
Thursday, April 25, 2019

8 New Songs Recorded With Crazy Horse Says Neil Young

Billy, Neil, Nils, & Ralph

via Neil Young Archives | Twitter

Neil Young is in the studio with Crazy Horse recording an album, as noted earlier this week.

The band jammed on April 20 under a full moon while recording high up in the Rocky Mountains. And the sessions appear to be very fruitful thus far with Neil reporting that as of 04-22-19 "8 songs now recorded".

Earlier this month, on Letters to the Editor section | Neil Young Archives, Neil wrote that "Crazy Horse is about to enter the studio with 11 new ones." So 8 down and 3 to go?!

Neil Young also indicates that a tour is in the works.

The studio sessions mark the first new album with Crazy Horse in 7 years since the release of Psychedelic Pill. As previously noted, Nils Lofgren has joined the sessions with Ralph Molina and Billy Talbot. Frank "Poncho" Sampedro, has stated that he is "retired" per a recent interview with Uncut Magazine.


  1. Thrasher, I don't usually point out mistakes but you forgot to put a coma between "recording high" & "up in the Rockies".

    1. You forgot to spell COMMA correctly, LOL !!!

  2. Hope they weren't so high they end up in a coma ...

  3. Just a comment that is probably obvious but will share anyway. Things have changed over the decades with Mr Young. In past, info about Neil was limited. It was difficult to know what he was working on. He kept his own counsel and a low profile. Mostly we only knew about him from his music, though he did tell us a lot through song. But now, in his maturity with social media and in support of NYA, he is much more communicative with his fan base. We’re receiving information and progress reports unheard of in “the days that used to be”.

  4. ...... looks like the area around Telluride
    ........ ta hell u ride

  5. Talbot has a Karloffian forehead and face. If only he was 2' feet taller

  6. @ Syscrusher - you know, we have to chuckle when folks care enough to point out comma misplacement. :) so thanks for caring. it means so much to us to mean so much to you...

    @ Grey Rider - yeah it is rather mind blowing how far we've come in such a short period. Neil seemed fairly hostile to early internet. but now, wow. it's like reality tv neil?!

    frankly, it's probably more healthy than hanging out cloistered up at the ranch back in “the days that used to be”.

    As our Farm Aidians Friends up North said recently, what a great time to be a Neil fan - Solo - Horse - POTR - tours, CH album - Tuscaloosa tapes discovery - Bob & Neil @ London's Hyde Park -- can it get any better this year? Only a CSN&Y 50th Woodstock reunion could top. more likely that peace will break out in the M.E. 1st ...

  7. Yeah, August 16 - 19 is coming up fast, 50 years, HF. "This is our first gig together, and we're scared shitless." Neil drove around with Jimi in a pickup prior to the big moment. I always remember when he opened in Calgary in the fall of 1991 on the cusp of the Irac War with Star Spangled Banner -- as he likely did everywhere else. My Cape Breton buddy Joe and I were so far off on what he would open with, it was laughable. Best NY concert of the 9 I've seen. Dylan better up his game at Wembley. It would be inaresting, hopefully filmed.

    Rod (on the Red Deer)

  8. Out of topic but about NYCH, I'm trying to download (audio, video) or watch the 30' Like In Hurricane performance, under heavy rainfalls, in Switzerland (2013 I guess)available a few hours on NYA last year... I am a first day NYA subscriber and was abroad when this video was upload. I've written to the NYA team to explain that's boring and frustrating to pay for some contents only available a few hours but the reply was, roughly, that's the way it is... Thanks for your help.


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