on Instagram (see snapshots above via Rusted Moon).

The snippets show the band jamming on April 20 at full moon in a recording studio high in the Rocky Mountains.

via Neil Young Archives

Last month, Neil Young confirmed that more Crazy Horse concerts were to be scheduled, as well as, a new Crazy Horse album was in the works.

Then, earlier this month, on Letters to the Editor section | Neil Young Archives, Neil writes that "Crazy Horse is about to enter the studio with 11 new ones."

via Neil Young Archives

So it looks like the first new album with Crazy Horse in 7 years since the release of Psychedelic Pill. Nils Lofgren will join the sessions. Neil writes on NYA: "Nils, seen in shadow on the image above, will be with Ralph Molina, Billy Talbot and I, making our new CRAZY HORSE music high in the Rockies."

Frank "Poncho" Sampedro, has stated that he is "retired" per a recent interview with Uncut Magazine.


  1. I've been missing that drum sound.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. To feel the Horse again raise up... Nils is class replacement and what other choice was there? Down under tour?

  4. Hardly can wait till I hear an see Crazy Horse play and ride again!Saddleup and ride the prairie again,the best you can.Good luck,(break a leg not literally,of course!).Cees Mostert,from Holland,a diehard fan for many years.

  5. Sorry if out of topic or old, but here's a nice interview with Nils

  6. New answers to Letters to the Editor at NYA.

    8 songs recorded with Crazy Horse as of three days ago.

    More recording to do, and they will tour.

  7. @ Lloyd - we've all been missing it!

    @ Steve Rust Downunder - maybe so?? Are you from Perth? If so, LTE just published.

    @ Cees - right, no broken legs. or fingers or anything, of course!

    @ Olav - thanks. we'll check out when we have a chance. Anything strike anyone as wheat worthy?

    @ Ken - thanks! updated posted @

  8. Not sure if this is wheat worthy but I'm guessing some will like it & others won't.

  9. @ Peacelover Doc - thanks on linkage there. right about not for everyone. but it has come up here before back in 2014.

    some interesting comments on cliché and use of hyperbole to rescue from indifference (or what J. R. R. Tolkien called “the drab blur of triteness or familiarity”).

    Or back even further to 2011...

    Reviewer: expect2fly - 5 Star - December 30, 2011
    Subject: Neil Young is God's Prophet,
    I agree with the pastor's explanation of why
    Neil is a prophet.
    I knew Neil, he came on the scene and I felt love/ God.
    He was my rowboat. The pastor said it all.
    In Shaky my friend says " Neil's not God "
    she was challenging a comment I had made.
    I wish she could hear this sermon.

  10. Hi Trasher I'm come from New Zealand but been in Brisbane for 8years or more on/off Seen NZ back in 1985 Then Canada USA UK Ireland
    Demark Holdand Germany Span ... My only regret is wish I'd seen more!! RUST FEAST where awesome people give lift tips place to crash...More Neil what was that Yahoo chat site or something we all seemed to be on??? Steve Rush DownUnder


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