
Friday, October 14, 2016

A Tale of Two Harmonicas: Lucky Neil Young Fans Score Trunks of Memories

Sweet Joni & Karen "If you can't cut it, Walk with Neil"
Fox Theater, Pomona, CA - October 13, 2016

A wonderful little story from last night's Neil Young + Promise Of The Real concert at the Fox Theater in Pomona, CA (October 13, 2016).

Our dear rusty friends Joni and Karen managed to get very lucky and come home with the ultimate souvenirs: Neil Young's harmonica.

The story is that Neil started "Old Man" twice but then aborted for "Someday" after which he tossed two harmonicas from the stage. Watch below. Check @ 3:50 (Harmonica #1) and again @ 6:40 (Harmonica #2).

Gary Goltz, who filmed clip above, writes:
"This happened during his show at the Fox Theater in Pomona, California last night while I was videoing him from the pit. You can actually see me recover them and give them to the the two lady friends I was with being the gentleman I am! Another amazing thing about this was both harmonicas were marked 'G', which are my initials!"

Neil Young's "G" Harmonicas

Paul D writes:
"It was interesting that Old Man was going to be with the full band and Micah on banjo.

Would have been very cool. But Neil couldn't hear. Lucas asked him something and he
just shook his head saying, "I never give a 2nd chance"."
Great story from some great club shows out in L.A.!

Thanks Gary, Joni and Karen for the Trunkful of Memories. Clearly, you guys were not denied!

More on last night's Neil Young + Promise Of The Real concert at the Fox Theater in Pomona, CA (October 13, 2016).


  1. The Pomona shows were absolutely fantastic, each one was very different. In some ways, you wonder if Neil recognizes his loyal fans, and chose to acknowledge us in that special way, or if it was just a fleeting random thought that prompted him to gift those then to us. Either way, my gratitude to Gary Goltz for making the catch and handing one to Joni and I was great! Someday will forever be more meaningful than ever.

    If you can't cut it
    Neil is the cool breeze

  2. What a fantastic story, I have goosebumps! You, my friend, are a true "G"entleman for giving those priceless Neil harps to your friends. Neil has been a lifelong friend & idol to me thru his decades of wonderful music, ever since I got "After The Gold Rush" for my 10th birthday... from my older brother (cuz he wanted the album, ha-ha) and I wore that vinyl out, for sure! Found your story by accident while looking up what brand/type harmonica's Neil uses (lost my job at 56 yrs old) and want to pick up learning to play again with my new free time. Thanks for bringing a huge smile to my face, lovely, lovely story! Jen from PA

  3. Great story,cool harmonicas...

  4. Hello.
    I stole one of his harmonicas because he "doesn't give autographs to nobodies".
    Peter Bell.

  5. @ Peter - very uncool, man.

  6. First off. Anyone that would steal from anyone is a prick! Second anyone that would steal a musicians instrument is a bigger prick. Third. Steal from Neil. Youre lucky your still alive. And Fourth. Anyone that needs Anybody’s Autograph is such a low self esteemed mother fucker that you would probably steal from someone. I wont wear a jersey with someone elses name on it and i wouldnt take another mans signature if you paid me!! Grow the EF Up dude. Steal from me. You’ll see


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