
Monday, November 04, 2019

PODCAST: Conan O’Brien Interviews Neil Young

Neil Young & Conan O’Brien

Neil Young is interviewed by Conan O’Brien on the podcast Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend.

The interview portion starts about ~6:00 and begins with discussion of Neil Young's Saturday Night Live epic performance of "Rockin' In The Free World" on September 30, 1989.

Saturday Night Live Neil Young Rockin

On the podcast, Neil Young feels good about being Conan’s friend. Neil and Conan sit down to talk about Neil’s 1957 Eldorado Biarritz, why he won’t allow his songs in commercials, the importance of preserving musical sound quality, recording his new album Colorado with Crazy Horse at 9,200 ft elevation, and what Neil loves about his Gretsch White Falcon guitar.

The interview also covers the Neil appearing on Conan O'Brien Late Night show in 2005.

Neil Young on Conan O'Brien Late Night show, 2005.

Neil Young was the musical artist in residence for the week November 1-4, 2005 on Conan O'Brien Late Night show.

Here's a recap of the week of Neil Young on Conan O'Brien:
- November 1 - "Far From Home",
- November 2 - "The Painter",
- November 3 - "This Old Guitar" and "The Needle and the Damage Done" and
- November 4 - "No Wonder" & "When God Made Me".


  1. Off subject but..... Solo Trans is playing on Hearse Theatre November 16th &17th. Really looking forward to seeing this.


  2. pretty good talk, but honestly didn't go that deep. I guess that's what you get with neil these days.

    conan's podcast is great, by the way.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. NEWS FLASH!: You can learn a lot from Neil Young about creativity. Skip To 11:35 - 13:10 in the podcast for today's lesson.

    (I think the whole "I'm in this for me" thing can be taken too far, particularly when we start to buy into our own hype, or excuses. So it's a fine line to walk, but in the context Neil is talking about here, it's a fantastic bit of wisdom for the aspiring creatives out there).


  5. @ Dan - thanks on schedule update. After years of watching crappy VHSs, etc, it'll be nice to see Solo Trans in all of its ragged glory.

    @ Scotsman - yes, there are quite a few nuggets of wisdom in the Conan interview. Definitely highly recommend a listen.

    We heard them really connecting and bonding. Conan really seemed eager to learn about how to adopt this "I don't give a shit" attitude of Neil's.

    Some claim it's an act. Some claim it's a front. A distraction. But as Conan learns, Neil really doesn't give a f what anybody thinks. It's said that it's the key to the secret of Neil's longevity. easier said than done.

    lord knows we try here @ TW not to give a f what folks say about this blog. but you really have to become tone deaf in order to follow the muse. to say it's hard and a struggle everyday is an understatement. the power of perseverance -- a long, lonely road, but the right road. no hidden path

    it's so hard to make arrangements with yourself....


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