
Monday, May 22, 2023

CANARY: Progress on Neil Young's Newest Book

via Neil Young Archives 
(Click photo to enlarge)

Per Neil Young Archives, there's progress to report on Neil Young's newest  book titled CANARY.

Neil Young has been working on the science fiction book since 2017.

 CANARY: 5-10-23
via Neil Young Archives 
(Click photo to enlarge)

Back in 2020, we reported that  Neil Young had submitted a manuscript to a publisher for a fiction novel titled "Canary". At that time, Neil had been writing the book for over four years and hoped to have published by the end of 2020.

Previously, word had it that Neil met with Nils Lofgren's neighbor author Clive Cussler to discuss writing fiction.

Neil Young, Nils Lofgren & Clive Cussler
Photo by Amy Lofgren via NYA

CANARY will be the 4th book authored (or co-authored) by Neil Young.

In 2012, Neil Young published Waging Heavy Peace: A Hippie Dream.

'Waging Heavy Peace' by Neil Young
(Click photo to enlarge)

In 2014, Neil Young published Special Deluxe - A Memoir of Life & Cars.


In 2019, Neil Young co-authored with Phil Baker To Feel the Music: A Songwriter's Mission to Save High-Quality Audio.

"To Feel the Music: A Songwriter's Mission to Save High-Quality Audio"
by Neil Young and Phil Baker

Release Date: September 9, 2019

1 comment:

  1. Had many thoughts about this, scrapped them before hitting "publish".

    Neil does what Neil wants to do.


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