
Saturday, June 11, 2016

"'Fuck You, Donald Trump" Says Neil Young Onstage; Posts Video Clip to His Facebook Page

Headlines are often designed to be misleading

(except this one from me)


When I discovered that the candidate first used my song at his campaign launch , my management called his office and immediately requested he stop.
We thought he had.
But now, unfortunately, I understand he is still using it..

Though there is a considerable legal difference between obtaining music rights for commercial use and obtaining a license agreement for public venues (When licensing music for public events - artists permission is not required) I believe using an artists work for a specific politicians campaign represents "implied consent"

After we asked him to stop using my music, he began
hurling insults and then
immediately released a photo to the media (again without my permission) to further mislead the public. The picture was taken when I visited his office while conducting various meetings with potential investors for my amazing sounding music company Pono, many months prior to his decision to become a candidate.

I still support the issue focused, straight shooter Bernie Sanders, in my opinion, the best person for the job, hands down. The process is not over until its over.

I do not endorse hate, bigotry, childish name calling, the superficiality of celebrity or ignorance.

The headline created by Reuters is titillating and it is purposely misleading, it is not journalism it is tabloid reporting.

For those who only read headlines-
Don't just listen to the chorus
listen to the verses

colors on the street
red white and blue
people shufflin' their feet
people sleepin' in their shoes
there's a warning sign on the road ahead
there's a lot of people sayin we'd be better off dead
don't feel like satan, but i am to them
So I try to forget it any way I can,
and keep on rockin in the free world.

i see a woman in the night
with a baby in her hand
under an old street light
near a garbage can
now she put the kid away cause she's gone to get a hit
she hates her life and what she's done to it
that's one more kid who'll never go to school
never get to fall in love, never get to be cool
keep on rockin in the free world

got a thousand points of light for the homeless man
got a kinder gentler machine gun had
got department stores and toilet paper
got styrofoam garbage for the ozone layer
got a man of the people sayin' "keep hope alive"
got fuel to burn
got roads to drive
keep on rockin' in the free world

got a water cannon for the standing man
got misinformation from the corporation
in the endless search for a drop of oil
people's lives get shattered while we suck it from the soil
gotta show the children
we just don't care
so we keep on burnin'it
and put it in the air
keep on rockin' in the free world
keep on suckin'- suckin' from the soil
keep on rockin in the free world
Keep on killin'- killin' for oil
keep on rockin in the free world
gotta show the children
we just don't care - we just don't care
keep on rockin in the free world

neil young

Posted by Neil Young on Saturday, June 11, 2016

So Neil. Tell us how you really feel.

During "Rockin in the Free World" last night in Leeds, UK with Promise of the Real, Neil riffed: "Fuck You, Donald Trump". He then proceeded to post the clip on his Facebook Page.

While Neil boldly goes where most fear as he continues his life long campaign to speak truth to power , the mainstream media refuses to air the clip much less even print the exact quote. The same the mainstream media that prints and airs the most sordid, horrific, perverted sex and violence can not manage to utter the dreaded F word. The irony.

The Embarrassment of Mainstream Media knows no bounds... (but they soon will once "The Big Shift" hits...)

Official post by Neil Young on Saturday, June 11, 2016:

Headlines are often designed to be misleading

(except this one from me)


When I discovered that the candidate first used my song at his campaign launch , my management called his office and immediately requested he stop.
We thought he had.
But now, unfortunately, I understand he is still using it..

Though there is a considerable legal difference between obtaining music rights for commercial use and obtaining a license agreement for public venues (When licensing music for public events - artists permission is not required) I believe using an artists work for a specific politicians campaign represents "implied consent"

After we asked him to stop using my music, he began
hurling insults and then
immediately released a photo to the media (again without my permission) to further mislead the public. The picture was taken when I visited his office while conducting various meetings with potential investors for my amazing sounding music company Pono, many months prior to his decision to become a candidate.

I still support the issue focused, straight shooter Bernie Sanders, in my opinion, the best person for the job, hands down. The process is not over until its over.

I do not endorse hate, bigotry, childish name calling, the superficiality of celebrity or ignorance.

