
Monday, April 16, 2012

Radiohead Samples "After the Goldrush" at Coachella 2012 + PLUS, RARE Interview

Radiohead headlined the Coachella 2012 Festival this past weekend and partially covered Neil Young's "After the Goldrush".

During the first encore, as an intro to "Everything in It's Right Place" (1:27:25), Thom Yorke went a capella on "After the Gold Rush."

The following interview with Thom Yorke was conducted by Mark Cooper, on January 27th 2008 at the BBC TV Centre in London. Sections from this interview were supposed to be used in "Don't Be Denied", a documentary on Neil Young.

Sadly, the footage went completely unused in the final edit. Here is the complete, unedited raw footage of that interview of Thom Yorke on Neil Young's influence.

Thom Yorke: “I once watched him [Neil Young] play ‘Cortez the Killer’ with the Pearl Jam band . . . and there was probably the most sustained wind — I can’t think of another way of putting it — but this wind was coming off the stage as he was playing his solo and it just did not stop, it was just like this force of nature coming off the stage.

It was extraordinary, because if you sat down and analyzed or listened to the bits, you know, there was nothing sort of special necessarily in the elements, but something happens and it all comes together: boom. The idea is to be a channel of what is going on.

And that’s what you should be doing.”

More on Radiohead Covering Neil Young Songs.


  1. Thanks, now I know why I have no Radiohead records!

  2. It's Ironic how difficult it is to express your personal feelings about what Neil means to you. Obviously Thom Yorke is a star in his own right yet he couldn't articulate the emotions he was feeling and I can relate to that. There must have been a dozen times whaere I wanted to say "Muse, Thom, MUSE'! Never the less, I always enjoy watching somebody, especially celebrities attempt to define what Neil means to them.

  3. San Francisco's Golden Gate Park!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Tickets for Outside Lands go on sale on April 19th.


  4. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E

  5. Rolling Stone dot com:


  6. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E

  7. "Given Outside Lands' affiliation with Bonnaroo, a certain eclecticism in the lineup is to be expected..."

  8. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E


  10. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E

  11. Any day now!!! Any day now!! I shall be released. BOOM!!!!!!!

  12. 2012 August 10-12

  13. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E

  14. Gret picture:

  15. N E I L Y O U N G A N D C R A Z Y H O R S E

  16. Let that Horse ride hard and long Neil......please?!

  17. Patti Smith has a version of After The Gold Rush on her new album Banga. I haven't heard it yet but sounds wonderful from what I've read; after hearing It's Only A Dream live at Carnegie Hall last year, she can sing any Neil song she wants to.

    And Patti's album releases June 5, same day as Neil' cool is that! We get Prometheus three days later on June 8, so the month will start in grand style.

    The week before I'll be seeing Radiohead. Just read the Rolling Stone piece and can't wait to hear them live again, especially Jonny's guitar and new sampling sonics. It's sure great to be alive.

  18. So sad to awake and learn of Levon's passing...somehow it seemed that he would live forever. So happy I was able to see and hear him perform throughout the years. The performance that ended Solid Sound last year will live with me forever.

    And Dylan's comments about his friend have moved me more than I can ever say: " of the last true great spirits of my or any other generation". RIP to a great man and musician.

    When I get off of this mountain
    You know where I wanna go


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