
Saturday, September 26, 2020

TODAY: Farm Aid 2020 - Schedule, Stream, Links


Neil Young | The Barn Yard Edition
(Set begins @ ~2:00:00 below)

The 35th annual Farm Aid concert will be this Saturday, September 26. Watch Farm Aid 2020 concert below:

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Thanks from us all for supporting #farmaid2020 🌱

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 See Farm Aid 2020 for more.


The Farm Aid 2020 lineup (announced earlier) for the annual concert will be a "virtual concert" this year.


More on highlights from last year's Farm Aid 2019 at Alpine Valley, Wisconsin .


Willie Nelson Joined by Farm Aid Friends
Farm Aid 2019 at Alpine Valley, Wisconsin
photo by thrashette
(Click photo to enlarge)

Here are a few highlights of our Farm Aid 2019 Concert.

Neil Young & Promise of the Real

Neil Young, John Mellencamp & Carolyn Mugar, Director, Farm Aid 
Farm Aid 2019 at Alpine Valley, Wisconsin 
Photos by John Kwit
(Click photo to enlarge)

Here is a special report from John Kwit on Farm Aid 2019: "34 Years of Farm Aid: Where Do We Go From Here?"

Willie Nelson Joined by Farm Aid Friends
photo by thrashette
Farm Aid 2019 at Alpine Valley, Wisconsin 
More on last year's Farm Aid 2019 Concert Highlights - Alpine Valley, Wisconsin - Sept 21, 2019 
REVIEW: 34 Years of Farm Aid: Where Do We Go From Here?


  1. thanks wsanjose01. took us a moment to get your referral.

    yeah, great mementos from The Bridge IRFs of yesteryear.

  2. Poor effort Neil, could have played a few songs live (or even pre-recorded them) rather than just using a few songs from a previous fireside session...

  3. that doesnt sound like him not to do something new. I know this. Im going through the show now. the 2nd song by Jack Johnson is a direct rip of Friend of the Devil

  4. As per NYA Neil Young currently appears to be in the "Surf Shack" in CA working with Niko Bolas on the Bootleg addition to NYA. He says he is "watering the palm tree", nobody there to help him swing the axe or camera, I guess.


    Return to Greendale appears to be official for Nov. 6th! Apparently, the concert blu-ray is only available as part of the super deluxe set... wish I could get the blu-ray alone. alone... However, I don't intend to look a gift (Crazy) Horse in the mouth.

    Re: Farm Aid, maybe Neil is struggling a little for motivation in the "remote synchronous" (i.e. online) environment? It seems unlikely for him, yet he wouldn't be the only one. It can take the wind out of your sails after a while, being under self-imposed house arrest.

    Nonetheless--as long as these offerings from the Archives keep rolling out, one can hardly complain. As I believe Dan said at one point, the pandemic situation--as awful as it is--does seem to have given Neil some time and impetus to focus on NYA, resulting in the current, unprecedented flood of content, in many ways the bittersweet culmination of a breathtaking half century career.

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