
Friday, May 21, 2021

Neil Young Quote of the Week: "I'm working on my new album every day now."

 Neil Young Quote of the Week
via Rusted Moon


Here is the Neil Young Quote of the Week (via Rusted Moon): "I'm working on my new album every day now."

The quote by Neil Young comes from Hearse Theater | NYA post on "WHO’S GONNA STAND UP? | ‘STORYTONE’ Sessions.
No further details are available.
But in the meantime -- as a reminder -- in March, we reported that Neil Young found that the pandemic brought "The focus, a gift". The focus was the gift, which has brought us an "avalanche of an embarrassment of riches" -- or as we characterized previously -- Expecting to Calculate Neil Young 2021: Numbers Add Up To Nothin' ... or "A Rusties Holy Grail".
Neil Young on CSNY 1974 Tour
 Oakland, CA - 7/13 or 14/74
Photo by Gijsbert Hanekroot

Neil's message continues with a rundown on all of the projects he has completed and will be releasing over the next year or so.  Most of the release details have been previously shared.  See Neil Young's planned release schedule for 2021 and 2022 plus Neil Young's DVD & Official Bootleg Series release schedule.

Neil Young On The Beach: Reflecting on Reflections 
(See Neil Young Release Schedule For 2021 & 2022: TENTATIVE* DATES**)

Also, see Neil Young's "The focus, a gift": Reflecting on Reflections, with details of the dozens of release projects in the pipeline.


  1. The day he stops will be a sad one. Enjoy yourself Young man!

  2. As much as I enjoyed the pandemic avalanche of historical releases I am elevated by the prospect of a new Neil Young record. And it will be very innaresting to hear how the gift of focus will play out in the new project. With the recent and current restrictions still having some impact I assume it will be a solo outing sort of. Hopefully there will be post pandemic full band live versions one day.

    Also: His Bobness will be pushing 80 in two days. Although it's painful to be reminded: immortality maybe pertains to what we have done, but not to ourselves. So as long there is a chance to do something, be grateful for the opportunity. And maybe people will be respectful enough to stop whinnying about how their heros' records were so much better in the 70's.

  3. I am always glad to hear that Neil is working on a new album. That applies also applies to him releasing albums and recordings from the past, of course. Neil ain’t Toast yet! But he is getting Toast ready for us, which I am elated over! I always thought Goin’ Hone was a crucial track; so full of urgency, yearning, drama, (time travel?), Native themes... I love it and I am also a fan of AYP?, so for me, is a huge treat to anticipate.

    I became a big fan at 20, 1988, and it has been a very nourishing and enjoyable ride buying every single one of his releases since then. Most I got on the day they were released, like a kid at a new candy store opening day. Sugar Mountain, indeed! In fact, that would be a good title (if it hadn’t already been usurped!)for the piles of treasures, the embarrassment of riches we have been enjoying, and will enjoy. But Neil Young music takes the crown, having no empty calories. An addiction well worth the trouble! Long live Neil Young!

    I did lose steam on buying physical NY product recently and declined to buy Return to Greendale, but since I am a NYA member, I can claim full enjoyment of his entire official catalogue. ***I own a ripped CD copy of Time Fades Away (from old Rust head T-Bone, from Virgin Vinyl back in 2000). I am considering buying the German Import CD on Amazon of the TFA album with “Where the Buffalo Roam” -Anyone have knowledge of the quality of this source? I’d rather buy the official version but that is impossible still, apparently. I do own the TFA vinyl, but I find CD music more convenient in my day to day life. High Res and semi-portable!
    -Alan in Seattle

    1. The Neil Music Habit is better than a sugar addiction by a long shot, is what I was trying to say....😀

    2. Just realized I have not delved into TW Radio version2.2 edition yet, or all the past episodes. I will need to get to it! Thanks Thrasher!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Today on NYA, Bill Bentley posted a brilliant piece on Deja Vu. He is such an outstanding wordsmith, allowing the reader to reassess this epic release. 2019 & 2020 were our version of 1968/1969, which makes Deja Vu as relevant as it was in 1970. What we are lacking today is the musical equivalent to Deja Vu, perhaps the music Neil is working on right now may carry on. I would like to encourage everyone to visit NYA and check out this magnificent reflection of one of music's most powerful statements. You'll find it under the top heading BENTLEY'S BANDSTAND.

    Peace 🙏

  6. @ Chris - it will be a sad one., but the music never dies ...

    @ Dionys - we all do look fwd to a new Neil album. But we also look fwd to concert tours. And re-issues. And films. And books. And whatever gift is delivered.

    An enjoyable avalanche indeed.

    His Bobness hits 80. "Thanks Bob for having BobFest!"

    @ Alan - we're all living on Sugar Mountain everyday.

    Thanks for checking out TW Radio. Always lookijng for feedback.

    Should have episode #3 posted soon.

    @ Dan - thanks on Bentley review heads up.

    Yes, brilliant, as always. Bentley is a master of the dignified yet insightful PR review.

    Humble & honest.

    Just blogged @


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