
Thursday, February 06, 2014

"Meet the Musicians": Crosby, Stills & Nash Panel Interview

Here's an interesting video of a panel interview of Crosby, Stills & Nash titled "Meet the Musicians".

Filmed in Berlin prior to a concert in 2013, the group talks about a variety of subjects including the CSNY 1974 Tour Box Set and whether it will be ready for 40th anniversary? (see ~46:00).


  1. What is it about Mr Nash that is so annoying? 'We have about 900 songs?' .... Really? The Mothership sank some years ago.

  2. I think he's just different, and confident. Stills sounded stupid half the time. Nash is the brain, Crosby is the neutral cool cat, and Stills is the crazy savant.

  3. I agree with Anonymous 2/07/2014 02:01:00 AM. I like Graham Nash a lot, but lately he takes a lot of freedom with the facts just to make himself and CSN look like a relevant, creative group that's at the top of their game. It's probably something Nash needs to convince himself of more than anyone else. Quite pathetic, really

    And they are always (!) telling exactly the same stories with faked enthusiasm and spontanity. It kind of annoys me too.

  4. As much as I love Neil, he is out playing a 100% greatest hits tour while Crosby has put out a brand new album, Nash has written some really strong stuff lately, and Stills just came off a successful tour with the Rides. Sounds like the mothership is alive and well right now.

  5. @all - isn't it fascinating how our expectations rotate around CSNY based on who's "up" & "down"?

    Or, does it really matter exactly what these guys are doing? The fact that they are out creating and moving ahead is what keeps us listening -- to all of them.

    "They are one person
    They are two alone
    They are three together
    They are for each other"

  6. No you're right it doesn't matter. Neil doesn't play greatest hits he's only had one! Nash persists with the we love writing songs nonsense. Rides was ok but why cover Rockin' in the Free World? Nice to have a new Crosby record but it's not a great record just pleasant. They've never for each other.


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