
Tuesday, October 31, 2023

First Listen Reaction: "Danger Bird" by NEIL YOUNG and CRAZY HORSE | PERK'S reCAP

First Listen Reaction: "Danger Bird"

Here's one of those "First Listen Reaction" videos for "Danger Bird" by NEIL YOUNG and CRAZY HORSE from Way Down in the Rust Bucket

If you haven't checked out these types of reaction videos before, they're pretty cool to watch just for the physical reactions themselves.  Here the guy totally loses it over the solos around ~12:30.

Enjoy the reactions.  Another reminder of just how phenomenal Way Down in the Rust Bucket truly is.  We need to revisit ourselves after listening to this.

Thanks PERK'S reCAP for the First Listen Reaction!

There's lots more CRAZY Neil &  YOUNG Horse to heard.

More on Way Down in the Rust Bucket by Neil Young & Crazy Horse.

Deluxe Box Set Edition (DVD, 4 LPs, 2 CDs)
(Please shop locally & independently. But if you can't, we appreciate your supporting Thrasher's Wheat by clicking this link . Thank you!!!)



  1. I love these kind of videos. Here is my favourite Neil reaction/anaylisis:

    She's a trained opera singer with extensive academic knowledge of how the human voice works. Really great breakdown of what makes his Neil's voice so unique.

  2. I put together my own "digest" of personal favorite Rust Bucket tracks, colored as ever by my own odd tastes. It fits neatly on a single CD:

    1. Cinnamon Girl
    2. Danger Bird
    3. Like a Hurricane
    4. Homegrown
    5. Sedan Delivery
    6. T-Bone
    7. Cortez the Killer
    8. F*!#in' Up
    9. Love and Only Love

    Looking back, I kinda wish I'd included Over and Over, since Rust Bucket reminded me what a strong track that is. But the extant version flows well, I think, with an emphasis on noise, grooves, and plenty of heavy-hitters.

    "Hold on world
    World hold on, it's gonna be alright
    You're gonna see the light

    Oh, and when you're one
    Really one
    Well you get things done
    Like they never been done
    So hold on"
    --John Lennon

  3. @Nimrod - thanks for feedback. much appreciated. glad you enjoyed.

    this is helpful b/c often we're not sure what's resonating or not amongst the rustie grains.

    we'll check out your suggestion and try and get posted sometime.

    @ Meta Rocker - thanks on fave Rust Bucket tracks. A handy list to have.

    So, here we are a year or 2 out from Rust Bucket - a monumental Archive finding 30 years later.

    but b/c of timing and the swirl of releases, it sort of got buried.

    almost like TFA back in the day where it just got over shadowed and only emerged a lost treasure for many when it was finally re-released after fan petitions that ran for years to little or no avail.

    maybe 30+ years from now folks will be going Rust Bucket!!! OMG, how did we not recognize the brilliance of its raggedness and gloriousness?!

    indeed how can we ?

  4. @ MR - ps - Just so you know, we see your various comments recently but haven't had a chance to properly respond.

    all of your comments were read, absorbed and appreciated here @ TW.


  5. @ Thrasher & @ Nimrod: I liked both videos. Nimrods’s link made me cry for Old man. I had a long essay I was going to post from my phone but the screen froze up somehow and I cannot get it back. Perhaps it is meant to be!

    @ Metamorphic rocker : For some reason I cannot get satisfied sequencing Neil Young song compilations for myself(!). I can do it with any other Artist just fine, and I have a LOT of practice from way back in the cassette days. I still rip CDs all the time, but never a NY compilation for myself. I can make one for a friend that has. NY shortage, but I have given up and moved on if it’s for me. No other songwriter has vexed me like this. And I am glad Neil Young has! I’ll take the whole album, I guess! I throw some extra songs on if when there is room, because it’s a separation of sorts. Not that my way is the right way, but it’s all I have. Your list is good, and what a show!

    I will see about retrieving my other lengthy post, or spare you all!

    Your Brother Alan in Seattle

  6. Thanks, Alan. A lot of it comes from imagination, thinking about unlikely juxtapositions of songs, and setting parameters about what to include. Sometimes the key, for me, is making a difficult decision to cut something I really like but doesn’t fit the shape or feeling of the playlist. I suspect this is why really great cuts sometimes end up on the shelf for years. For instance, I was doing a Colorado/SWA highlights mashup—who’d thought the whole thing would feel more “balanced” when I finally chose to drop Change Your Mind?! I call it Colorado Angels or Blue Eden (still used that track even though some of the words come from tracks not included.)

    Like an album, I go for form and structure. Would have been much more laborious and time-absorbing in ye olde days of mixtapes. Honestly, the concept of Before & After is fascinating but makes me feel a tad bit “called out”, as one of those who takes advantage of digital files to deconstruct things. Guilty as charged but I like to give the album-as-intended plenty of attention too. Rearranging things can sometimes refresh familIar material.

    @Thrasher, no problem. My posts have been a little “all over the map” lately.

  7. @ Matamorphic Rocker : did you recently post your SWA / Colorado mashup song list? I almost remember. If not, would you post it again? Or remind me of the date you posted it.

