
Sunday, September 18, 2016

NEW SONG/VIDEO: "Indian Givers" by Neil Young

Here's a new song and video by Neil Young called 'Indian Givers'.

The video documents the Native American protests in Dakota over a pipeline.

"Now it's been about 500 years
We keep taking what we gave away
Just like what we call Indian givers"

The Standing Rock Indian Reservation have protested the expansion of the Dakota Access Pipeline on their territorial lands, leading to clashes with Big Energy security forces.

There’s a battle raging on the sacred land
Our brothers and sisters have to take a stand
Against us now for what we all been doing
On the sacred land there’s a battle brewing

I wish somebody would share the news

Now it’s been about 500 years
We keep taking what we gave away
Just like what we call Indian givers
It makes you sick and gives you shivers

I wish somebody would share the news

Big money going backwards and ripping the soil
Where graves are scattered and blood was boiled
When all who look can see the truth
But they just move on and keep their groove

I wish somebody would share the news

Saw Happy locked to the big machine
They had to cut him loose and you know what that means
That’s when Happy went to jail
Behind big money justice always fails

I wish somebody would share the news

Bring back the days when good was good
Lose these imposters in our neighborhood
Across our farms and through our waters
All at the cost of our sons and daughters

Our brave songs and daughters
We're all here together fighting poison waters
Standing against the evil way
That’s what we have at the end of day

I wish somebody would share the news

Willie Nelson & Neil Young
Photo by Spettacolo -

In 2014, Willie Nelson and Neil Young organized a concert in a Nebraska cornfield to benefit opponents of the proposed Keystone XL pipeline that would carry oil from Canada south to the Gulf Coast. The Keystone XL pipeline was subsequently canceled after the concert.

More on "Harvest the Hope Concert" and When Neil Young Speaks Truth To Power, The World Listens.


  1. Neil Young nails it again. I can't wait to see this song live in Boise…. I hope they play it. The 5th from the last line… is that supposed to be "sons" and daughters? Thanks for sharing this story. Uncle Neil is on a roll, doing good, down with Oil!

  2. He's like a songwriting superhero facing his nemesis The Greedy Hand, wherever evil is going down Neil's there with his guitar and his car documenting it.


  3. "Roll on John"......Trudell

  4. I smell a new Neil album...I wonder who is playing the drums?

  5. POTR. Thats gotta be who's playing.

  6. So that was taken of pretty quick! 'Bout time Neil found an indie label, nothing is sacred!!

  7. Neil has released songs before on the net....why was this one taken down?

    Note that a new version is on his FB page, and that he has changed the lyrics due to a request posted on FB:

    "Could have done without the word squaw from an Indigenous woman's perspective. However, I like the fact that you are bringing the water protectors plight to the public, so Chi-miigwetch.❤️"

    "Neil Young: its gone"


  8. So the video was taken down...

    Here's one that hasn't....

    Watch it. It's better than Neils'....

  9. Neil took it down himself to fix that unfortunate reference to "squaw daughters" in the original - here's the revised version, with "beautiful" instead:

  10. Thanks Babbo! Updated.

    Also, in another sign that the Big Shift is well underway, a statement on how once former enemy tribes have unified in peace at Standing Rock.

    “This is something unbelievable.

    This display of unity and the power of coming together is unbelievable. No words can properly describe the feeling. For example just this morning our traditional enemies the Crow came to the camp here to stand in solidarity with us. And we welcomed them with Open Hearts. That was a power that brought tears to many people’s eyes.

    The Oceti Sakowin stand strong and committed to stopping this pipeline.”

    – Dave Archambault Jr., Chairman of the Standing Rock Sioux Nation

  11. I just got a new stereo receiver tonight and just when I got it hooked up to the YouTube I read here about this video. The drums sound amazing! ILNY

  12. Drums by Jim Keltner. Bass most probably by Leland Sklar. Recorded in LA.


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