The headline created by Reuters is titillating and it is purposely misleading, it is not journalism it is tabloid reporting.

For those who only read headlines-
Don't just listen to the chorus
listen to the verses

colors on the street
red white and blue
people shufflin' their feet
people sleepin' in their shoes
there's a warning sign on the road ahead
there's a lot of people sayin we'd be better off dead
don't feel like satan, but i am to them
So I try to forget it any way I can,
and keep on rockin in the free world.

i see a woman in the night
with a baby in her hand
under an old street light
near a garbage can
now she put the kid away cause she's gone to get a hit
she hates her life and what she's done to it
that's one more kid who'll never go to school
never get to fall in love, never get to be cool
keep on rockin in the free world

got a thousand points of light for the homeless man
got a kinder gentler machine gun had
got department stores and toilet paper
got styrofoam garbage for the ozone layer
got a man of the people sayin' "keep hope alive"
got fuel to burn
got roads to drive
keep on rockin' in the free world

got a water cannon for the standing man
got misinformation from the corporation
in the endless search for a drop of oil
people's lives get shattered while we suck it from the soil
gotta show the children
we just don't care
so we keep on burnin'it
and put it in the air
keep on rockin' in the free world
keep on suckin'- suckin' from the soil
keep on rockin in the free world
Keep on killin'- killin' for oil
keep on rockin in the free world
gotta show the children
we just don't care - we just don't care
keep on rockin in the free world

More at Neil Young to Donald Trump: This note is NOT for you! and Full Statement by Neil Young on Donald Trump's Use of Song.

Also, see "Got A Man of The People Says Keep Hope Alive": Neil Young's song "Rockin in the Free World".


  1. I love Neil and hate Trump, but this is ridiculous. Neil is just looking for attention for himself, and more cynically for his PONO player while changing his mind daily just like the evil crazy Trump.

    Neil initially asked Trump to stop using his song, and Trump did. Then out of nowhere in the last few weeks ole' Neil felt the need to bring up the topic again, but this time he clearly eased his stance and implied it was okay if Trump (or anyone) wanted to use the song:
    Young then backtracked, saying: "Once the music goes out, everybody can use it for anything."

    "The fact that I said I was for Bernie Sanders and then [Trump] didn't ask me to use 'Rockin' in the Free World' doesn't mean that he can't use it. He actually got a license to use it. I mean, he said he did and I believe him. So I got nothing against him."

    Those comments irritated me, but I let it go..

    Now, after those fairly clear comments by Neil, I believe Trump played the song at one or two of his recent rallies (which it seemed Neil was ok with by his comments).

    Now, out of nowhere Neil reverses himself yet again. I know I should be able to ignore this as I've trained myself since the eighties to not listen too closely to anything Neil says because it will change, but..cmon, stop the madness Neil.

    Take my advice
    don't listen to me

    PS: The other day I asked if anyone knew the additional lyrics Neil added to the song, so I guess in a roundabout way I got what I asked for.

  2. And again, I know I'm a bit prudish, but wouldn't it have been a more powerful video and song intro if Neil would have said something like:

    "Listen up Donald Trump
    this song's not for you"

    Just saying. C'mon Neil, you're too smart to reduce yourself to the gutter level. Stop "effin'" around and please choose your thoughts and comments wisely.

    Take my advice
    Take my advice

  3. That video is fucking awesome! Fuck you Donald Trump!!

  4. Damn, why doesn't Neil put out concert movies? If he's ever going to, now is the time. The quality of that video is superb and Neil films EVERYTHING

  5. I have to agree with everything you said, TopangaDaze. I've been thinking alot about what Neil has been saying and singing recently. We've discussed this previously here. I wonder if his behavior has anything to do with the aging process. I saw Carlos Santana last summer, and he rambled on endlessly about being one with the cosmos like some new age hippie that took too much acid. Maybe their minds are just showing the effects of aging. Or maybe the trappings of being a celebrity for over 50 years are becoming more obvious. We already now how Poncho and Crosby feel. I would love to here what Pegi has to say. I bet it would shed some more light what is happening with Neil.


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