    Part of my issue with re-sequencing May stem from Neil’s careful arrangement of the order of songs on each album. He tried to sequence Silver & Gold, but was stymied. Finally he told CSN to “pick 3 of these songs for our new album with a now-clean David Crosby.” That decided the songs to include on “Looking Forward.” Unfortunately for me, I equated the final result as CSN pouring syrup onto Slowpoke and the other 2. I preferred the originals by far, which I had seen in concert in ‘99 in Seattle.

    I am now reminded of the Le Noise tour I somehow missed at the same venue, Paramount Seattle. A coworker of mine who is not as much of a fan did hit that show! Agh! I must have been broke or busy with kiddos at that time, perhaps a softball tournament for my younger daughter, a clutch pitcher for the team.

    But at least I have Journeys Blu ray to ease the pain. And by now I think there is even be a show on the timeline from the same tour. “You Never Call” is so emotionally captivating.

    Lately I have gotten way into a band called Queens of the Stone Age. The leader, Josh Homme, likes to “play things wrong” which really makes me think of Neil, with his “first take” recording style! Josh Homme is fascinating and loved some of the same punk bands I did as a kid, like GBH. His first band, Kyuss, used bass amps and tuned down, played “Desert Rock” in So Cal Palm Desert. But QotSA, as the band is referred to, reminds me very much of Neil’s sometimes “Not Perfect” approach!

    The music is more interesting & just cooler if there are some ”imperfections” in the recording. And, JH likes to break rules sonically,
    to not follow what everyone expects a song to be. To make a song better by playing loosely, in initial instinct, he is allowing the unexpected to happen. And great Art in the resulting song.

    Neil Young is a true original, a triple threat: He writes songs, sings powerfully, and blazes away on the electric or acoustic! A thousand different sides of emotion & expression! He may have rode in on Roy Orbison’s coattails, vocally, & emotionally? Perhaps. Orbison was a hero of Neil’s, who caught Orbison at Massey Hall. I recall in Shakey how Neil was with Orbison one night and reminding Roy of all these great songs he had forgotten. Neil remembered all of Orbison's songs but the man himself had left them behind. After Beil left Orbison asked “who was that guy?” If I recall correctly.

    Your brother Alan in Seattle

  8. … “After Neil left, Orbison asked “who was that guy?”

  9. Forgot that it also includes one track each from Barn and Pill. Didn't start out that way. For the Love of Man has the "angels" theme and the high spook factor of Welcome Back cannot be ignored. Creativity is often a combo of setting parameters and being flexible when new ideas hit.

    Disclaimer: these things are always subject to change; just because I wrote it down doesn't mean I listened to it all the way through.

    1. My Heart
    2. Welcome Back
    3. Prime of Life
    4. milky way
    5. piece of crap
    6. Green is blue
    7. blue eden
    8. Sleeps with Angels
    9. Safeway Cart
    10. Shut it down
    11. For the love of man
    12. Help me lose my mind
    13. She showed me love
    14. Dream that can lasts
    15. Rainbow of Colors
    16. eternity

  10. @ The Metamorphic Rocker : Thanks for sharing. I will give a listen.

    Your Brother Alan in Seattle

  11. … Re : Neil Young : As I was praising Neil, I should add : Harmonica, Piano, Banjo! Song composer Superman, he is multitalented and I so appreciate his Art, ongoing.

    Thank you Neil Young, DH, musical family, & NYA workers! What a great cause for Neil Young fans to enjoy! And profit from the Bridge School Live shows video rentals goes to Bridge School. What a cool thing NYA is! I am so glad NYA has taken flight, and is now $ self sustaining! High resolution music from one of the truly great rockers of all time.

    I need to catch up on new live shows on the timeline. Awesome to see so many getting released, and more on the way.

    Your Brother Alan in Seattle

  12. @ The Metamorphic Rocker : You lived up to your name with this collision / collection. I have enjoyed it so far and will keep listening. It’s an interesting range of songs from these 2 classic albums (plus one that got out of the Barn).

    I have neglected SWA too much.

    A fun thing happened as I was ripping songs from PP : I found my long lost disc of “A Treasure” shoved into PP!

    This made me realize I have also been neglecting Psychedelic Pill. The opening song is a bit much perhaps. 27 minutes long? “Gonna get a Hip Hop hairdo” super deep! But I always love to hear Neil doing battle with Old Black!

    I recently reorganized my entire music collection and it breathed some life it to it. Tonight I put all my Neil CD’s in chronological order. Fun project. Up to now it was just approximately in order.

    Your Brother Alan in Seattle

  13. Glad you enjoyed it, Alan. Half the time I look at playlists I devised months or years back and wonder what I was thinking. Let the listener beware!

    SWA, on its own, is not an easy listen and it’s one I was reluctant to re-sequence or deconstruct for a while. It flows so well as is and many of the tracks have a unique ambiance. Pragmatically, I think it’s probably a bit long and slow for the average listener. A tighter version could run:

    side 1

    my heart
    prime of life
    sleeps with angels
    blue eden

    side 2

    train of love
    change your mind
    dream that can last

    This leaves an opening for an Eldorado-style EP of extras

    trans am
    piece of crap
    western hero
    safeway cart


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